22 research outputs found

    Optical cooling and trapping: introduction

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    The year 2015 is an auspicious year for optical science, as it is being celebrated as the International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies. This focus issue of the journals Optics Express and Journal of the Optical Society of America B has been organized by the OSA Technical Group on Optical Cooling and Trapping to mark this occasion, and to highlight the most recent and exciting developments in the topics covered by the group. Together this joint focus issue features 33 papers, including both experimental and theoretical works, which span this wide range of activities

    Evanescent wave optical trapping and transport of micro- and nanoparticles on tapered optical fibers

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    We investigate the manipulation of microscopic and nanoscopic particles using the evanescent optical field surrounding an optical fiber that is tapered to a micron-scale diameter, and propose that this scheme could be used to discriminate between, and thereby sort, metallic nanoparticles. First we show experimentally the concept of the transport of micron-sized spheres along a tapered fiber and measure the particle velocity. Having demonstrated the principle we then consider theoretically the application to the optical trapping and guiding of metallic nanoparticles, where the presence of a plasmon resonance is used to enhance optical forces. We show that the dynamics of the nanoparticles trapped by the evanescent field can be controlled by the state of polarization of the fiber mode, and by using more than one wavelength differently detuned from the nanoparticle plasmon resonance. Such a scheme could potentially be used for selectively trapping and transporting nano- or microscopic material from a polydisperse suspension

    Brownian motion of graphene.

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    Brownian motion is a manifestation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem of statistical mechanics. It regulates systems in physics, biology, chemistry, and finance. We use graphene as prototype material to unravel the consequences of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in two dimensions, by studying the Brownian motion of optically trapped graphene flakes. These orient orthogonal to the light polarization, due to the optical constants anisotropy. We explain the flake dynamics in the optical trap and measure force and torque constants from the correlation functions of the tracking signals, as well as comparing experiments with a full electromagnetic theory of optical trapping. The understanding of optical trapping of two-dimensional nanostructures gained through our Brownian motion analysis paves the way to light-controlled manipulation and all-optical sorting of biological membranes and anisotropic macromolecules

    Optical trapping and optical force positioning of two-dimensional materials

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    In recent years, considerable effort has been devoted to the synthesis and characterization of two-dimensional materials. Liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) represents a simple, large-scale method to exfoliate layered materials down to mono- and few-layer flakes. In this context, the contactless trapping, characterization, and manipulation of individual nanosheets hold perspectives for increased accuracy in flake metrology and the assembly of novel functional materials. Here, we use optical forces for high-resolution structural characterization and precise mechanical positioning of nanosheets of hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide, and tungsten disulfide obtained by LPE. Weakly optically absorbing nanosheets of boron nitride are trapped in optical tweezers. The analysis of the thermal fluctuations allows a direct measurement of optical forces and the mean flake size in a liquid environment. Measured optical trapping constants are compared with T-matrix light scattering calculations to show a quadratic size scaling for small size, as expected for a bidimensional system. In contrast, strongly absorbing nanosheets of molybdenum disulfide and tungsten disulfide are not stably trapped due to the dominance of radiation pressure over the optical trapping force. Thus, optical forces are used to pattern a substrate by selectively depositing nanosheets in short times (minutes) and without any preparation of the surface. This study will be useful for improving ink-jet printing and for a better engineering of optoelectronic devices based on two-dimensional materials

    Optical tweezers: theory and practice

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    The possibility for the manipulation of many different samples using only the light from a laser beam opened the way to a variety of experiments. The technique, known as Optical Tweezers, is nowadays employed in a multitude of applications demonstrating its relevance. Since the pioneering work of Arthur Ashkin, where he used a single strongly focused laser beam, ever more complex experimental set-ups are required in order to perform novel and challenging experiments. Here we provide a comprehensive review of the theoretical background and experimental techniques. We start by giving an overview of the theory of optical forces: first, we consider optical forces in approximated regimes when the particles are much larger (ray optics) or much smaller (dipole approximation) than the light wavelength; then, we discuss the full electromagnetic theory of optical forces with a focus on T-matrix methods. Then, we describe the important aspect of Brownian motion in optical traps and its implementation in optical tweezers simulations. Finally, we provide a general description of typical experimental setups of optical tweezers and calibration techniques with particular emphasis on holographic optical tweezers