2 research outputs found

    Endeudamiento y comportamiento de los consumidores 驴C贸mo influye la afiliaci贸n religiosa?

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    El objetivo del art铆culo es presentar una revisi贸n de literatura de estudios realizados a nivel mundial sobre la influencia que tiene la afiliaci贸n religiosa en el comportamiento financiero de los individuos, de forma particular se ha buscado rescatar la relaci贸n sobre la conducta al endeudamiento y al comportamiento al consumidor. El estudio abarca el an谩lisis de estudios realizados desde 1988 al 2013, destacando los principales hallazgos encontrados y evidencia la falta de literatura en este 谩mbito, las conclusiones permiten encontrar importantes relaciones entre la afiliaci贸n religiosa y el comportamiento en general de las personas, la influencia cultura tambi茅n se destaca como variable importante en el estudio

    Model to Optimize the Management of Strategic Projects Using Genetic Algorithms in a Public Organization

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    Public organizations lack adequate models and methods to efficiently support and manage processes related to information security and IT investments. The objective is to optimize the management of strategic projects planned to improve the information security of a public organization and make efficient use of its available resources. The deductive method and exploratory research were used to review and analyze the available information. A mathematical model resulted that optimizes two objectives: (1) minimizing the costs of the strategic projects to be executed, and (2) maximizing the percentage of improvement in the organization鈥檚 information security. According to the result of the simulation, a subset of planned strategic projects was obtained that allows improving the information security of a public organization from 84.64% to 92.20%, considering the budgetary limitations of the organization. It was concluded that the proposed model is efficient, practical and can be a support tool for the IT management of a public organization