2 research outputs found

    Statistical analysis of arthroplasty data: II. Guidelines

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    It is envisaged that guidelines for statistical analysis and presentation of results will improve the quality and value of research. The Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association (NARA) has therefore developed guidelines for the statistical analysis of arthroplasty register data. The guidelines are divided into two parts, one with an introduction and a discussion of the background to the guidelines (Ranstam et al. 2011a, see pages x-y in this issue), and this one with a more technical statistical discussion on how specific problems can be handled. This second part contains (1) recommendations for the interpretation of methods used to calculate survival, (2) recommendations on howto deal with bilateral observations, and (3) a discussion of problems and pitfalls associated with analysis of factors that influence survival or comparisons between outcomes extracted from different hospitals

    Inert coupling of IRDye800CW and zirconium-89 to monoclonal antibodies for single- or dual-mode fluorescence and PET imaging

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    <p>IRDye800CW and zirconium-89 (Zr-89) have very attractive properties for optical imaging and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, respectively. Here we describe a procedure for dual labeling of mAbs with IRDye800CW and Zr-89 in a current good manufacturing practice (cGMP)-compliant way. IRDye800CW and Zr-89 are coupled inertly, without impairment of immunoreactivity and pharmacokinetics of the mAb. Organ and whole-body distribution of the final product can be assessed by optical and PET imaging, respectively. For this purpose, a minimal amount of the chelate N-succinyldesferrioxamine (N-sucDf) is first conjugated to the mAb. Next, N-sucDf-mAb is conjugated with IRDye800CW, after which the N-sucDf-mAb-IRDye800CW is labeled with Zr-89. After each of these three steps, the product is purified by gel filtration. The sequence of this process avoids unnecessary radiation exposure to personnel and takes about 5 h. The process can be scaled up by the production of large batches of premodified mAbs that can be dispensed and stored until they are labeled with Zr-89.</p>