5,290 research outputs found
Parental Style, Dating Violence and Gender
The relationship between parenting styles and teen dating violence has become a relevant
research topic in recent years, especially related to violence inflicted online. To more fully understand
this relationship, the objective of the present study was to examine which parenting style (authoritarian,
indulgent, authoritative, or neglectful) best protects against dating violence in adolescent relationships.
A total of 1132 adolescents of both sexes participated in this study (46.4% boys and 53.6% girls),
with ages between 14 and 18 years old (M = 15.6, SD = 1.3). A multivariate factorial design was
applied (MANOVA, 4 2), using the parenting style, the parents’ gender, and the adolescents’ gender
as independent variables, and the dating violence dimensions (online and o ine) as dependent
variables. As the results show, the lowest scores on all the dating violence dimensions examined
were obtained by adolescents from indulgent families. In addition, three interaction e ects were
observed between the mother’s parenting style and the adolescent’s gender on online violence
(e-violence and control), and the father’s parenting style on o ine violence (verbal-emotional). Thus,
adolescents with authoritarian mothers obtained the highest scores on violence and control inflicted
online, respectively, and adolescent girls with authoritarian fathers obtained the highest scores on
verbal-emotional violence. These findings suggest that the indulgent style is the parenting style
that protects against violence in teen dating relationships, and they also highlight the risks of the
authoritarian style as a family child-rearing mode
Incentivos sociales/laborales a la vitrificación de óvulos ¿Mayor autonomía de las mujeres?
La vitrificación de los óvulos como incentivo para conciliar la vida laboral y familiar, lejos de favorecer la autonomía y libertad de las mujeres para gestionar su proyecto reproductivo y profesional, reproduce la asimetría y desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres. Primero, porque al reducir el problema al ámbito de la biología, naturaliza el origen del conflicto obviando los factores sociales; segundo, porque al enfocarlo en las mujeres, individualiza el tipo de soluciones a adoptar y, tercero, porque sustituye la acción polftica en la transformación del sistema sexo/género hegemónico, por las respuestas tecnológicas, aparentemente, neutrales y objetivas
On Punishment and Well-being
The existence of punishment opportunities has been shown to cause efficiency in public goods experiments to increase considerably. In this paper we ask whether punishment also has a downside in terms of process dissatisfaction. We conduct an experiment to study the conjecture that an environment with stronger punishment possibilities leads to higher material but lower subjective well-being. The more general motivation for our study stems from the notion that people??s subjective well-being may be affected by the institutional environment they find themselves in. Our findings show that harsher punishment possibilities lead to signficantly higher well-being, controlling for earnings and other relevant variables. People derive independent satisfaction from interacting under the protection of strong punishment possibilities. These results complement the evidence on the neural basis of altruistic punishment reported in de Quervain et al. (2004).Public Goods, Experiments, Well-being, Punishment
Single-parenthood by choice and disclosing the origins of the offspring born from gamete donation: the case of Spain
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM)Single mothers by choice (smbc) who follow an assisted reproduction process usually disclose this origin to their offspring and have a rich narrative to do so. In this respect
smbc are different from couples that make use of assisted reproduction because of infertility problems in the male partner. The most frequent explanation for this contrast is that, in the case of couples, it simultaneously involves disclosing male infertility and the lack of a biological relationship between the child and the social father. This does not happen in the case of smbcC where “there are no fathers” and this circumstance is the center of an explicit “de-problematization” effort on the part of mothers by, for example, defining the genitor as a “donor”, and dissociating this role from a parental or spousal figure. Additionally, there are differences in the legitimacy of sexual reproduction in the case of single women and couplesLas Madres Solteras por Elección (mspe) que han concebido mediante donación de semen suelen revelar “sus orígenes” a los hijos/as y disponen de una rica narrativa para
ello. Así, las mspe difieren de las parejas que acuden a la reproducción asistida a causa de la infertilidad del hombre. La explicación más frecuente de esta diferencia es que la revelación de “los orígenes” supone revelar simultáneamente la infertilidad y la inexistencia de vínculos biológicos entre hijo/a y padre social. Esto no se plantea con las mspe porque se trata de familias donde “no hay padre” y la ausencia de éste es objeto de un trabajo expreso de “desproblematización”, por ejemplo, desconsiderando al genitor como “donante”, papel que es disociado del de pareja o padre. A ello se añade la distinta legitimidad que tiene la procreación sexual según se trate de una mujer sola o de una mujer que vive en parej
Socialization into single-parent-by-choice family life
This paper examines family interactions between mothers and children in single-parent-by-choice (SPBC) families in Spain. The data is part of a larger multi-sited ethnographic study focused on emergent family structures that examined families formed by women who began their family projects through adoption or assisted reproduction. Single-mothers-by-choice formulate various socialization goals that are tied to the complexities of their non conventional family project. These goals are also realized in daily conversation, particularly when families talk about future events in their lives. Our findings expand existing family language socialization research in Western contexts, which has primarily focused on conventional twoparent families, and invite developing a stronger dialogue between family language socialization research and current debates on changing kinship structures in post industrial societies
Una reflexión crítica sobre la monoparentalidad : el caso de las madres solteras por elección = A critical reflection on the single parenthood : the case of the single mothers by election
El artículo constituye una discusión teórica (a partir de la bibliografía y los estudios empíricos precedentes) de las limitaciones que supone abordar genéricamente el tema de la monoparentalidad, sin tomar en consideración la diversidad de realidades que se esconden detrás del mismo. Se toma como eje de la discusión una modalidad de monoparentalidad como es la de las madres solteras por elección (MSPE), y se hace hincapié en las estrategias particulares (de conciliación de la vida laboral, familiar y personal, económicas, socioeducativas, de ocupación del tiempo libre de los hijos, etc.) desarrolladas por ellas.__________________________________This article constitutes a theoretical discussion on the limits of an indistinct approach to
single parenthood, one that does not take into account the diverse realities that the concept
might conceal. As an axis for discussion we approach one type of single parenthood, single
mothers by choice (SMC), stressing the particular strategies (economic, social, educational, related
to children's leisure time, to the balancing work and family, etc.) deployed by SMC
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