5 research outputs found

    ¿Cómo los medios informativos catalanes tratan a las personas jóvenes? Análisis de situación e instrumentos de mejora

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    Los medios de comunicación tienen una parte importante de responsabilidad en la creación de estereotipos. Son muchos los grupos sociales afectados por estos estereotipos y uno al que se ha prestado muy poca atención ha sido el de las personas jóvenes. Esta comunicación presenta los resultados de un amplio estudio empírico realizado en Cataluña sobre el tratamiento informativo de las personas jóvenes en prensa, internet, televisión y radio. La investigación se ha complementado con entrevistas en profundidad a periodistas y agentes de juventud. El proyecto ha culminado con la elaboración de un conjunto de recomendaciones para paliar la imagen de los jóvenes en los medios.The media has an important part of responsibility in the creation of stereotypes. Many social groups are affected by these stereotypes and one that has received very little attention has been young people. This paper presents the results of a empirical research conducted in Catalonia on the media coverage of the young people in press, internet, television and radio. The research has been supplemented with extensive interviews. The project has culminated in the development of a set of recommendations to overcome the image of young people in the media

    L'Actualització dels catàlegs històrics de la premsa en català=The updating of historic catalogues of Catalan press

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    Aquest article és la primera presentació dels resultats de la investigació titulada Catàleg històric general de la premsa en català, 1. L'eclosió de periòdics, 1641, 1810-1898 duta a terme amb el suport del programa de recerca 2008-2010 de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans. És la primera part d'un projecte del Grup de Recerca en Periodisme de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (GRP -UPF), que en les fases següents ha d'abraçar fins a l'any 1939. L'objectiu és revisar i actualitzar els catàlegs elaborats durant el primer terç del segle xx i estudiar les condicions polítiques, socials i culturals en què es produeixen el naixement i evolució de la premsa en català. El resultat d'aquesta primera part és la catalogació d'un total de 475 periòdics, 337 dels quals corresponen a Catalunya, 99 a València, 26 a les Illes Balears i 13 fora del domini lingüístic. Aquests periòdics corresponen a un total de 67 poblacions, 44 a Catalunya, 14 a València, 3 a les Illes Balears i 6 fora del domini lingüístic. La desigualtat de les dades resultants entre els territoris té a veure amb les diferències de població, però també amb les relatives als moviments polítics i culturals relacionats amb la Renaixença literària i amb el desplegament històric del sistema general de premsa en castellà en cada cas.This article introduces the research entitled General Historic Catalogue of Catalan Press, 1. The Emergence of Newspapers, 1641, 1810-1898 carried out with support from the 2008-2010 research programme of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Institute for Catalan Studies). This is the first part of the project by the Journalism Research Group at Pompeu Fabra University (GRP -UPF). In its upcoming research the group aims to cover the period up to 1939. The purpose is to review and update the catalogues produced during the first third of the 20th century and study the political, social and cultural conditions present during the birth and evolution of the Catalan language press. The result of this first part is the classification of a total of 475 newspapers, 337 of which were published in Catalonia, 99 in Valencia, 26 in the Balearic Islands and 13 outside the linguistic domain. These newspapers relate to a total of 67 villages, 44 in Catalonia, 14 in Valencia, three in the Balearic Islands and six outside the linguistic domain. The differences in the amount of data from the various territories is related to population numbers and also to political and cultural movements related to the Catalan literary revivalist movement, Renaixença, and the historical development of the Spanish general press network in each area

    Transparencia informativa, autorregulación y participación del público: Mural.com, Rue89.com y TexasTribune.org

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    S e examinan tres casos de medios online en la introducción de métodos de rendición de cuentas basados en la transparencia informativa, la autorregulación y la interacción con el público ( TexasTribune.org , Mural. com y Rue89.com ). Se formula una propuesta de criterios para validar si un medio cumple con los requisitos óptimos en estas tres áreas clave

    Criticism in journalism as an accountability instrument: the opinion of Spanish journalists

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    Criticism in journalism has become a core accountability instrument, especially in recent years, thanks to the Internet and Web 2.0 technology. This paper presents part of an international study of journalism ethics, focusing on Spanish journalists relationship with criticism. The paper analyzes how they express, receive and value criticism, comparing their opinions to those of journalists in the international sample. An online survey was administered to 123 Spanish journalists, from an international sample composed of 1762 professionals. Most Spanish journalists responded that they express criticism “occasionally” or “frequently”, as did their international colleagues. They especially do so through direct communication with colleagues (42.1%), even if with a lower frequency compared to the overall sample, or through online blog comments (38.8%), with a higher frequency compared to the rest of the participants. On the other hand, Spanish journalists claim to have received criticism from their supervisors (90%) and colleagues (86.6%), like the overall sample does. But they report having received a greater number of complaints than the overall sample from regulatory and self-regulatory bodies (e.g.: ombudsman 21.8%), from users/citizens (63.9%), and from the public though social media (52.9%). Finally, Spanish journalists consider the criticism they receive as less fair than does the overall sample, although they rate criticism from audience members as less unfair. The paper suggests that Spanish journalists do not employ peer criticism to the same degree as their international colleagues, but they do strongly associate the idea of transparency and accountability with their audience