3 research outputs found

    Efectividad de la tintura de propóleo al 5 % en el tratamiento de la gingivitis descamativa crónica

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    Fundamento: la Medicina Natural y Tradicional (MNT) ha ganado un lugar relevante en la terapéutica de múltiples afecciones estomatológicas, siendo los apifármacos, como la tintura de propóleo, ejemplo fehaciente de estos logros. Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de la tintura de propóleo al 5 % en el tratamiento de la gingivitis descamativa crónica, en pacientes atendidos en la clínica estomatológica docente "3 de Octubre". Métodos: se realizó un estudio cuasi- experimental con pacientes atendidos en la referida clínica estomatológica, en el período de tiempo comprendido entre noviembre de 2012 a noviembre de 2014. El universo estuvo conformado por los 120 pacientes que acudieron a consulta con esta afección, la muestra por 60 pacientes con la enfermedad en su estado activo (agudo), se excluyeron aquellos pacientes que estuvieran recibiendo otro tratamiento. Se evaluaron las variables: tiempo de remisión de las lesiones y la desaparición del dolor, que se evaluó a las 24 horas, 72 horas y a los 7 días; curación y efectividad. Resultados: el tiempo de inicio y remisión de los síntomas y signos con el uso del apifármaco fue a las 72 horas. A las 24 horas el 96,6 % clasificó como curados. El tratamiento resultó efectivo para el total de la muestra en estudio. No se reportaron efectos adversos relacionados con el tratamiento. Conclusiones: la tintura de propóleo al 5 % resultó efectiva para el tratamiento de la gingivitis descamativa crónica

    Satisfaction with the door-to-door screening associated with COVID-19 carried out by students of health sciences

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    Background: the satisfaction of the population and the basic health teams with the door-to-door screening associated with COVID-19 can offer an element of quality.Objective: to assess the level of satisfaction of the population and the basic health teams with the door-to-door screening associated with COVID-19 carried out by students of the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas, from April 18 to May 18, 2020.Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at the aforementioned institution and during the period herein declared. Out of a universe of 111,050 screened houses, 25,772 were randomly selected (represented by a family member for the survey). The following variables were studied: houses to be screened and screened per day, satisfaction of the population and of the basic health teams.Results: Jobabo with 71,3 % of the total houses of the municipality and the Guillermo Tejas Silva health district with 89,9 % of the total houses of the district obtained the highest averages of daily screenings. The health districts with the highest average of visits to the same house in the period were Manuel “Piti” Fajardo Rivero (22,2), Rafael Izquierdo Ramírez (22) and Gustavo Aldereguía Lima (21,3). Those polled assured that the students asked about: presence of clinical manifestations (97,8 %), arrival of travelers (97,4 %), relatives in isolation (96,4 %) and explanation of protection measures (94,9 %). 97.9 % of the basic health teams and 95.8 % of the population reported good satisfaction with the door-to-door screening.Conclusions: there was good satisfaction with the door-to-door screening carried out by the students.</p

    Actions for the prevention of COVID-19 at the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas

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    Background: proposing actions for the prevention of COVID-19 during the academic year can contribute to avoid contagion and transmission of the disease and maintain the quality of the teaching-educational process.Objective: to design a system of actions for the prevention of COVID-19 during the academic year 2020-2021 at the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas.Methods: a development research was carried out at the aforementioned institution from August 20, 2020 through January 2021. The study was executed during the teaching-educational process, with actions for the prevention of COVID-19 as the research field. The research process was carried out in two stages: review of ministerial resolutions and indications and other documents related to the subject (articles, matters, clinical guidelines, protocols, etc.); and elaboration of the system of actions.Results: the system of actions was structured with a general objective, general actions at the university, which included the achievement of the specific hygienic and sanitary actions directed towards COVID-19. In addition, actions in undergraduate and postgraduate training, for the area of international relations, for the members of the Family Doctor’s Office, other actions to guarantee the safe operation in the kitchen-dining room and in the students’ residence, and appropriate actions to be carried out by the Board of Directors of the university.Conclusions: a system of actions for the prevention of COVID-19 was designed at the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas.</p