38 research outputs found

    Light Higgs Boson from a Pole Attractor

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    We propose a new way of explaining the observed Higgs mass, within the cosmological relaxation framework. The key feature distinguishing it from other scanning scenarios is that the scanning field has a non-canonical kinetic term, whose role is to terminate the scan around the desired Higgs mass value. We propose a concrete realisation of this idea with two new singlet fields, one that scans the Higgs mass, and another that limits the time window in which the scan is possible. Within the provided time period, the scanning field does not significantly evolve after the Higgs field gets close to the Standard Model value, due to particle production friction.Comment: version published in PR

    The Holographic Superconductor Vortex

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    A gravity dual of a superconductor at finite temperature has been recently proposed. We present the vortex configuration of this model and study its properties. In particular, we calculate the free energy as a function of an external magnetic field, the magnetization and the superconducting density. We also find the two critical magnetic fields that define the region in which the vortex configurations are energetically favorable.Comment: Few changes. Version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    SUSY Faces its Higgs Couplings

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    In supersymmetric models, a correlation exists between the structure of the Higgs sector quartic potential and the coupling of the lightest CP-even Higgs to fermions and gauge bosons. We exploit this connection to relate the observed value of the Higgs mass ~ 125 GeV to the magnitude of its couplings. We analyze different scenarios ranging from the MSSM with heavy stops to more natural models with additional non-decoupling D-term/F-term contributions. A comparison with the most recent LHC data, allows to extract bounds on the heavy Higgs boson masses, competitive with bounds from direct searches.Comment: 14 pages plus appendix; 9 figure

    Correlating Non-Resonant Di-Electron Searches at the LHC to the Cabibbo-Angle Anomaly and Lepton Flavour Universality Violation

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    In addition to the existing strong indications for lepton flavour university violation (LFUV) in low energy precision experiments, CMS recently released an analysis of non-resonant di-lepton pairs which could constitute the first sign of LFUV in high-energy LHC searches. In this article we show that the Cabibbo angle anomaly, an (apparent) violation of first row and column CKM unitarity with 3σ\approx3\,\sigma significance, and the CMS result can be correlated and commonly explained in a model independent way by the operator [Qq(3)]1111=(ˉ1γμσI1)(qˉ1γμσIq1)[Q_{\ell q}^{(3)}]_{1111} = (\bar{\ell}_1\gamma^{\mu}\sigma^I\ell_1)(\bar{q}_1\gamma_{\mu}\sigma^Iq_1). This is possible without violating the bounds from the non-resonant di-lepton search of ATLAS (which interestingly also observed slightly more events than expected in the electron channel) nor from R(π)=πμν/πeνR(\pi)=\pi \to\mu\nu/\pi \to e \nu. We find a combined preference for the new physics hypothesis of 4.5σ4.5\,\sigma and predict 1.0004<R(π)<1.00091.0004<R(\pi)<1.0009 (95\%~CL) which can be tested in the near future with the forthcoming results of the PEN experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Higgs Couplings in Composite Models

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    We study Higgs couplings in the composite Higgs model based on the coset SO(5)/SO(4). We show that the couplings to gluons and photons are insensitive to the elementary-composite mixings and thus not affected by light fermionic resonances. Moreover, at leading order in the mixings the Higgs couplings to tops and gluons, when normalized to the Standard Model (SM), are equal. These properties are shown to be direct consequences of the Goldstone symmetry and of the assumption of partial compositeness. In particular, they are independent of the details of the elementary-composite couplings and, under the further assumption of CP invariance, they are also insensitive to derivative interactions of the Higgs with the composite resonances. We support our conclusions with an explicit construction where the SM fermions are embedded in the 14 dimensional representation of SO(5).Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; v2: small improvements in the discussion, results unchanged; typos corrected; one reference added. Matches version submitted to PR

    災害時における男女共同参画センターの情報機能の役割に関する一考察 : 阪神・淡路大震災から熊本地震までの連携・協力を中心に

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    We propose to replace the exact amplitudes used in MC event generators for trained Machine Learning regressors, with the aim of speeding up the evaluation of {\it slow} amplitudes. As a proof of concept, we study the process ggZZgg \to ZZ whose LO amplitude is loop induced. We show that gradient boosting machines like XGBoost\texttt{XGBoost} can predict the fully differential distributions with errors below 0.1%0.1 \%, and with prediction times O(103)\mathcal{O}(10^3) faster than the evaluation of the exact function. This is achieved with training times 7\sim 7 minutes and regressors of size 30\lesssim 30~Mb. These results suggest a possible new avenue to speed up MC event generators.Comment: 5+2 pages, 5 figures, and 2 tables; fixed minor typos, merged two figures, and updated acknowledgements of suppor

    Global Electroweak Fit and Vector-Like Leptons in Light of the Cabibbo Angle Anomaly

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    The "Cabibbo Angle Anomaly" (CAA) originates from the disagreement between the CKM elements VudV_{ud} and VusV_{us} extracted from superallowed beta and kaon decays, respectively, once compared via CKM unitarity. It points towards new physics with a significance of up to 4σ4\,\sigma, depending on the theoretical input used, and can be explained through modified WW couplings to leptons. In this context, vector-like leptons (VLLs) are prime candidates for a corresponding UV completion since they can affect WνW\ell\nu couplings at tree-level, such that this modification can have the dominant phenomenological impact. In order to consistently asses the agreement with the data, a global fit is necessary which we perform for gauge-invariant dimension-6 operators and all patterns obtained for the six possible representations (under the SM gauge group) of VLLs. We find that even in the lepton flavour universal case, including the measurements of the CKM elements VusV_{us} and VudV_{ud} into the electroweak fit has a relevant impact, shifting the best fit point significantly. Concerning the VLLs we discuss the bounds from charged lepton flavour violating processes and observe that a single representation cannot describe experimental data significantly better than the SM hypothesis. However, allowing for several representations of VLLs at the same time, we find that the simple scenario in which NN couples to electrons via the Higgs and Σ1\Sigma_1 couples to muons not only explains the CAA but also improves the rest of the electroweak fit in such a way that its best fit point is preferred by more than 4σ4\,\sigma with respect to the SM.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JHEP, 34 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables, typos correcte

    Hadronic vacuum polarization: (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu versus global electroweak fits

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    Hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) is not only a critical part of the Standard Model (SM) prediction for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu, but also a crucial ingredient for global fits to electroweak (EW) precision observables due to its contribution to the running of the fine-structure constant encoded in Δαhad(5)\Delta\alpha^{(5)}_\text{had}. We find that with modern EW precision data, including the measurement of the Higgs mass, the global fit alone provides a competitive, independent determination of Δαhad(5)EW=270.2(3.0)×104\Delta \alpha^{(5)}_\text{had}\big|_\text{EW}=270.2(3.0)\times 10^{-4}. This value actually lies below the range derived from e+ehadronse^+e^-\to\text{hadrons} cross-section data, and thus goes into the opposite direction as would be required if a change in HVP were to bring the SM prediction for (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu into agreement with the Brookhaven measurement. Depending on the energy where the bulk of the changes in the cross section occurs, reconciling experiment and SM prediction for (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu by adjusting HVP would thus not necessarily weaken the case for physics beyond the SM (BSM), but to some extent shift it from (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu to the EW fit. We briefly explore some options of BSM scenarios that could conceivably explain the ensuing tension.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; journal versio

    Flux Periodicities and Quantum Hair on Holographic Superconductors

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    Superconductors in a cylindrical geometry respond periodically to a cylinder-threading magnetic flux, with the period changing from hc/2e to hc/e depending on whether the Aharonov-Bohm effects are suppressed or not. We show that Holographic Superconductors present a similar phenomenon, and that the different periodicities follow from classical no-hair theorems. We also give the Ginzburg-Landau description of the period-doubling phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; article published in Physical Review Letter