233 research outputs found

    Measurement as Absorption of Feynman Trajectories: Collapse of the Wave Function Can be Avoided

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    We define a measuring device (detector) of the coordinate of quantum particle as an absorbing wall that cuts off the particle's wave function. The wave function in the presence of such detector vanishes on the detector. The trace the absorbed particles leave on the detector is identifies as the absorption current density on the detector. This density is calculated from the solution of Schr\"odinger's equation with a reflecting boundary at the detector. This current density is not the usual Schr\"odinger current density. We define the probability distribution of the time of arrival to a detector in terms of the absorption current density. We define coordinate measurement by an absorbing wall in terms of 4 postulates. We postulate, among others, that a quantum particle has a trajectory. In the resulting theory the quantum mechanical collapse of the wave function is replaced with the usual collapse of the probability distribution after observation. Two examples are presented, that of the slit experiment and the slit experiment with absorbing boundaries to measure time of arrival. A calculation is given of the two dimensional probability density function of a free particle from the measurement of the absorption current on two planes.Comment: 20 pages, latex, no figure

    A Path Intergal Approach to Current

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    Discontinuous initial wave functions or wave functions with discontintuous derivative and with bounded support arise in a natural way in various situations in physics, in particular in measurement theory. The propagation of such initial wave functions is not well described by the Schr\"odinger current which vanishes on the boundary of the support of the wave function. This propagation gives rise to a uni-directional current at the boundary of the support. We use path integrals to define current and uni-directional current and give a direct derivation of the expression for current from the path integral formulation for both diffusion and quantum mechanics. Furthermore, we give an explicit asymptotic expression for the short time propagation of initial wave function with compact support for both the cases of discontinuous derivative and discontinuous wave function. We show that in the former case the probability propagated across the boundary of the support in time Δt\Delta t is O(Δt3/2)O(\Delta t^{3/2}) and the initial uni-directional current is O(Δt1/2)O(\Delta t^{1/2}). This recovers the Zeno effect for continuous detection of a particle in a given domain. For the latter case the probability propagated across the boundary of the support in time Δt\Delta t is O(Δt1/2)O(\Delta t^{1/2}) and the initial uni-directional current is O(Δt−1/2)O(\Delta t^{-1/2}). This is an anti-Zeno effect. However, the probability propagated across a point located at a finite distance from the boundary of the support is O(Δt)O(\Delta t). This gives a decay law.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    Quantum particle displacement by a moving localized potential trap

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    We describe the dynamics of a bound state of an attractive δ\delta-well under displacement of the potential. Exact analytical results are presented for the suddenly moved potential. Since this is a quantum system, only a fraction of the initially confined wavefunction remains confined to the moving potential. However, it is shown that besides the probability to remain confined to the moving barrier and the probability to remain in the initial position, there is also a certain probability for the particle to move at double speed. A quasi-classical interpretation for this effect is suggested. The temporal and spectral dynamics of each one of the scenarios is investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetospectroscopy of symmetric and anti-symmetric states in double quantum wells

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    The experimental results obtained for the magneto-transport in the InGaAs/InAlAs double quantum wells (DQW) structures of two different shapes of wells are reported. The beating-effect occurred in the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations was observed for both types of the structures at low temperatures in the parallel transport when magnetic field was perpendicular to the layers. An approach to the calculation of the Landau levels energies for DQW structures was developed and then applied to the analysis and interpretation of the experimental data related to the beating-effect. We also argue that in order to account for the observed magneto-transport phenomena (SdH and Integer Quantum Hall effect), one should introduce two different quasi-Fermi levels characterizing two electron sub-systems regarding symmetry properties of their states, symmetric and anti-symmetric ones which are not mixed by electron-electron interaction.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figure

    A quantum decay model with exact explicit analytical solution

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    A simple decay model is introduced. The model comprises of a point potential well, which experiences an abrupt change. Due to the temporal variation the initial quantum state can either escape from the well or stay localized as a new bound state. The model allows for an exact analytical solution while having the necessary features of a decay process. The results show that the decay is never exponential, as classical dynamics predicts. Moreover, at short times the decay has a \textit{fractional} power law, which differs from perturbation quantum methods predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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