49 research outputs found

    Mapping Images with the Coherence Length Diagrams

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    Statistical pattern recognition methods based on the Coherence Length Diagram (CLD) have been proposed for medical image analyses, such as quantitative characterisation of human skin textures, and for polarized light microscopy of liquid crystal textures. Further investigations are made on image maps originated from such diagram and some examples related to irregularity of microstructures are shown

    Effects of GIMP Retinex Filtering Evaluated by the Image Entropy

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    A GIMP Retinex filtering can be used for enhancing images, with good results on foggy images, as recently discussed. Since this filter has some parameters that can be adjusted to optimize the output image, several approaches can be decided according to desired results. Here, as a criterion for optimizing the filtering parameters, we consider the maximization of the image entropy. We use, besides the Shannon entropy, also a generalized entropy.Comment: Keywords: Image Processing, Foggy Images, Retinex, Shannon Entropy, Generalized Entropies, Kaniadakis Entrop

    A tour about Isaac Newton's life

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    Here we propose a tour about the life of Isaac Newton, using a georeferenced method, based on the free satellite maps. Our tour is modelled on the time-line of the great scientist's life, as an ancient "itinerarium" was modelled on the Roman roads, providing a listing of places and intervening distances, sometimes with short description or symbols concerning the places. KML language and Google Earth, with its Street View and 3D images are powerful tools to create this virtual tour.Comment: Georeferencing, Satellite Maps, KML, XML, Acme Mapper, History of Physic

    Musei virtuali, immagini reali

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    Congresso AICA 2011. Torino, 15-17 Novembr

    Experiments on Radioactivity in a Student Laboratory

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    This paper shows how to run some experiments on radioactivity in a student laboratory

    Using Google Ngram Viewer for Scientific Referencing and History of Science

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    Today, several universal digital libraries exist such as Google Books, Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive libraries, which possess texts from general collections, and many other archives are available, concerning more specific subjects. On the digitalized texts available from these libraries, we can perform several analyses, from those typically used for time-series to those of network theory. For what concerns time-series, an interesting tool provided by Google Books exists, which can help us in bibliographical and reference researches. This tool is the Ngram Viewer, based on yearly count of n-grams. As we will show in this paper, although it seems suitable just for literary works, it can be useful for scientific researches, not only for history of science, but also for acquiring references often unknown to researchers.Comment: Keywords: Computers and Society, Literary works, Time-series, Referencin

    Effects of GIMP Retinex Filtering Evaluated by the Image Entropy

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    A GIMP Retinex filtering can be used for enhancing images, with good results on foggy images, as recently discussed. Since this filter has some parameters that can be adjusted to optimize the output image, several approaches can be decided according to desired results. Here, as a criterion for optimizing the filtering parameters, we consider the maximization of the image entropy. We use, besides the Shannon entropy, also a generalized entropy