19 research outputs found

    Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin: Charting the Research Landscape

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    This systematic literature review examines cryptocurrencies (CCs) and Bitcoin. Because cryptocurrency research has not gained much attention from Information Systems (IS) researchers and needs a more vivid discussion, this review summarizes the main concepts of 42 papers and aligns them to IS Research. Although, cryptocurrency research has not reached IS mainstream yet, there is massive potential for multifaceted research ranging from protocol development to designing alternative digital currency schemes. Cryptocurrencies entail a core digital artifact and present a rich phenomenon based on the intertwining of technological artifacts and social contexts. We argue that cryptocurrencies are an alternative payment method that may replace intermediaries with cryptographic methods and should be embedded in the research areas of SIGeBIZ and SIGSEC. At the end of this literature review, we discuss some open research gaps like new business models based on cryptocurrencies or the influence of culture on cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin

    Design of a Business Resilience Model for Industry 4.0 Manufacturers

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    For Industry 4.0, characterized by a high level of complexity due to the network integration of productions, manufacturers have to take radical steps to transform their organizations enabling intelligent industrial operations. As this transformation is accompanied by unforeseen risks and extreme events, organization must build up resilience to withstand them. This research paper develops a practice-oriented model of business resiliency for Industry 4.0 manufacturers. A literature research was performed to illustrate the absence of research in information systems (IS). For a better understanding of the challenges organizations face, a study among 15 experts from Europe was performed. The obtained challenges, requirements and solutions were clustered and used to develop a resilience model. The model is divided into six major components which are used to achieve six resilience characteristics. The developed model enables organizations to get a holistic and practical overview about the transformation they face while adopting to Industry 4.0

    A theoretical based categorization scheme for IT strategies

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    This work presents a categorization scheme for IT strategies. Because of the increased importance of IT for every function within organizations especially enterprises must have an IT strategy. Thereby IT strategies have different objectives and can be distinguished between intentionally developed plans for the future and patterns from the past evolving from actions of the organization. Based on this distinction a three-level categorization scheme for IT strategies based on various theoretical models has been developed allowing the lightweight comparison of different approaches which can be found in practice. The scheme can be used for a quick IT strategy assessment of various organizations. The three levels analyze the role of IT in organizations, the function of IT strategy within the enterprise and the procedures companies using to form IT strategies. The categorization scheme has been used in a qualitative survey. The results indicate companies mainly focus on intended IT strategies and use various processes developing them

    Business Continuity in Network Organizations – A Literature Review

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    Modeling of cooperative tasks in Business-IT management – A proposal for a domain-specific extension of BPMN 2.0

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    The increasing influence of information technology in enterprises expands the demand for closer coordination and cooperation between business and IT. In a qualitative survey study we researched the relationship between IT strategy development, IT project portfolio and enterprise architecture management as well as relations between business and IT. As result a Business-IT management reference process model based on the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0 was developed. During the research process it became evident that visualization of coordination and cooperation within business processes needs to be improved gaining higher readability and intelligibility. Based on these requirements we present in this paper five domain-specific tasks and a new marker for BMPN 2.0, which are able to visualize coordination-specific tasks in processes. The proposed extension will be linked to theoretical concepts about cooperation. Two exemplary processes (developing an IT strategy and filtering of relevant IT projects) will illustrate the usefulness and higher readability of the new types and marker

    Towards inter-organizational Enterprise Architecture Management - Applicability of TOGAF 9.1 for Network Organizations

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    Network organizations and inter-organizational systems (IOS) have recently been the subjects of extensive research and practice. Various papers discuss technical issues as well as several complex business considerations and cultural issues. However, one interesting aspect of this context has only received adequate coverage so far, namely the ability of existing Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) frameworks to address the diverse challenges of inter-organizational collaboration. The relevance of this question is grounded in the increasing significance of IOS and the insight that many organizations model their architecture using such frameworks. This paper addresses the question by firstly conducting a conceptual literature review in order to identify a set of challenges. An EAM framework was then chosen and its ability to address the challenges was evaluated. The chosen framework is The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) 9.1 and the analysis conducted with regard to the support of network organizations highlights which issues it deals with. TOGAF serves as a good basis to solve the challenges of “Process and Data Integration” and “Infrastructure and Application Integration”. Other areas such as the “Organization of the Network Organization” need further support. Both the identification of challenges and the analysis of TOGAF assist academics and practitioners alike to identify further research topics as well as to find documentation related to inter-organizational problems in EAM

    Encouraging Students through Reflective Dialogues A Teaching Concept Based on DialogueMaps and its Evaluation

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    Abstract-In computing and engineering courses, the students' personal experience in using technology can be embraced in order to encourage students and to enrich course contents. The own experience can be contrasted with theories, models and concepts from the course literature. In this paper, we describe the teaching concept of reflective dialogues. Reflective dialogues aim at fostering the students' involvement by using an interactive visualization and presentation tool called DialogueMaps. The concept has been applied in a master's program CSCW course. Steps for future development are derived from the results of the first multi-perspective and multimethod evaluations

    Converter Lifetime Assessment for Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Considering Derating Control Strategies at Low Rotor Frequencies

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    In this paper, various control strategies around the synchronous operating point with the aim to reduce the thermal loading of the rotor-side converter in wind turbines equipped with doubly-fed induction generators are investigated regarding their assets and drawbacks. It is shown that there are various possibilities to prolong the lifetime expectation of the converter regarding its thermal stress by implementing these control strategies. However, every control measure requires a careful design process or a slight adjustment of the system to ensure a positive effect on the overall behaviour of the wind turbine

    Analysis of Dynamic Interactions between Different Drivetrain Components with a Detailed Wind Turbine Model

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    The presented work describes a detailed analysis of the dynamic interactions among mechanical and electrical drivetrain components of a modern wind turbine under the influence of parameter variations, different control mechanisms and transient excitations. For this study, a detailed model of a 2MW wind turbine with a gearbox, a permanent magnet synchronous generator and a full power converter has been developed which considers all relevant characteristics of the mechanical and electrical subsystems. This model includes an accurate representation of the aerodynamics and the mechanical properties of the rotor and the complete mechanical drivetrain. Furthermore, a detailed electrical modelling of the generator, the full scale power converter with discrete switching devices, its filters, the transformer and the grid as well as the control structure is considered. The analysis shows that, considering control measures based on active torsional damping, interactions between mechanical and electrical subsystems can significantly affect the loads and thus the individual lifetime of the components

    Towards inter-organizational Enterprise Architecture Management - Applicability of TOGAF 9.1 for Network Organizations Completed Research Paper

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    ABSTRACT Network organizations and inter-organizational systems (IOS) have recently been the subjects of extensive research and practice. Various papers discuss technical issues as well as several complex business considerations and cultural issues. However, one interesting aspect of this context has only received adequate coverage so far, namely the ability of existing Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) frameworks to address the diverse challenges of inter-organizational collaboration. The relevance of this question is grounded in the increasing significance of IOS and the insight that many organizations model their architecture using such frameworks. This paper addresses the question by firstly conducting a conceptual literature review in order to identify a set of challenges. An EAM framework was then chosen and its ability to address the challenges was evaluated. The chosen framework is The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) 9.1 and the analysis conducted with regard to the support of network organizations highlights which issues it deals with. TOGAF serves as a good basis to solve the challenges of "Process and Data Integration" and "Infrastructure and Application Integration". Other areas such as the "Organization of the Network Organization" need further support. Both the identification of challenges and the analysis of TOGAF assist academics and practitioners alike to identify further research topics as well as to find documentation related to inter-organizational problems in EAM