4 research outputs found

    Adversarial Attacks on Classifiers for Eye-based User Modelling

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    An ever-growing body of work has demonstrated the rich information content available in eye movements for user modelling, e.g. for predicting users' activities, cognitive processes, or even personality traits. We show that state-of-the-art classifiers for eye-based user modelling are highly vulnerable to adversarial examples: small artificial perturbations in gaze input that can dramatically change a classifier's predictions. We generate these adversarial examples using the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) that linearises the gradient to find suitable perturbations. On the sample task of eye-based document type recognition we study the success of different adversarial attack scenarios: with and without knowledge about classifier gradients (white-box vs. black-box) as well as with and without targeting the attack to a specific class, In addition, we demonstrate the feasibility of defending against adversarial attacks by adding adversarial examples to a classifier's training data.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Deep Multitask Gaze Estimation with a Constrained Landmark-Gaze Model

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    As an indicator of attention, gaze is an important cue for human behavior and social interaction analysis. Recent deep learning methods for gaze estimation rely on plain regression of the gaze from images without accounting for potential mismatches in eye image cropping and normalization. This may impact the estimation of the implicit relation between visual cues and the gaze direction when dealing with low resolution images or when training with a limited amount of data. In this paper, we propose a deep multitask framework for gaze estimation, with the following contributions. (i) we proposed a multitask framework which relies on both synthetic data and real data for end-to-end training. During training, each dataset provides the label of only one task but the two tasks are combined in a constrained way. (ii) we introduce a Constrained Landmark-Gaze Model (CLGM) modeling the joint variation of eye landmark locations (including the iris center) and gaze directions. By relating explicitly visual information (landmarks) to the more abstract gaze values, we demonstrate that the estimator is more accurate and easier to learn. (iii) by decomposing our deep network into a network inferring jointly the parameters of the CLGM model and the scale and translation parameters of eye regions on one hand, and a CLGM based decoder deterministically inferring landmark positions and gaze from these parameters and head pose on the other hand, our framework decouples gaze estimation from irrelevant geometric variations in the eye image (scale, translation), resulting in a more robust model. Thorough experiments on public datasets demonstrate that our method achieves competitive results, improving over state-of-the-art results in challenging free head pose gaze estimation tasks and on eye landmark localization (iris location) ones