49 research outputs found

    Precios de la Energ铆a, Sustituci贸n y Endeudamiento en el Corto Plazo: Un An谩lisis Emp铆rico

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    With the increase in the price of oil there has been an important increase in the borrowing of non oil producing developing countries. This paper explores: a) whether the observed increased indebtedness of LDC's was in fact "excessive" or simply a perfect

    Distribuci贸n del Ingreso, Necesidades B谩sicas y Trade Offs con Crecimiento: El Caso de los Pa铆ses Latinoamericanos Semi-industrializados

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    The policy options oriented towards the attack on extreme poverty in semi-industrialized, average income, Latin-American countries, are examined in this paper. Countries included possessed per capita incomes of over US$ 700 in 1977; an industrial sector o

    El Costo Econ贸mico del Desperdicio de Cerebros

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    The economic implications of the outflow of highly educated individuals from LDC鈥檚, i.e., the "external" brain drain, has received considerable attention in the developing literature. This paper draws attention to what might, by analogy, be called the "in