6 research outputs found

    Systemic and local immunosuppression in glioblastoma and its prognostic significance

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    The effectiveness of tumor therapy, especially immunotherapy and oncolytic virotherapy, critically depends on the activity of the host immune cells. However, various local and systemic mechanisms of immunosuppression operate in cancer patients. Tumor-associated immunosuppression involves deregulation of many components of immunity, including a decrease in the number of T lymphocytes (lymphopenia), an increase in the levels or ratios of circulating and tumor-infiltrating immunosuppressive subsets [e.g., macrophages, microglia, myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), and regulatory T cells (Tregs)], as well as defective functions of subsets of antigen-presenting, helper and effector immune cell due to altered expression of various soluble and membrane proteins (receptors, costimulatory molecules, and cytokines). In this review, we specifically focus on data from patients with glioblastoma/glioma before standard chemoradiotherapy. We discuss glioblastoma-related immunosuppression at baseline and the prognostic significance of different subsets of circulating and tumor-infiltrating immune cells (lymphocytes, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, Tregs, natural killer (NK) cells, neutrophils, macrophages, MDSCs, and dendritic cells), including neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), focus on the immune landscape and prognostic significance of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-mutant gliomas, proneural, classical and mesenchymal molecular subtypes, and highlight the features of immune surveillance in the brain. All attempts to identify a reliable prognostic immune marker in glioblastoma tissue have led to contradictory results, which can be explained, among other things, by the unprecedented level of spatial heterogeneity of the immune infiltrate and the significant phenotypic diversity and (dys)functional states of immune subpopulations. High NLR is one of the most repeatedly confirmed independent prognostic factors for shorter overall survival in patients with glioblastoma and carcinoma, and its combination with other markers of the immune response or systemic inflammation significantly improves the accuracy of prediction; however, more prospective studies are needed to confirm the prognostic/predictive power of NLR. We call for the inclusion of dynamic assessment of NLR and other blood inflammatory markers (e.g., absolute/total lymphocyte count, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio, systemic immune-inflammation index, and systemic immune response index) in all neuro-oncology studies for rigorous evaluation and comparison of their individual and combinatorial prognostic/predictive significance and relative superiority

    Interaction of Various Variants of the Nanostructured Surface of Titanium with MSCs Isolated from Adipose Tissue

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    Titanium has been successfully used in dental implantology for a long time. Due to the osseointegration process, titanium implants are able to withstand the chewing load. This article is devoted to the study of surface treatment methods of titanium alloys and the study of their interaction with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The surface microrelief can influence MSC differentiation in different ways, which subsequently gives it osteogenic potential. The paper proposes modes of surface modification of titanium alloys on Grade 4 and Grade 1 by chemical and electrochemical (anodizing) etching. The possibility of modifying the surface of titanium alloys using the synthesis of graphene layers has been proposed in this paper for the first time. The osteogenic potential of a particular surface was assessed by the number of mesenchymal stem cells cultured on them under identical conditions

    Interaction of Various Variants of the Nanostructured Surface of Titanium with MSCs Isolated from Adipose Tissue

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    Titanium has been successfully used in dental implantology for a long time. Due to the osseointegration process, titanium implants are able to withstand the chewing load. This article is devoted to the study of surface treatment methods of titanium alloys and the study of their interaction with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The surface microrelief can influence MSC differentiation in different ways, which subsequently gives it osteogenic potential. The paper proposes modes of surface modification of titanium alloys on Grade 4 and Grade 1 by chemical and electrochemical (anodizing) etching. The possibility of modifying the surface of titanium alloys using the synthesis of graphene layers has been proposed in this paper for the first time. The osteogenic potential of a particular surface was assessed by the number of mesenchymal stem cells cultured on them under identical conditions

    In Vivo Tracking for Oncolytic Adenovirus Interactions with Liver Cells

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    Hepatotoxicity remains an as yet unsolved problem for adenovirus (Ad) cancer therapy. The toxic effects originate both from rapid Kupffer cell (KCs) death (early phase) and hepatocyte transduction (late phase). Several host factors and capsid components are known to contribute to hepatotoxicity, however, the complex interplay between Ad and liver cells is not fully understood. Here, by using intravital microscopy, we aimed to follow the infection and immune response in mouse liver from the first minutes up to 72 h post intravenous injection of three Ads carrying delta-24 modification (Ad5-RGD, Ad5/3, and Ad5/35). At 15–30 min following the infusion of Ad5-RGD and Ad5/3 (but not Ad5/35), the virus-bound macrophages demonstrated signs of zeiosis: the formation of long-extended protrusions and dynamic membrane blebbing with the virus release into the blood in the membrane-associated vesicles. Although real-time imaging revealed interactions between the neutrophils and virus-bound KCs within minutes after treatment, and long-term contacts of CD8+ T cells with transduced hepatocytes at 24–72 h, depletion of neutrophils and CD8+ T cells affected neither rate nor dynamics of liver infection. Ad5-RGD failed to complete replicative cycle in hepatocytes, and transduced cells remained impermeable for propidium iodide, with a small fraction undergoing spontaneous apoptosis. In Ad5-RGD-immune mice, the virus neither killed KCs nor transduced hepatocytes, while in the setting of hepatic regeneration, Ad5-RGD enhanced liver transduction. The clinical and biochemical signs of hepatotoxicity correlated well with KC death, but not hepatocyte transduction. Real-time in vivo tracking for dynamic interactions between virus and host cells provides a better understanding of mechanisms underlying Ad-related hepatotoxicity

    Oncolytic therapy with recombinant vaccinia viruses targeting the interleukin-15 pathway elicits a synergistic response

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    We developed recombinant variants of oncolytic vaccinia virus LIVP strain expressing interleukin-15 (IL-15) or its receptor subunit alpha (IL-15Rα) to stimulate IL-15-dependent immune cells. We evaluated their oncolytic activity either alone or in combination with each other in vitro and in vivo using the murine CT26 colon carcinoma and 4T1 breast carcinoma models. We demonstrated that the admixture of these recombinant variants could promote the generation of the IL-15/IL-15Rα complex. In vitro studies indicated that 4T1 breast cancer cells were more susceptible to the developed recombinant viruses. In vivo studies showed significant survival benefits and tumor regression in 4T1 breast cancer syngeneic mice that received a combination of LIVP-IL15-RFP with LIVP-IL15Ra-RFP. Histological analysis showed recruited lymphocytes at the tumor region, while no harmful effects to the liver or spleen of the animals were detected. Evaluating tumor-infiltrated lymphocytes represented profound activation of cytotoxic T cells and macrophages in mice receiving combination therapy. Thus, our experiments showed superior oncolytic effectiveness of simultaneous injection of LIVP-IL15-RFP and LIVP-IL15Ra-RFP in breast cancer-bearing mice. The combined therapy by these recombinant variants represents a potent and versatile approach for developing new immunotherapies for breast cancer