43 research outputs found

    Poor, gypsies and excluded: study of case of a gypsy accession

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    El pueblo gitano ha sido históricamente marginado y excluido socialmente, y en la actualidad aún existen asentamientos extremadamente pobres de familias de etnias gitanas en Andalucía. Nos hemos acercado a un asentamiento gitano muy particular para explorar sus niveles de pobreza, sus condiciones de vida y su impacto en el desarrollo infantil. Esta intervención se ha realizado al mismo tiempo que se denunciaba la falta de atención por parte de las autoridades públicas a un colectivo de pobreza crónica y extrema que a medida que pasa el tiempo acumula infortunios y tragedias en sus vidas. Lo malo se acumula en los más pobres, incrementando el nivel de sufrimiento en los más vulnerables, y destacando el papel del tiempo en el éxito de las intervenciones sociales.The gipsy people have been traditionally marginalised and socially excluded, and still today there are families that live under extremely poverty conditions in Andalusia. We have been observing a gypsy family very particular: their level of poverty, their living conditions and the impact of such features on children development have been explored. While this intervention has been carried out, the lack of involvement from local authorities have been denounced, who are dedicating less attention to the people who are more in need, so tragedies and extremely difficult situations are increasing in that family. All the bad things come together, increasing the suffering of the most vulnerable people, and pointing out the importance of timing in the success of social interventions

    Analysis of violence in Palestine as an example of bullying behaviour

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    The contextual model to understand " school bullying " is used to explain the relations between Israel and Palestine. A presentation of the model helps to understand the role of all the actors involved: aggressors, victims, observers and defenders, and the strategies used by each one to play these roles (Salmivalli, Huttunen, & Lagerpetz, 1997). School bullying provides us with a contextual model that includes the victim, the aggressor (as a group), the observers and defenders, as all the roles including in this phenomenon. The application of this conceptual model to the relations between Israel and Palestine helps to understand the strategies and the effectiveness of the actions taken by all the parts (Lera, 2007). From this point of view, the first issue to clarify is the definition of the roles. When the violence is committed intentionally against the victims, in a repetitive way, and under the basis of a relevant different of power between both sides, then the relation is a violent relation (not a conflict) (Smith & Sharp, 1994)

    Trauma, necesidades psicológicas básicas y resiliencia: un estudio con adolescentes en Gaza

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    Presentamos un estudio que explora la relación entre las experiencias traumáticas, la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas (NPB) y la resiliencia realizado en Gaza. 300 adolescentes de toda la Franja participaron en el estudio complementando escalas ampliamente utilizadas para la evaluación de las tres variables. Los resultados señalan que las experiencias traumáticas se asocian negativamente con la resiliencia, especialmente en su dimensión contextual (r = -0’16), pero no se asocian con la satisfacción de las NPB. Los análisis de regresiones lineales señalan que la satisfacción de las NPB funcionan como un predictor de la resiliencia (β = 0’39), si bien no interfieren en el impacto negativo del trauma en la resiliencia (β = -0’13). Los resultados son interpretados desde la importancia de la satisfacción de la NPB como posible factor compensador del efecto negativo de la adversidad en la resiliencia.This study explores the relationship between traumatic experiences, satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPN) and resilience in Gaza. 300 adolescents from all over the region participated in the study, complementing widely used scales for the evaluation of the three variables. The results indicate that traumatic experiences is associated with resilience, especially in its contextual dimension (r = -.16), but it is not associated with the satisfaction of BPN. On the other hand, the BPN function as a predictor of resilience (β = .39), although they do not interfere in the negative impact of trauma on resilience (β = -.13). The results are interpreted from the importance of the satisfaction of BPN as a possible compensating factor for the negative effect of adversity on resilience

    Mirada femenina : gitanas en situación de pobreza crónica extrema

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    Con este trabajo pretendemos dotar de voz a las mujeres y niñas gitanas que sobreviven en un asentamiento chabolista de la provincia de Sevilla, situación que provoca una triple discriminación. En primer lugar están excluidas socialmente por vivir inmersas en la más extrema pobreza, situación que se ha cronificado generación tras generación; en segundo lugar por su condición de ser gitanas, pueblo perseguido y excluido históricamente; y por último, por ser mujeres, lo cual supone contar con menos posibilidades, a pesar de ser ellas las que unen y las que “sacan adelante” a sus familias. Hemos realizado un acercamiento a sus vidas cotidianas, sus problemas más comunes y las estrategias que ponen en marcha para solucionarlos. Conocer esta realidad desde la mirada femenina ha supuesto acercarnos a una realidad compleja y poco visible, además de permitirnos entender como las políticas sociales, en gran medida sustentadas en una concepción de la cultura de la pobreza que corresponsabiliza a las propias víctimas de su desgraciado destino, no están siendo útiles para terminar con esta discriminación. A pesar de existir unas estrategias nacionales diseñadas para el pueblo gitano, lo que nos expresan estas mujeres y niñas es que tienen poca repercusión en colectivos tan aislados como son los residentes en este asentamiento

    Resilience and basic psychological needs among Palestinian school students

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between Basic Psychological Needs including Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness (Deci and Ryan, 2000) and factors predicting resilience (American Psychological, 2010) among Palestinian school students who are living under adversity in the West Bank. The participants were 537 students 13 and 14 years old (45% male and 55% female) representing both urban and rural areas of the northern West Bank. All participants completed the CYRM-28 Psychological Resilience Questionnaire (Liebenberg et al., 2012) and The Basic Psychological Needs Scale-General Version (Ilardi et al., 1993). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis results showed that the BPN model adequately explained variable variance (MOD FIT/CFI = 0.998) and that satisfying Basic Psychological Needs had positive and significant on resilience factors of Caregiving (Physical and Psychological Caregiving), Individual (Personal Skills, Peer Support, and Social Skills), and Context (Spiritual, Education and Cultural Context). The role of (BPN) was significant ( β = 0.297, p < 0.001), ( β = 0.409, p < 0.001), and (β = 0.241, p < 0.001) respectively Caregiving, Individual, and Context, factors were high (0.711, 0.706, and 0.80) respectively, which in turn indicated that (BPN) plays strong role in explaining the variance of Caregiving, Individual, and Context factors. Based on these findings, (SDT) can predict Resilience factors in case of satisfying (BPN). Findings of the study support that educational and family practices focusing on satisfying psychological needs are related to childhood resilience in the face of adversity

    Psychological resilience among Palestinian school students: an exploratory study in the West Bank

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the factors in which the individual skills, family support and contextual components contribute in the psychological resilience among Palestinian school students who are living under adversity in the West Bank. The participants comprised 537 students (50% male and 50% female) in the 8th and 9th grade who live in urban and rural areas of the northern West Bank. The researcher used the CYRM-28 scale to measure the psychological resilience and their factors (Individual Skills, Family Support, and Contextual Components). The results revealed that the mean of resilience over the Palestinian schools was quite high being significantly higher for older male students living in villages rather than cities. In order to improve resilience on Palestinian children, contextual components (spiritual, educational and cultural) and family support (physical and psychological) are key areas that could be fostered through social and educational policies

    Pre-primary Education Quality: Assessment Tools

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    La calidad de la educación infantil y sus efectos en el desarrollo constituyó un fructífero debate a nivel internacional en la década de los años ochenta; este debate generó numerosas investigaciones, que diseñaron instrumentos destinados a evaluar la calidad de la educación en las edades tempranas. Desde una perspectiva contextual se han desarrollado en Estados Unidos, Europa y otros países, investigaciones que comparten el diseño y los instrumentos de evaluación. En España, durante la década de los noventa, se han realizado tres proyectos a nivel regional, nacional y Europeo desde esta perspectiva. Creemos interesante divulgar estas investigaciones, mostrar los resultados encontrados, las reflexiones y conclusiones, así como la conveniencia o no de utilizar estos instrumentos para la evaluación y mejora de nuestras aulas.Quality in Pre-primary education and its effects on infant development, became a productive debate the 90's at the international level. This debate gave rise to the devise of different researchs which developed a set of tools for the assessment of quality at early age. From a contextual perspective, different studies have been developed in the USA, Europe and other countries all of them with; the same methodological patterns and tools. In Spain, in 90's three different projects were carried out at the regional, national and international levels. We consider it is important to disseminate these studies, show the results obtained and the reflections and conclusions raised, as well as the advisability of using or not any of these tools in the assessment and improvement of Pre-primary education in Spain

    Basic psychological needs satisfaction: a way to enhance resilience in traumatic situations

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    Background/Objective: The impact of traumatic events on resilience and the mediating factors creates specific interest in a conflict context. This study has explored the relationship between the satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs (BPN) and resilience in adolescents exposed to different levels of adversity in Palestine. Method: A total of 837 eighth-, ninth- and tenth-grade students from the Gaza Strip (n = 300) and the West Bank (n = 537) completed three questionnaires to assess trauma, BPN satisfaction, and resilience. Results: The results showed a significant difference between the Gaza Strip (0.61) and the West Bank (0.29) in exposure to traumatic events; in both contexts, the BPN satisfaction was associated positively with resilience; in the West Bank the BPN satisfaction mediates the negative impact of trauma on resilience, and in the Gaza Strip, with the higher level of trauma, the BPN satisfaction interacts with trauma, positively affecting resilience. Conclusions: The results highlight the importance of satisfying BPN and indicates the importance of implementing intervention programs designed to satisfy BPN as a way of strengthening resilience in youth people living in traumatic situation

    Programa Golden5: una mirada positiva al desarrollo del alumnado

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    El GOLDEN5 es un programa escolar universal que tiene como objetivo aumentar la motivación interna del alumnado, y al mismo tiempo mejorar su propio desarrollo como persona. Está dirigido a la clase en su conjunto, y a su vez pone especial atención en estudiantes con discapacidades y/o en riesgo de exclusión social. Aunque el programa se ajusta a la Educación Primaria, dado que los problemas son más visibles en Educación Secundaria y sobre todo en los primeros años, el programa GOLDEN5 fue creado especialmente para dar respuesta a los problemas de 1º y 2º de la ESO (Lera, 2009).Unión Europea 19090-2004-1-COM-1.2.1

    Chronic poverty and its impact on resilience: Keys to understanding the perpetuation of misery

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    La pobreza tiene un impacto negativo en el desarrollo infantil, por lo que muchas investigaciones se han centrado en estudiar cómo minimizar estos efectos, es decir, cuáles son los factores de protección o resiliencia. En este trabajo se han estudiado los aspectos personales, familiares, y sociales de la resiliencia (Garmezy, 1993) en dos colectivos pobres de Sevilla: uno de ellos de extremada pobreza crónica (gitanos andaluces), y el otro de pobreza menos dramática (población mixta pobre). Los datos señalan que los efectos de la pobreza crónica en los aspectos personales son negativos y acumulativos, siendo las variables más relacionadas con la resiliencia las más afectadas en el colectivo de pobreza crónica. Los aspectos familiares y sociales son igualmente negativos en este grupo. Tras cuatro años sin ninguna intervención en la zona, se ha explorado la influencia de estas condiciones en sus ilusiones, a partir de una actividad no formal “los deseos que piden por Navidad”; los datos señalan que el nivel de expectativas y deseos correlaciona con el nivel de pobreza. Dos claves emergen del estudio: (1) la necesidad de reforzar las variables personales más relacionadas con la resiliencia (fostering resilience), y (2) la importancia de intervenir lo antes posible si se quieren evitar efectos irreversibles (timing).The negative impact of poverty on children development has been proved in numerous studies; to compensate such negative effects, researches have stress ed the importante of protective factors or resilience. In this study, we take the resilience model of Garnezy (1993) as a triad composed of personal aspects, family and social support, to study the differences between two samples of children, one as medium poverty, and the other as cronical poverty (gitanos andaluces). Data show that cronical poverty has a negative acumulative effects on micro variables and impact on children. After four years with not intervention on the area, the influence of these living conditions on the children has been explored asking them about their wishes for Christmas. Data are useful to understand the circle of poverty, poor will be poor, and the important of interventions –fostering resilience– and timing are key aspects to prevent the negative and acumulative effects of poverty on children development