1,031 research outputs found

    Ecologically Designed Sanitary Sewer Based on Constructed WetlandsTechnology – Case Study in Managua (Nicaragua)

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    In developed countries the sanitation and treatment of urban wastewater is well sustained and technically solved by means of conventional pipe networksandsubsequentcentralizedtreatments.However,developingcountries lack these infrastructures and are in need of sustainable, decentralized and economically viable solutions for the disposal of their urban wastewaters. In addition to this, there are situations where the demands of conservation of naturalspacesdonotallowintensiveconstructiveproceduresandwhichforce the implementation of sanitary engineering with less environmental impact. We present the Ecological Wastewater Sewer (EWS), an ecological urban sewerage system that simultaneously transports wastewater and improves its quality.Thisinnovativetechnologyisanalternativetoconventionalsanitation piping that has minimal environmental impact. It is based on a successful previous work for the improvement of artificial wetlands in a pilot scheme andatfull-scaleonatestsite.TheEWSisachannel-shapeddevicethatrelies on the application of two key developments: a carefully designed cornered stones layout, and the creation of a natural aeration system. This way, it acts as a separating sewage system that guarantees the presence of a chamber of circulating air within the transportation unit, favouring permanent aerobic conditions in the upper levels of the mass of wastewater. Furthermore, its capacity to set tle suspended solids allows the EWS to be used as a sedimentor in water purification processes. A real-life application of this system proved successful in the sanitation of a district of Managua (Nicaragua). Working with a 100-metre-long street of 20 one-story houses, the system is reported to still be in full operating order after six years. The conclusions and results drawn from its monitoring are meticulously explained in our paper, as well astherecommendations&guidelinesforthedesignofmoreEWSunits,with aim to the popularization of this affordable, efficient and green approach to wastewater sanitation.Andalusian International School of Water Engineering, City hall of SevilleCooperation Office at the University of Sevill

    Supervised classification and mathematical optimization

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    Data Mining techniques often ask for the resolution of optimization problems. Supervised Classification, and, in particular, Support Vector Machines, can be seen as a paradigmatic instance. In this paper, some links between Mathematical Optimization methods and Supervised Classification are emphasized. It is shown that many different areas of Mathematical Optimization play a central role in off-the-shelf Supervised Classification methods. Moreover, Mathematical Optimization turns out to be extremely useful to address important issues in Classification, such as identifying relevant variables, improving the interpretability of classifiers or dealing with vagueness/noise in the data.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónJunta de Andalucí

    Semi-obnoxious location models: a global optimization approach

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    In the last decades there has been an increasing interest in environmental topics. This interest has been reflected in modeling the location of obnoxious facilities, as shown by the important number of papers published in this field. However, a very common drawback of the existing literature is that, as soon as environmental aspects are taken into account, economical considerations (e.g. transportation costs) are ignored, leading to models with dubious practical interest. In this paper we take into account both the environmental impact and the transportation costs caused by the location of an obnoxious facility, and propose as solution method of the well-known BSSS, with a new bounding scheme which exploits the structure of the problem.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnic

    A biobjective method for sample allocation in stratified sampling

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    The two main and contradicting criteria guiding sampling design are accuracy of estimators and sampling costs. In stratified random sampling, the sample size must be allocated to strata in order to optimize both objectives. In this note we address, following a biobjective methodology, this allocation problem. A two-phase method is proposed to describe the set of Pareto-optimal solutions of this nonlinear integer biobjective problem. In the first phase, all supported Pareto-optimal solutions are described via a closed formula, which enables quick computation. Moreover, for the common case in which sampling costs are independent of the strata, all Pareto-optimal solutions are shown to be supported. For more general cost structures, the non-supported Pareto-optimal solutions are found by solving a parametric knapsack problem. Bounds on the criteria can also be imposed, directing the search towards implementable sampling plans. Our method provides a deeper insight into the problem than simply solving a scalarized version, whereas the computational burden is reasonable.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Hand-in-hand with Hélène Cixous: A re-vision of the work of scottish writers Willa Muir, Jessie Kesson and Janice Galloway

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    [Abstract] In the early years of the twentieth century, Willa Muir warned women of their own self-destruction if they aligned themselves with the power of the Self that came to them, which was imposed by the ‘Law of the Father,’ the authority represented by a Calvinist religion based on the coldness of rationality and on the value of human beings measured according to their productivity, and by a Church that regarded the world of emotions as profane, an evil that had to be repressed. In the late twentieth century, Janice Galloway continues to denounce the pernicious effects of the power represented by the Church, and by extension the community, which continues to exercise repression in the unconscious of women in Scotland. From this repression, the three writers examined in this thesis - Willa Muir, Jessie Kesson, and Janice Galloway - offer their heroines a way out, a new voice which Hélène Cixous called ‘sortie,’ a new liberating voice in continuous negotiation between the Self and the Other, without ever leaving the feminine language, the caressing and liberating of the voice of the unrepresented mother which vibrates in women’s minds full of musically and love.[Resumen] Ya a principios del siglo XX, Willa Muir advirtió a las mujeres de su propia auto-destrucción si se alienaban con el poder del Self impuesto por la ‘Ley del Padre,’ la autoridad representada por la religión Calvinista en Escocia basada en la frialdad racionalista y en la valía de los seres humanos según su productividad, y por una Iglesia que consideraba profano el mundo de las emociones, y por tanto un mal que debía ser reprimido. A finales del siglo XX, Janice Galloway, sigue denunciando los efectos perniciosos del poder representado por la Iglesia y por extensión de la comunidad, que continúa reprimiendo el inconsciente de las mujeres en Escocia. Para combatir esta represión, las tres escritoras estudiadas en esta tesis - Willa Muir, Jessie Kesson y Janice Galloway - ofrecen a sus heroínas una salida, una nueva voz que Hélène Cixous llamó ‘sortie,’ una nueva voz liberadora en continua negociación entre el Self y el Otro, sin abandonar nunca la escritura femenina, la voz acariciadora y liberadora de la madre que resuena en la mente de las mujeres llena de musicalidad y de vida.[Resumo] Xa a principios do século XX, Willa Muir advertiu ás mulleres da súa propia auto-destrución se se alienaban co poder do Self imposto pola ‘Lei do Pai,’ a autoridade representada pola relixión Calvinista en Escocia baseada na frialdade racionalista e na valía dos seres humanos segundo a súa produtividade, e por unha Igrexa que consideraba profano o mundo das emocións, e por tanto un mal que debía ser reprimido. A finais do século XX, Janice Galloway segue denunciando os efectos perniciosos do poder representado pola Igrexa e por extensión da comunidade, que continúa reprimindo o inconsciente das mulleres en Escocia. Para combater esta represión, as tres escritoras estudadas nesta tese - Willa Muir, Jessie Kesson e Janice Galloway - ofrecen ás súas heroínas unha saída, unha nova voz que Hélène Cixous chamou ‘sortie,’ unha nova voz liberadora en continua negociación entre o Self e o Outro, sen abandonar nunca a escritura feminina, a voz acariciadora e liberadora da nai que resoa na mente das mulleres chea de musicalidad e de vida

    Consumers' privacy, selling of information, and security in digital markets

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    La era digital se caracteriza por la gran producción de datos (algunos de ellos de naturaleza privada) a gran escala. La vulnerabilidad y la exposición está ocurriendo a un ritmo sin precedentes, produciendo grandes incentivos económicos para los propietarios de estos datos. Sin embargo, los proveedores de dichos datos, que a menudo son consumidores de contenido gratuito en plataformas digitales, están comenzando a desarrollar problemas de privacidad y, por lo tanto, conducen a la consiguiente reducción de la confianza en los mercados digitales. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es analizar la privacidad desde una perspectiva informativa y fuente de ineficiencias en el mercado. Además, la tesis ofrece un análisis de las decisiones óptimas de los agentes económicos teniendo en cuenta la necesidad actual imperante de una demanda de privacidad. Después de la introducción del tema, el Capítulo 2 analiza el papel de la privacidad en la discriminación de precios basada en canales y la dispersión de precios. El Capítulo 3 investiga la decisión del monopolista de invertir en seguridad en los mercados digitales para influir en los consumidores aumentando su confianza en cuestiones de seguridad y privacidad. El Capítulo 4 estudia el comportamiento estratégico de los consumidores en un mercado compuesto por un mercado ascendente y un mercado descendente, donde la información sobre ellos se puede vender a otra empresa que venda otro bien que también podrían comprar. Además, examinamos el escenario en el que se ofrece a los consumidores una opción de exclusión para evitar que su información sea vendida. Como conclusiones generales, descubrimos que el monopolista obtiene mayores ganancias esperadas bajo la discriminación de precios basada en el canal. Además, existe una dispersión de precios por canales, muy en línea con la literatura. De hecho, la dispersión de precios depende de las preocupaciones de privacidad media de la población en el mercado. Obtenemos que el monopolista considera rentable invertir en seguridad. Sin embargo, tales inversiones en seguridad pueden resultar en una transferencia del coste directamente a los consumidores a través del precio, y puede resultar en abuso de posición. Finalmente, la venta de información al consumidor genera un mayor excedente del consumidor que no permitir la venta de información en el mercado. Sin embargo, cambiar las reglas para permitir la exclusión voluntaria nunca mejora el excedente agregado del consumidor.The digital era is characterized by the large production of data (some of them of private nature) on a large scale. The vulnerability and exposure is occurring at an unprecedented rate, producing great economic incentives for the owners of these data. However, the providers of such data, who are often consumers of free content on digital platforms, are starting to develop privacy concerns and thus, lead to the subsequent reduction of confidence in digital markets. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze privacy from an informational perspective and source of inefficiencies in the market. Furthermore, the thesis offers an analysis of optimal decisions of economic agents considering the current prevailing need for a demand for privacy. After the introduction of the topic, Chapter 2 analyzes the role of privacy in channel-based price discrimination and price dispersion. Chapter 3 investigates the monopolist's decision to invest in security in digital markets in order to influence consumers increasing their confidence in matters of security and privacy. Chapter 4 studies the strategic behavior of consumers in a market composed by an upstream market and a downstream market, where information about them can be sold to another firm selling another good they might also buy. Furthermore, we examine the scenario when consumers are offered an opt-out option to avoid having their information sold. As general conclusions, we find out that the monopolist gets higher expected profits under channel-based price discrimination. Moreover, it does exist price dispersion over channels, much in line with the literature. Indeed, price dispersion depends on the average population privacy concerns in the market. We get that the monopolist finds it profitable to invest in security. However, such investments in security may result in a transfer of the cost directly to consumers through the price, and it might result in abuse of position. Finally, selling consumer information renders higher consumer surplus than no letting the sale of information in the market. However, changing the rules to permit free opt-out never improves aggregate consumer surplus


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    The use and access to Information and Communication’s Technologies have proliferated in the present society. The Education has to be in permanent contact with social reality in which the pupils live immersed, reason why these technologies to the process of teaching-learning like means of approach to the pupils, motivation and optimization of the educational work have been gotten up. In this article we are going to try in particular, an ICT tool of easy handling and creation, already extended enough between the educative community, that will facilitate the learning by investigation of the pupil, the investigation, the creativity and the self-learning: webquest.El uso y acceso a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación ha proliferado en la sociedad actual. La Educación ha de estar en contacto permanente con la realidad social en la que viven inmersos los discentes, por lo que se han incorporado dichas tecnologías al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje como medio de acercamiento al alumnado, motivación y optimización de la labor docente. En este artículo vamos a tratar en concreto, una herramienta TIC de fácil manejo y creación, ya bastante extendida entre la comunidad educativa, que facilitará el aprendizaje por indagación del discente, la investigación, la creatividad y el auto-aprendizaje: la Webquest

    Naturaleza del estado de transición en las reacciones de reducción de 1-aril-3-fenil-2-metil-1-propanonas con tetrahidruro de aluminato de litio : un estudio cinético y estereoquímico

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, leída en 1983.Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu