15 research outputs found

    Connections between postparotid terminal branches of the facial nerve: An immunohistochemistry study

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    It has been assumed that connections between the postparotid terminal branches of the facial nerve are purely motor. However, the nature of their fibers remains unexplored. The aim of this study is to determine whether these connections comprise motor fibers exclusively. In total 17 connections between terminal facial nerve branches were obtained from 13 different facial nerves. Choline acetyltransferase antibody (ChAT) was used to stain the fibers in the connections and determine whether or not all of them were motor. All connections contained ChAT positive and negative fibers. The average number of fibers overall was 287 (84–587) and the average proportion of positive fibers was 63% (37.7%–91.5%). In 29% of the nerves, >75% of the fibers were ChAT+ (strongly positive); in 52.94%, 50%–75% were ChAT+ (intermediately positive); and in 17.65%, <50% were ChAT+ (weakly positive). Fibers traveling inside the postparotid terminal cranial nerve VII branch connections are not exclusively motor

    Anatomical study of the masseteric and obturator nerves: application to face transplant and reanimation procedures

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    The masseteric nerve (MN) and the anterior branch of the obturator nerve (ON) that innervate the transferred gracilis muscle have proved highly efficient for reanimating paralyzed facial muscles when muscle transfer is required. Previous researchers have published the total axonal load for myelinated fibers in both nerves. However, the real motor axonal load has not been established. We performed the study on 20 MN and 13 ON. The segments of the MN and the ON were embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 10 ÎĽm, and stained following a standard immunohistochemical procedure using anti-choline acetyltransferase to visualize the motor fibers. The MN has a higher axonal load than the ON. There were statistically significant differences between the axonal load of the proximal segment of the MN and the ON. These findings confirm that end-to-end anastomoses between the MN and the ON should preferably use the proximal segment. However, MN neurotomy should ideally be performed between the proximal and distal segments, preserving innervation to the deep fascicles. Our results show that the MN is ideal as a donor motor nerve for reinnervating transplanted muscle for dynamic reanimation of the paralyzed face. The neurotomy should ideally be performed between the first and second collateral branches of the MN. Conclusion: These findings confirm that end-to-end anastomoses between the MN and the ON should preferably use the proximal and middle segments and the first branch itself and reveal that the MN is ideal as a donor motor nerve for reinnervating transplanted muscle for dynamic reanimation of the paralyzed face. However, the masseteric neurotomy should ideally be performed on the middle segment, preserving the innervation to the deep fascicles.Depto. de AnatomĂ­a y EmbriologĂ­aFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    Development of a continuous and simultaneous evaluation system for all practical anatomy subgroups, through the Kahoot application

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    Elaboramos una de serie de cuestionarios y retos sobre casos clínicos, imágenes radiológicas, técnicas de disección, relaciones anatómicas, etc. a través de la aplicación Kahoot, que nos han permitido evaluar a todos los alumnos de forma rápida, continua, simultánea y equitativa en cada una de las actividades que se desarrollan durante las prácticas de anatomía humana. A su vez, nos ha permitido controlar la asistencia, en cada una de las actividades, de forma rápida y veraz y detectar aquellos puntos de las prácticas que resultan más dificiles para nuestros alumnos.We developed a series of questionnaires and challenges on clinical cases, radiological images, dissection techniques, anatomical relationships, etc. through the Kahoot application, which has allowed us to evaluate all students quickly, continuously, simultaneously and equitably in each of the activities that take place during the human anatomy practices. At the same time, it has allowed us to control attendance, in each of the activities, quickly and truthfully and to detect those points of the practices that are most difficult for our students.Depto. de Anatomía y EmbriologíaFac. de MedicinaFALSEsubmitte

    Connections between postparotid terminal branches of the facial nerve: An immunohistochemistry study

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    It has been assumed that connections between the postparotid terminal branches of the facial nerve are purely motor. However, the nature of their fibers remains unexplored. The aim of this study is to determine whether these connections comprise motor fibers exclusively. In total 17 connections between terminal facial nerve branches were obtained from 13 different facial nerves. Choline acetyltransferase antibody (ChAT) was used to stain the fibers in the connections and determine whether or not all of them were motor. All connections contained ChAT positive and negative fibers. The average number of fibers overall was 287 (84-587) and the average proportion of positive fibers was 63% (37.7%-91.5%). In 29% of the nerves, >75% of the fibers were ChAT+ (strongly positive); in 52.94%, 50%-75% were ChAT+ (intermediately positive); and in 17.65%, <50% were ChAT+ (weakly positive). Fibers traveling inside the postparotid terminal cranial nerve VII branch connections are not exclusively motor

    Atlas of radiological Anatomy correlated with sectional Anatomy images. Thorax and Abdomen.

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    Es una herramienta de autoaprendizaje de las regiones anatómicas del tórax y el abdomen, bilingüe (español/inglés), dirigida a los estudiantes y profesionales de ciencias de la salud. Consiste en una serie de imágenes de resonancias magnéticas nucleares de tórax y abdomen, en las que aparecen marcadas, con un número, diferentes estructuras anatómicas para que el alumno piense y deduzca de qué estructura se trata. Las respuestas vienen dadas a continuación para que el alumno pueda proceder a su autoevaluación de forma inmediata, reforzando su aprendizaje. Esta herramienta de autoaprendizaje no es solo útil para que los alumnos aprendan y puedan preparar mejor las prácticas de anatomía y sus correspondientes exámenes prácticos, sino que también ayuda a los profesionales de las ciencias de la salud a adquirir los conocimientos anatómicos necesarios para poder interpretar, de forma correcta las RMN, técnica que cada vez tiene un mayor uso en la práctica clínica diaria.It's a tool of self-learning of the anatomical regions of the thorax and abdomen, bilingual (Spanish/English) aimed students and health sciences professionals. It consists of a series of images of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of thorax and abdomen which are marked with a number, different anatomical structures to make the student think and deduct from what structure is. Finally, the answers are given below so that the student can proceed to its self-assessment, reinforcing their learning.Depto. de Anatomía y EmbriologíaFac. de MedicinaFALSEUCMsubmitte

    The bronchial segmentation and its anatomical variations. A clinical-anatomic and bronchoscopy study

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    The development in interventional respiratory medicine entails the need of bronchial anatomical knowledge, whose variations assume their greatest importance nowadays. The aim of this study was to describe the frequency of these variations and to analyze the bronchial lengths, barely registered before in literature. This observational descriptive study (from June 2018 until April 2019) was conducted in a sample of 17 pairs of lungs, which were dissected and measured at the Cadaver Donation Centre (Universidad Complutense, Madrid), and a second sample of 50 bronchoscopies, performed at the San Carlos Clinic Hospital, which were analyzed during the procedure. Our results show that there are no significant differences in the incidence of variations by sex in any of both samples, and neither in the average length of any bronchus by sex nor lobar pattern. Left main bronchus presents the longest length and left upper lobe bronchus the shortest. The highest percentage of variations is contained in the right lower lobe (25.4%), and the most frequent variation in the subsuperior bronchus (B*) (19.4%). The middle lobe and the left lower lobe present the lowest percentage of variations (11.9%). Only 37.3% of the pairs of lungs/patients did not have any anatomical variation in the general sample. Despite of the small size of the sample, results show a high percentage of variations and a minority of completely normal pairs of lungs, which invites us to reflect about the probable high prevalence of variations in the general population. Further studies with greater samples are needed to confirm our hypothesis.Depto. de AnatomĂ­a y EmbriologĂ­aFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu