231 research outputs found

    Atmospheric Measurements with Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

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    This Special Issue provides the first literature collection focused on the development and implementation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and their integration with sensors for atmospheric measurements on Earth. The research covered in the Special Issue combines chemical, physical, and meteorological measurements performed in field campaigns as well as conceptual and laboratory work. Useful examples for the development of platforms and autonomous systems for environmental studies are provided, which demonstrate how careful the operation of sensors aboard UAS must be to gather information for remote sensing in the atmosphere. The work serves as a key collection of articles to introduce the topic to new researchers interested in the field, guide future studies, and motivate measurements to improve our understanding of Earth’s complex atmosphere. The next section summarizes the key information of individual contributions

    CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Reduction under Periodic Illumination of ZnS

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    The photoreduction of CO2 to formate (HCOO–) in sphalerite (ZnS) aqueous suspensions is systematically studied in the presence of Na2S hole scavenger. A series of cut-on filters at λcut-on ≄ 280, 295, 305, 320, and 400 nm are used to measure the reaction rate of formate production. The dependence of the measured reaction rates on λcut-on indicates that a wavelength of λ = 345 nm is associated with the actual bandgap of the semiconductor nanocrystallites suspended in water. The results from apparent quantum yield measurements during periodic illumination experiments suggest that (1) valence-band holes on the surface of ZnS disappear within deciseconds due to the oxidation of the scavenger while simultaneously pumping electrons to the conduction band, (2) excited electrons in the conduction band of ZnS are transferred to CO2 to produce the intermediate CO2‱–, and (3) CO2‱– abstracts a proton from water and undergoes further photoreduction on the surface of ZnS in an overall time scale for steps 2 + 3 of a few milliseconds. The separation of both process merges at ∌29 ms because it decreases exponentially with a drop in [Na2S] accompanied by a less negative surface potential. The behavior of the reaction rate at variable pH resembles the fraction of dissolved CO2, discarding the direct participation of bicarbonate and carbonate in the reaction. Combined chromatographic, mass spectrometry, and spectroscopic studies provide new insights to understand the role of surface chemistry on the photoreduction of CO2 on ZnS nanocrystals

    Photocatalytic Activity: Experimental Features to Report in Heterogeneous Photocatalysis

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    Heterogeneous photocatalysis is a prominent area of research with major applications in solar energy conversion, air pollution mitigation, and removal of contaminants from water. A large number of scientific papers related to the photocatalysis field and its environmental applications are published in different journals specializing in materials and nanomaterials. However, many problems exist in the conception of papers by authors unfamiliar with standard characterization methods of photocatalysts as well as with the procedures needed to determine photocatalytic activities based on the determination of “apparent quantum efficiencies” within a wavelength interval or “apparent quantum yields” in the case of using monochromatic light. In this regard, an astonishing number of recent research articles include claims of highly efficient (photo)catalysts or similar terms about materials with superior or enhanced efficiency for a given reaction without proper experimental support. Consequently, the comparison of the efficiencies of photocatalysts may result as being meaningless, especially when reports are only based on expressions determining (1) a reaction rate per weight of catalyst or its surface area, (2) quantum efficiencies or quantum yields, and (3) turnover frequencies or turnover numbers. Herein, we summarize the standards needed for reporting valuable data in photocatalysis and highlight some common discrepancies found in the literature. This work should inform researchers interested in reporting photocatalysis projects about the correct procedures for collecting experimental data and properly characterizing the materials by providing examples and key supporting literature

    Aqueous Photochemistry of 2-Oxocarboxylic Acids: Evidence, Mechanisms, and Atmospheric Impact

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    Atmospheric organic aerosols play a major role in climate, demanding a better understanding of their formation mechanisms by contributing multiphase chemical reactions with the participation of water. The sunlight driven aqueous photochemistry of small 2-oxocarboxylic acids is a potential major source of organic aerosol, which prompted the investigations into the mechanisms of glyoxylic acid and pyruvic acid photochemistry reviewed here. While 2-oxocarboxylic acids can be contained or directly created in the particles, the majorities of these abundant and available molecules are in the gas phase and must first undergo the surface uptake process to react in, and on the surface, of aqueous particles. Thus, the work also reviews the acid-base reaction that occurs when gaseous pyruvic acid meets the interface of aqueous microdroplets, which is contrasted with the same process for acetic acid. This work classifies relevant information needed to understand the photochemistry of aqueous pyruvic acid and glyoxylic acid and motivates future studies based on reports that use novel strategies and methodologies to advance this field

    Unmanned Aerial Systems for Monitoring Trace Tropospheric Gases

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    The emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) has changed the composition of the atmosphere during the Anthropocene. Accurately documenting the sources and magnitude of GHGs emission is an important undertaking for discriminating the contributions of different processes to radiative forcing. Currently there is no mobile platform that is able to quantify trace gases at altitudes(UASs) can be deployed on-site in minutes and can support the payloads necessary to quantify trace gases. Therefore, current efforts combine the use of UASs available on the civilian market with inexpensively designed analytical systems for monitoring atmospheric trace gases. In this context, this perspective introduces the most relevant classes of UASs available and evaluates their suitability to operate three kinds of detectors for atmospheric trace gases. The three subsets of UASs discussed are: (1) micro aerial vehicles (MAVs); (2) vertical take-off and landing (VTOL); and, (3) low-altitude short endurance (LASE) systems. The trace gas detectors evaluated are first the vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL), which is an infrared laser-absorption technique; second two types of metal-oxide semiconductor sensors; and, third a modified catalytic type sensor. UASs with wingspans under 3 m that can carry up to 5 kg a few hundred meters high for at least 30 min provide the best cost and convenience compromise for sensors deployment. Future efforts should be focused on the calibration and validation of lightweight analytical systems mounted on UASs for quantifying trace atmospheric gases. In conclusion, UASs offer new and exciting opportunities to study atmospheric composition and its effect on weather patterns and climate change

    The Effects of Reactant Concentration and Air Flow Rate in the Consumption of Dissolved O\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e during the Photochemistry of Aqueous Pyruvic Acid

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    The sunlight photochemistry of the organic chromophore pyruvic acid (PA) in water generates ketyl and acetyl radicals that contribute to the production and processing of atmospheric aerosols. The photochemical mechanism is highly sensitive to dissolved oxygen content, [O2(aq)], among other environmental conditions. Thus, herein we investigate the photolysis (λ ≄ 305 nm) of 10–200 mM PA at pH 1.0 in water covering the relevant range 0 ≀ [O2(aq)] ≀ 1.3 mM. The rapid consumption of dissolved oxygen by the intermediate photolytic radicals is monitored in real time with a dissolved oxygen electrode. In addition, the rate of O2(aq) consumption is studied at air flow rates from 30.0 to 900.0 mL min−1. For the range of [PA]0 covered under air saturated conditions and 30 mL min−1 flow of air in this setup, the estimated half-lives of O2(aq) consumed by the photolytic radicals fall within the interval from 22 to 3 min. Therefore, the corresponding depths of penetration of O2(g) into water (x = 4.3 and 1.6 ”m) are determined, suggesting that accumulation and small coarse mode aqueous particles should not be O2-depleted in the presence of sunlight photons impinging this kind of chromophore. These photochemical results are of major tropospheric relevance for understanding the formation and growth of secondary organic aerosol

    Oxidation of Catechols at the Air-Water Interface by Nitrate Radicals.

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    Abundant substituted catechols are emitted to, and created in, the atmosphere during wildfires and anthropogenic combustion and agro-industrial processes. While ozone (O3) and hydroxyl radicals (HO‱) efficiently react in a 1 ÎŒs contact time with catechols at the air–water interface, the nighttime reactivity dominated by nitrate radicals (NO3) remains unexplored. Herein, online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (OESI-MS) is used to explore the reaction of NO3(g) with a series of representative catechols (catechol, pyrogallol, 3-methylcatechol, 4-methylcatechol, and 3-methoxycatechol) on the surface of aqueous microdroplets. The work detects the ultrafast generation of nitrocatechol (aromatic) compounds, which are major constituents of atmospheric brown carbon. Two mechanisms are proposed to produce nitrocatechols, one (equivalent to H atom abstraction) following fast electron transfer from the catechols (QH2) to NO3, forming NO3– and QH2‱+ that quickly deprotonates into a semiquinone radical (QH‱). The second mechanism proceeds via cyclohexadienyl radical intermediates from NO3 attack to the ring. Experiments in the pH range from 4 to 8 showed that the production of nitrocatechols was favored under the most acidic conditions. Mechanistically, the results explain the interfacial production of chromophoric nitrocatechols that modify the absorption properties of tropospheric particles, making them more susceptible to photooxidation, and alter the Earth’s radiative forcing

    Production of Singlet Oxygen (\u3csup\u3e1\u3c/sup\u3eO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e) during the Photochemistry of Aqueous Pyruvic Acid: The Effects of pH and Photon Flux under Steady-State O\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e(aq) Concentration

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    The photochemistry of pyruvic acid (PA) in aqueous atmospheric particles contributes to the production of secondary organic aerosols. This work investigates the fate of ketyl and acetyl radicals produced during the photolysis (λ ≄ 305 nm) of 5-100 mM PA under steady state [O2(aq)] = 260 ÎŒM (1.0 ≀ pH ≀ 4.5) for photon fluxes between 1 and 10 suns. The radicals diffuse quickly into the water/air interface of microbubbles and react with dissolved O2 to produce singlet oxygen (1O2*). Furfuryl alcohol is used to trap and bracket the steady-state production of 2 × 10-12 ≀ [1O2*] ≀ 1 × 10-11 M. Ion chromatography mass spectrometry shows that 2,3-dimethyltartaric acid (DMTA), 2-(3-oxobutan-2-yloxy)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid (oxo-C7 product), and 2-(1-carboxy-1-hydroxyethoxy)-2-methyl-3-oxobutanoic acid (oxo-C8 product) are formed under all conditions investigated. The sigmoidal dependence of initial reaction rates with pH resembles the dissociation curve of PA. For increasing photon fluxes, the branching ratio of products shifts away from the radical recombination that favors DMTA toward multistep radical chemistry forming more complex oxocarboxylic acids (oxo-C7 + oxo-C8). The large steady-state production of 1O2 indicates that PA in aerosols can be a significant source of atmospheric oxidants on par with natural organic matter
