47 research outputs found

    The Mirror Universes

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    In this paper we investigate the structure of the Mirror Universes. The two universes are coupled with transformation t to -t. It is shown that for Planck scale the oscillations of temperature of the universes are observed. For the Mirror Universes the temperature fields are shifted in phase. Key words: Gravity; Universe temperature; Oscillation of temperature.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Cattaneo wave equation for ultra-short laser pulses interaction with electron and nucleon gases

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    In this paper the quantum Cattaneo wave equation for ultra-short laser pulses interaction with medium is obtained . The explicit formulae for electron and nucleon gases are presentedComment: 10 pg

    Anthropic calculation of the velocity and acceleration of the space-time

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    In this paper considering quantum heat transport equation (QHT) formulated in our earlier papers the temperature for universes with G < 0 is calculated. As the solution of complex QHT (Schrodinger type equation), the temperature is complex also. We argue that due to anthropic limitation of the observer ImT(r,t)=0 From this condition the discretization of space-time radius R, velocity of the universe expansion v, Hubble parameter H and acceleration of the expansion a are calculated. The agreement with observational data for our Universe is quite good. PACS 98.62.Py PACS 98.80.Bp PACS 98.80.CqComment: 7pg

    On the hyperbolic Pennes equation description of the heat pulse-human cornea interaction

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    In this paper laser heating of human cornea is investigated. The new heat transport equation in cornea -hyperbolic Pennes equation is formulated and solved. It is shown that for ultra-short laser pulses the thermal energy propagates with finite velocity whereas for parabolic Pennes equation velocity is infiniteComment: 20 pgs 8 figs. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0805.0436, arXiv:0706.0011, and with gr-qc/0111112 and arXiv:gr-qc/0102026 by other authors without attributio

    Sub- and Supersonic Heat Motion Induced by Femtosecond Laser Pulses

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    In this paper the superheating of electron plasma by femtosecond laser pulses is investigated. With Heaviside thermal equation (Lasers in Engineering, 12, (2002), p.17) the generation of superhot electrons is described. It is shown that in hot electron plasma (i.e. with electron energies >5MeV) the thermal shock waves can be generated. Key words: Femtosecond laser pulses; Hot electron plasma; Shock thermal waves.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Nanoscience with Attosecond Laser Pulses

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    In this paper the interaction of attosecond laser pulses with matter is investigated. The scattering and potential motion of heat carriers as well as the external force are considered. Depending on the ratio of the scatterings and potential motion the heat transport is described by the thermal forced Klein-Gordon or thermal modified telegraph equation. For thermal Heisenberg type relation V tau=hbar (tau is the relaxation time and V is the potential) the heat transport is described by the thermal distortionless damped wave equation. In this paper Klein-Gordon modified telegraph equation and wave equation are solved. Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Quantum heat transport equation; Klein-Gordon thermal equation.Comment: 10 page

    Fourier Diffusion and Special Relativity in Nanotechnology

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    In this paper the transport phenomena in On-Chip-Transmission Line are investigated . The transport equation are developed and solved. The near light speed phenomena in OCTL are investigated Key words: On-chip transmission line, transport phenomena, near light speed phenomenaComment: 10 page

    The Green function for thermal waves induced by attosecond laser pulses in one and three dimensions

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    In this paper the solution of the hyperbolic Klein-Gordon thermal equation are obtained and discussed. The analytical form of the solution - Green functions are calculated for one and three dimensional cases. It is shown that only in three dimensional case the undisturbed, with one value of the velocity, thermal wave can be generated by attosecond laser pulses. The conductivity for the space-time inside the atom is calculated and the value sigma_0=10^6 1/(Omega m) is obtained. Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Klein-Gordon equation; Green functions.Comment: 8 page

    Thermal processes generated in quark-gluon plasma by yoctosecond laser pulses

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    In this paper the thermal processes generated by yoctosecond (10-24 s) laser pulses in QGP are investigated. Considering that the relaxation time in QGP is of the order of 1 ys it is shown that in QGP the yoctosecond laser pulses can generate the thermal waves with velocity v = c (0.3 fm/ys). Key words: QGP, thermal waves, yoctosecond pulsesComment: 12pg

    Weyl equation for temperature fields induced by attosecond laser pulses

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    In this paper the Weyl equation for temperature field induced by laser beam interaction with matter is proposed and solved. Depending on the scattering mechanism the temperature field oscillate or is damped. Key words: Thermal processes, Weyl equationComment: 9 page