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11 research outputs found
Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibodies in long-term dialysis patients
Chiba N
Huang JJ
+5 more
Luzza F
Marchildon PA
Milito G
Tokushima H
Wang YL
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Eradication of Helicobacter pylori increases platelet count in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in Japan
Ando K
Asaka M
+16 more
Gasbarrini A
Gasbarrini A
George JN
Hino M
Kawai T
Maeda S
Maeda S
Marchildon PA
Marshall BJ
McMillan R
Nagahara Y
Negrini R
Tsubakio T
Vianelli N
Zentilin P
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Performances of Four Helicobacter pylori Serological Detection Kits Using Stool Antigen Test as Gold Standard
A Pietroiusti
A Salomaa-Rasanen
+34 more
AO Oluwasola
B Annibale
C Granberg
C Montalban
CI Koehler
E Garcia-Gomez
Emanuel F. Petricoin
G Emilia
H Goossens
HH Xia
HO Bow
IG Arinton
J Labenz
JA Zapatier
L Veijola
LG Lim
M Kidd
M Michel
M Yeo
MH Wilcox
MK Fock
NE Gulcelik
P Malfertheiner
P Moayyedi
PA Marchildon
PA Marchildon
SG Barton
Sharmila P. Seetulsingh-Goorah
Susheela D. Biranjia-Hurdoyal
SY Lee
TT Hoang
TU Kosusnen
X Huang
Publication venue
'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Seroprevalence and Risk Factors for Helicobacter pylori Infection in Greenlanders
Fall CH
Fiedorek SC
+15 more
Goodman KJ
Goodman KJ
Gronlands Statistik. Gronland
International Agency for Research on Cancer
Koch A
Lindkvist P
Malig C
Marchildon PA
Milman N
Neale KR
Olsen OR
Pounder RE
Roosendaal R
Staat MA
Teh BH
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Lipid modification at the N terminus of photoreceptor G-protein α-subunit
A Aitken
AM Schultz
+27 more
AM Shultz
BM Denker
DA Towler
DC Medynski
EJ Neer
GA Marchildon
J Ozols
JB Hurley
JE Buss
K Yatsunami
KB Tomer
L Journot
LE Henderson
M Chow
MA Lochrie
ME Linder
NS Kishore
PA Watkins
RJ Duronio
RO Heuckeroth
SA Carr
SE Navon
SM Mumby
T Tanabe
TM Vuong
Y Fukada
Y Fukada
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Expression of a new tyrosine protein kinase is stimulated by retrovirus promoter insertion
AF Purchio
AF Voronova
+37 more
AM Schulz
BM Sefton
D Hanahan
D Steffen
E Webb
F Sanger
FR Cross
G Lemay
G Naharro
GA Marchildon
GS Payne
HE Varmus
HT Cuypers
J Meinkoth
J Messing
JD Marth
JE Buss
JE Casnellie
JE Casnellie
JP Glynn
KL Gould
LM Corcoran
M Vogt
MP Kamps
MP Kamps
MS Collett
N Kitamura
PA Chatis
PN Tsichlis
PN Tsichlis
R Mann
SK Anderson
T Nilsen
T Takeya
TM Shinnick
U Gubler
WS Hayward
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Does socioeconomic status affect lengthy wait time in Canada? Evidence from Canadian Community Health Surveys
A Sharma
A Wagstaff
+40 more
A Wagstaff
A Wagstaff
A Wagstaff
AR Maddison
B Hutchison
C Sanmartin
F Carlsen
FI Craik
G Carrière
G Erreygers
G Marchildon
G McLachlan
G Mooney
I Abásolo
K Monstad
L Siciliani
L Siciliani
M Johar
M Johar
M Laudicella
M Wittmann
Mohammad Hajizadeh
MP Pomey
N Kakwani
N Krieger
NB King
O O’Donnell
O O’Donnell
PA Hancock
R Sumalinog
RH Glazier
S Allin
S Allin
S Leatherman
S Löfvendahl
S MacIntyre
S Thomas
SED Shortt
Y Asada
ZN Cooper
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Study of blood count in the validity experimental appendicitis in rabbits
Adrian C
Antonio Mauro Vieira
+40 more
Bain JÁ
Baum J
Bazzano FCO
Beaussenat M
Bjellin L
Bjotvedt G
Bortolotti A
Bree M
Burns KF
Christeller E
Eduardo Chibeni Fernandes Ramos
Flecknell PA
Fox RR
Félix Carlos Ocariz Bazzano
Gardner AF
Gilmore OJA
Graham JM
Hewitt CD
Kabata J
Kazariam KK
Laird CW
Luiz Roberto Nascimento
Marchildon NB
Massone F
Mori M
Murdock HR
Neil Ferreira Novo
Purvis GM
Roux P
Siegel S
Talbert JL
Virginio Cândido Tosta de Souza
Wangensteen OH
Wangensteen OH
Wangensteen OH
Wechsler SJ
White JJ
Yara Juliano
Yoshida Y
Zuzel M
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Proteomic Characterization of Helicobacter pylori CagA Antigen Recognized by Child Serum Antibodies and Its Epitope Mapping by Peptide Array
A Barabino
A Covacci
+59 more
A Krah
A Ozturk
Akane Ito
AP Woon
B Kimmel
B Linz
CP McAtee
D Bumann
DF Winkler
G Haas
GL de Angelis
IC Arnold
J Akada
JC Atherton
JK Akada
JQ Huang
Junko Akada
JV Price
K Yahiro
K Yamada
Kazuyuki Nakamura
M Kido
M Okuda
M Okuda
M Okuda
M Tatemichi
M Tsuda
Masumi Okuda
MG Cardenas-Mondragon
Mikiko Nakamura
MK Tummuru
Narumi Hiramoto
PA Marchildon
PR Jungblut
R Mini
RA Lock
S Backert
S Backert
S Buus
S Mizuno
S Moese
S Shiota
Shuichi Kamei
T Hayashi
T Ichihara
T Uchida
Takao Kitagawa
Teruko Nakazawa
Tomohisa Uchida
Tomoko Hiwatani
WK Leung
Xiulian Zhang
Y Furuta
Y Wang
Yasuhiro Kuramitsu
YF Lin
YF Lin
Yoshihiro Fukuda
Yoshio Yamaoka
Publication venue
'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Infections of Bursae and Tendons
A Marchildon
AB Kanavel
+105 more
AC Chang
AG Fam
B Lorber
BH Peterson
C Lefebvre
C Simsnelli
CS Keefer
DC May
DC Sinclair
DE Anbel
DJ Tollerud
DLC Bingham
DWG Murray
E Borbas
E Hamlin Jr
EJ Justis Jr
EL Hay
EW Johnson Jr
F Fuglsang
FR Schmid
G Ho Jr
G Ho Jr
G Ho Jr
G Ho Jr
G Ho Jr
GK Knisely
GL Love
GR Thompson
H Kaplan
H Wanebo
HC Marble
HE Kleinen
HS Cheung
HW Meyerding
J Farr
J Sneddon
JB Loudon
JB Mehta
JC Gerster
JE Flynn
JJ Canoso
JJ Canoso
JJ Canoso
JL Meier
JM Hitzrot
JP Bailey Jr
JP Heiken
JS Nosanchuk
JT Halla
JW Paisley
KD Glass
KE Dehaven
KJ Kwon-Chung
KK Holmes
LE Kahl
LH Kedes
LM Cortez
M Cleveland
MA Entin
MB Cooperman
MD Parker
ME Bernardino
MJ Colin
MJ Vass
ML Mason
MS Donovan
OR Walker
P Hoffmeyer
PA Simkin
PH Dickinson
PJ Keily
PJ Kelly
PO Hagemann
PT Gropper
R Adams
R Master
R Perlman
RA Roschmann
RE Iverson
RH Parker
RHC Robins
RJ Neviaser
RJ Newman
RJ Sebaldt
RK Cochran
RL Linscheid
RM Blankenship
RS Grinnell
RTW Yuan
RW Klofkorn
S Gleich
SB Broy
SD Pitlik
SE Vernon
SF Gunther
SF Holder
TJ Lee
TV Balcomb
TW Wright
W Birnaum
WJ Levinsky
WL Sutker
WS Edwards
WW Lasher
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text