694 research outputs found

    The shape and mechanics of curved fold origami structures

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    We develop recursion equations to describe the three-dimensional shape of a sheet upon which a series of concentric curved folds have been inscribed. In the case of no stretching outside the fold, the three-dimensional shape of a single fold prescribes the shape of the entire origami structure. To better explore these structures, we derive continuum equations, valid in the limit of vanishing spacing between folds, to describe the smooth surface intersecting all the mountain folds. We find that this surface has negative Gaussian curvature with magnitude equal to the square of the fold's torsion. A series of open folds with constant fold angle generate a helicoid

    Toughening mechanisms and damage propagation in Architected-Interfaces

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    We investigate fracture properties of architected interfaces and their ability to maintain structural integrity and provide stable damage propagation conditions beyond the failure load. We propose theoretical and numerical frameworks to evaluate the fracture properties of architected interfaces sandwiched between two (face) materials. The microscopic geometries of these interfaces are chosen as 2D cells--pillar, tetrahedron, and hexagon--as well as their 3D counterparts--namely, pillar array, octet truss, and Kelvin cell. Our model, both numerical and analytical, exhibits a high level of accuracy in predicting the compliance before failure and failure loads. Novel results are obtained during the damage propagation regime, indicating fulfilment of the so-called fail-safe design. Some of the cell geometries unfold during fracture, thus increasing the failure load and ensuring stable and controlled damage propagation conditions
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