261 research outputs found

    Rickettsioses in Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal

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    Data on genus and infectious by Rickettsia were retrospectively compiled from the critical review literature regarding all countries in Latin America, Caribbean islands, Portugal and Spain. We considered all Rickettsia records reported for human and/or animal hosts, and/or invertebrate hosts considered being the vector. In a few cases, when no direct detection of a given Rickettsia group or species was available for a given country, the serologic method was considered. A total of 13 Rickettsia species have been recorded in Latin America and the Caribbean. The species with the largest number of country confirmed records were Rickettsia felis (9 countries), R. prowazekii (7 countries), R. typhi (6 countries), R. rickettsii (6 countries), R. amblyommii (5 countries), and R. parkeri (4 countries). The rickettsial records for the Caribbean islands (West Indies) were grouped in only one geographical area. Both R. bellii, R. akari, and Candidatus ‘R. andeane’ have been recorded in only 2 countries each, whereas R. massiliae, R. rhipicephali, R.monteiroi, and R. africae have each been recorded in a single country (in this case, R. africae has been recorded in nine Caribbean Islands). For El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, no specific Rickettsia has been reported so far, but there have been serological evidence of human or/and animal infection. The following countries remain without any rickettsial records: Belize, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, and Paraguay. In addition, except for a few islands, many Caribbean islands remain without records. A total of 12 Rickettsia species have been reported in Spain and Portugal: R. conorii, R. helvetica, R. monacensis, R. felis, R. slovaca, R. raoultii, R. sibirica, R. aeschlimannii, R. rioja, R. massiliae, R. typhi, and R. prowazekii. Amongst these Rickettsia species reported in Spain and Portugal, only R. prowazekii, R. typhi, R. felis, and R. massiliae have also been reported in Latin America. This study summarizes the current state of art on the rickettsial distribution in Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. The data obtained allow a better understanding on rickettsial epidemiology and distribution of vector ecology.Reportes del genero Rickettsia y sus asociadas infecciones fueron compilados en una revisión crítica retrospectiva de la literatura científica de los países de Latinoamérica, el Caribe, Portugal y España. Se consideraron todos los reportes para huéspedes humanos y/o animales y también para huéspedes invertebrados los cuales fueron considerados como vectores asociados con Rickettsia. En algunos casos, cuando no existió detección directa a un determinado grupo de rickettsias o especies no disponible en un país, se tuvo en cuenta la detección indirecta por serología. Un total de 13 especies de Rickettsia han sido reportadas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Las especies más encontradas en los países fueron: Rickettsia felis (9 países), R. prowazekii (7 países), R. typhi (6 países), R. rickettsii (6 países), R. amblyommii (5 países) y R. parkeri (4 países). Los datos de las islas del Caribe (antillas menores o Indias occidentales), fueron agrupados en una sola área geográfica como un solo país. Ambas R. bellii, R. akari y Candidatus ‘R. andeane’ fueron reportadas en solo 2 países, mientras que R. massiliae, R. rhipicephali, R.monteiroi, y R. africae fueron informadas en un solo país. En este caso R. africae fue reportada en 9 islas de las Antillas menores. Para El Salvador, Honduras y Nicaragua, hasta ahora no se han reportado especies de Rickettsia, pero si evidencia serológica de infección humana y/o animal. Sin reportes de infección por Rickettsia permanecen: Belice, Venezuela, Guayana, Surinam y Paraguay. Además, a excepción de algunas islas del Caribe, muchas de ellas permanecen sin reportes. Un total de 12 especies de Rickettsia han sido documentadas en España y Portugal: R. conorii, R. helvetica, R. monacensis, R. felis, R. slovaca, R. raoultii, R. sibirica, R. aeschlimannii, R. rioja, R. massiliae, R. typhi y R. prowazekii. Entre estas, solamente R. prowazekii, R. typhi, R. felis y R. massiliae han sido documentados en Latinoamérica, España y Portugal. Los datos de este estudio permiten entender mejor la epidemiología de las rickettsias en Latinoamérica, Caribe, España y Portugal, y la distribución de los vectores

    Bisphosphonate-based molecules as potential new antiparasitic drugs

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    Neglected tropical diseases such as Chagas disease and leishmaniasis affect millions of people around the world. Both diseases affect various parts of the globe and drugs traditionally used in therapy against these diseases have limitations, especially with regard to low efficacy and high toxicity. In this context, the class of bisphosphonate-based compounds has made significant advances regarding the chemical synthesis process as well as the pharmacological properties attributed to these compounds. Among this spectrum of pharmacological activity, bisphosphonate compounds with antiparasitic activity stand out, especially in the treatment of Chagas disease and leishmaniasis caused by Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp., respectively. Some bisphosphonate compounds can inhibit the mevalonate pathway, an essential metabolic pathway, by interfering with the synthesis of ergosterol, a sterol responsible for the growth and viability of these parasites. Therefore, this review aims to present the information about the importance of these compounds as antiparasitic agents and as potential new drugs to treat Chagas disease and leishmaniasis.publishersversionpublishe

    Characterizing MIMO Channels in Low-Voltage Electric Power Line Communication through Impedance and Scattering Parameters Analysis

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    Abstract This study examines the characteristics of the lowvoltage MIMO-PLC electric power line channel, which operates within the 2-100 MHz frequency range. The research involved measurements in four different Setups using 2.5 mm copper wires, including phase, neutral, and protective earth wires. These wires were transposed within a conduit, measured in pairs, with variations in the number and lengths of branches, assuming a deterministic modeling behavior of the electric power line. Throughout the experimentation process, essential parameters such as the magnitude of the S21 scattering parameters and VSWR identify frequency ranges suitable for efficient data transmission. The findings suggest remarkable prospects for enhancing PLC communication across MIMO channels. Depending on the combination of cable lines, over 70% of the bandwidth remains available. Additionally, the overall average impedance measured at 77.14 Ω is vital for impedance matching in PLC coupling circuit designs

    3D non-rigid registration using color:Color Coherent Point Drift

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    Research into object deformations using computer vision techniques has been under intense study in recent years. A widely used technique is 3D non-rigid registration to estimate the transformation between two instances of a deforming structure. Despite many previous developments on this topic, it remains a challenging problem. In this paper we propose a novel approach to non-rigid registration combining two data spaces in order to robustly calculate the correspondences and transformation between two data sets. In particular, we use point color as well as 3D location as these are the common outputs of RGB-D cameras. We have propose the Color Coherent Point Drift (CCPD) algorithm (an extension of the CPD method [1]). Evaluation is performed using synthetic and real data. The synthetic data includes easy shapes that allow evaluation of the effect of noise, outliers and missing data. Moreover, an evaluation of realistic figures obtained using Blensor is carried out. Real data acquired using a general purpose Primesense Carmine sensor is used to validate the CCPD for real shapes. For all tests, the proposed method is compared to the original CPD showing better results in registration accuracy in most cases.Comment: Published in Computer Vision and Image Understandin

    Paternal resistance training modulates calcaneal tendon proteome in the offspring exposed to high-fat diet

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    The increase in high-energy dietary intakes is a well-known risk factor for many diseases, and can also negatively impact the tendon. Ancestral lifestyle can mitigate the metabolic harmful effects of offspring exposed to high-fat diet (HF). However, the influence of paternal exercise on molecular pathways associated to offspring tendon remodeling remains to be determined. We investigated the effects of 8 weeks of paternal resistance training (RT) on offspring tendon proteome exposed to standard diet or HF diet. Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: sedentary fathers and trained fathers (8 weeks, three times per week, with 8–12 dynamic movements per climb in a stair climbing apparatus). The offspring were obtained by mating with sedentary females. Upon weaning, male offspring were divided into four groups (five animals per group): offspring from sedentary fathers were exposed either to control diet (SFO-C), or to high-fat diet (SFO-HF); offspring from trained fathers were exposed to control diet (TFO-C) or to a high-fat diet (TFO-HF). The Nano-LC-MS/MS analysis revealed 383 regulated proteins among offspring groups. HF diet induced a decrease of abundance in tendon proteins related to extracellular matrix organization, transport, immune response and translation. On the other hand, the changes in the offspring tendon proteome in response to paternal RT were more pronounced when the offspring were exposed to HF diet, resulting in positive regulation of proteins essential for the maintenance of tendon integrity. Most of the modulated proteins are associated to biological pathways related to tendon protection and damage recovery, such as extracellular matrix organization and transport. The present study demonstrated that the father’s lifestyle could be crucial for tendon homeostasis in the first generation. Our results provide important insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in paternal intergenerational effects and potential protective outcomes of paternal RT

    Tratamento em massa para controle das helmintíases intestinais em área endêmica na Amazônia Brasileira

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    The objective of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthiasis and evaluate the sanitary conditions and the role of a mass treatment campaign for control of these infections in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in 2002, to obtain data related to the sanitary conditions of the population and fecal samples for parasitological examination in 308 individuals, followed by a mass treatment with albendazole or mebendazole with coverage of 83% of the city population in 2003. A new survey was carried out in 2004, involving 214 individuals, for comparison of the prevalences of intestinal parasitosis before and after the mass treatment. The prevalences of ascariasis, trichuriasis and hookworm infection were 48%; 27% and 21% respectively in 2002. There was a significant decrease for the frequency of infections by Ascaris lumbricoides (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.44 / 0.30 - 0.65), Trichuris trichiura (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.37 / 0.22 - 0.62), hookworm (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.03 / 0.01 - 0.15) and helminth poliparasitism (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.16 / 0.08 - 0.32). It was also noticed a decrease of prevalence of infection by Entamoeba histolytica / dispar (p < 0.05; OR / 95% CI = 0.30 / 0.19 - 0.49) and non-pathogenic amoebas. It was inferred that a mass treatment can contribute to the control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis as a practicable short-dated measure. However, governmental plans for public health, education and urban infrastructure are essential for the sustained reduction of prevalences of those infections.O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a prevalência e o papel de um tratamento em massa das helmintíases intestinais em Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Foi realizado em 2002 um estudo seccional, incluindo inquérito copro-parasitológico, objetivando a obtenção das prevalências das parasitoses intestinais e dados sobre as condições sanitárias do local, estudando-se uma amostra de 308 indivíduos. Em 2003 foi realizada intervenção para tratamento em massa das helmintíases intestinais com administração de albendazol (ou mebendazol para crianças entre 12 e 24 meses) na sede do município, alcançando-se 83% de cobertura. Novo inquérito copro-parasitológico foi realizado em 2004, para comparação das prevalências antes a após o tratamento. As prevalências das infecções por Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura e ancilostomídeos foram 48%, 27% e 21%, respectivamente em 2002. Em 2004 observou-se redução significativa das infecções por Ascaris lumbricoides (p < 0,05; OR / 95% IC = 0,44 / 0,30 - 0,65), Trichuris trichiura (p < 0,05; OR / 95% IC = 0,37 / 0,22 - 0,62), ancilostomídeos (p < 0,05; OR / 95% IC = 0,03 / 0,01 - 0,15) e poliparasitismo por helmintos intestinais (p < 0,05; OR / 95% IC = 0,16 / 0,08 - 0,32). Foi também observada redução da prevalência de infecção por Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (p < 0,05; OR / 95% CI = 0,30 / 0,19 - 0,49). Concluiu-se que o tratamento em massa pode auxiliar o controle das helmintíases intestinais, porém ações governamentais em infraestrutura urbana e educação são essenciais para uma redução sustentada das prevalências destas infecções

    Candida Infections and Therapeutic Strategies: Mechanisms of Action for Traditional and Alternative Agents

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    The Candida genus comprises opportunistic fungi that can become pathogenic when the immune system of the host fails. Candida albicans is the most important and prevalent species. Polyenes, fluoropyrimidines, echinocandins, and azoles are used as commercial antifungal agents to treat candidiasis. However, the presence of intrinsic and developed resistance against azole antifungals has been extensively documented among several Candida species. The advent of original and re-emergence of classical fungal diseases have occurred as a consequence of the development of the antifungal resistance phenomenon. In this way, the development of new satisfactory therapy for fungal diseases persists as a major challenge of present-day medicine. The design of original drugs from traditional medicines provides new promises in the modern clinic. The urgent need includes the development of alternative drugs that are more efficient and tolerant than those traditional already in use. The identification of new substances with potential antifungal effect at low concentrations or in combination is also a possibility. The present review briefly examines the infections caused by Candida species and focuses on the mechanisms of action associated with the traditional agents used to treat those infections, as well as the current understanding of the molecular basis of resistance development in these fungal species. In addition, this review describes some of the promising alternative molecules and/or substances that could be used as anticandidal agents, their mechanisms of action, and their use in combination with traditional drugs

    Preparation and scale up of extended-release tablets of bromopride

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    Reproducibility of the tablet manufacturing process and control of its pharmaceutics properties depends on the optimization of formulation aspects and process parameters. Computer simulation such as Design of Experiments (DOE) can be used to scale up the production of this formulation, in particular for obtaining sustained-release tablets. Bromopride formulations are marketed in the form of extended-release pellets, which makes the product more expensive and difficult to manufacture. The aim of this study was to formulate new bromopride sustained release formulations as tablets, and to develop mathematical models to standardize the scale up of this formulation, controlling weight and hardness of the tablets during manufacture according to the USP 34th edition. DOE studies were conducted using Minitab(tm) software. Different excipient combinations were evaluated in order to produce bromopride sustained-release matrix tablets. In the scale-up study, data were collected and variations in tableting machine parameters were measured. Data were processed by Minitab(tm) software, generating mathematical equations used for prediction of powder compaction behavior, according to the settings of the tableting machine suitable for scale-up purposes. Bromopride matrix tablets with appropriate characteristics for sustained release were developed. The scale-up of the formulation with the most suitable sustained release profile was established by using mathematical models, indicating that the formulation can be a substitute for the pellets currently marketed