2 research outputs found

    Minor Surgery in Primary Care

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    Minor surgical procedures are defined as a set of procedures in which short surgical techniques are applied on superficial tissues, usually with local anesthesia, and minimal complications, that usually do not require postoperative resuscitation and need minimal equipment, many of which are used on a daily basis, and can be easily and safely performed in a short amount of time during clinic visit. General practitioners should have an optimal infrastructure and medical furniture in a minor surgery operating room. It is important to manage the instruments and materials involved for basic and advanced surgery. Also, for a good clinical practice in minor surgery, it is necessary that general practitioners handle anesthesia techniques (local anesthetic infiltration and regional blocks) and have knowledge of the body areas of risk in minor surgery and the topographic anatomy of the skin for the right performance of surgical procedure. The patients should be informed about the procedure and its technical details before asking them to sign the informed consent form

    Risk factors associated with sexually transmitted infections and HIV among adolescents in a reference clinic in Madrid.

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    INTRODUCTION:Adolescents have a higher incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than persons of older age groups. The WHO emphasises the need to adopt specific and comprehensive prevention programmes aimed at this age group. The objective of this work was to analyse the prevalence of HIV/STIs among adolescents and to identify the sociodemographic, clinical and behavioural markers associated with these infections, in order to promote specific preventive strategies. METHODOLOGY:Retrospective descriptive study of adolescents, aged 10-19 years, who were attended to for the first consultation between 2016 and 2018 in a reference STI clinic in Madrid. All adolescents were given a structured epidemiological questionnaire where information on sociodemographic, clinical and behavioural characteristics was collected. They were screened for human inmmunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The processing and analysis of the data was done using the STATA 15.0 statistical package. RESULTS:The frequency of HIV/STIs detected among all adolescents was: gonorrhoea 21.7%, chlamydia 17.1%, syphilis 4.8% and HIV 2.4%. After conducting a multivariate analysis, the independent and statistically significant variables related to the presence of an STI were having first sexual relations at a young age and having a history of STIs. Latin American origin was just below the level of statistical significance (p = 0.066). DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:Adolescents who begin sexual relations at an early age or those who have a history of HIV/STIs are at higher risk of acquiring STIs. Comprehensive prevention programmes aimed specifically at adolescents should be implemented, especially before the age of 13 years