18 research outputs found

    Investigate waste management issue in Mexico Restaurant

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    Reliable data on waste management and controlling waste will be illuminated in an effective way to suggest better waste management practices in the hospitality industry in New Zealand. This research suggests effective steps to regain and minimize the waste produced in Mexico restaurant, which is located in Victoria Street, Hamilton. To obtain the data, interviews and observation were the preliminary methods used in this research to clearly understand the main cause of the problem by the organisation in terms of waste. This research has covered waste management issues faced in SMEs and steps to control food waste in restaurants. All the collected data are compared and analysed under a statistical result and these results are discussed on the basis of the current waste management practices of the business. The key findings recommend a possible method to control waste and implementing new software to monitor the waste. Further research will carry over under the same stream by influencing engineering methods and machines, which will be a positive deliverable for a sustainable environment and society

    Customer acquisition and engagement in Magic Chinese Health Massage

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    With the development of massage business, there are more and more massage shops established in Hamilton. Magic Chinese Health Massage is one of them. To achieve a successful development, having appropriate strategies of customer acquisition and engagement is necessary. The aim of this research is to recommend effective and efficient approaches to attract and retain customers for Magic Chinese Health Massage. The research is implemented in the Magic Chinese Health Massage shop through the interview and observation. As a result, the researcher finds the massage shop has a good reputation but it also has some drawbacks of services, advertising and its social media. Therefore, customer services, shop advertising and the social media of Magic Chinese Health Massage should be improved. To achieve the improvement, advertising is recommended to have more detail to attract customers and customer services can be more flexible. Similarly, its social media, such as Facebook, should be updated frequently

    Financial technology in the automobile industry

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    This research targets financial technology in the automobile industry. It is a prediction technology to be used in future for money transferring techniques. The aim of the research is to notify “how the blockchain is planned to make the transactions secure and reduce the transactional costs.” Observing the participants’ opinions, the research will summarise their effectiveness based on current financial methods. To change this lack of information, the researcher proposes to conduct a case study on a small business. Using a mixture of interviews and participant observation, the researcher intends to ascertain whether the most effective implementation methodology was used to implement block chain technology into the small automobile business. To clarify further, investigation into why it was done this particular way and the ramifications of that choice will be conducted. The results from the interviews will be analysed in correlation with planning and preparation, implementation and integration of the new system, training, customer expectations and changes in management. The objective of the research is to analysis the current strategy used by the automobile dealers in New Zealand for their business and the procedures they use for online transactions. Introducing blockchain technology in the automobile industry will help the business to be more efficient and effective and it will lead to centralization of car dealers and customers in New Zealand under one head

    Identifying strategies for strengthening market position

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    This research aims to comprehend how an organisation operates its business and to identify the strategies adopted by it to strengthen its position in the market. The research starts with the background of the restaurant, which is followed by an internal and external analysis of the business to better understand its business environment. This includes SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, and an understanding of the competition. Then the scope of the research is mentioned, and further explained in the literature review. The areas covered in the literature review include interior design, competitive advantage, analysis of customer base and satisfaction, human resources and expansion strategies. Then the methods used to conduct the research are discussed. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used for this research. Then the results obtained, and observations made from conducting the interview and questionnaire are covered. A complete detained analysis of the results is included in the discussion. The results section primarily highlights the most likable factor about the restaurant and its position in the market. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations made for the organisation to increase their sales are provided on the basis of the results obtained. It has been observed that the organisation faces stiff competition and needs to take measures to improve its market position

    Waste management

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    Modern society is generating a negative effect on the environment. In New Zealand, most SMEs face a serious struggle with waste reduction, and currently New Zealand’s waste recycling and reuse products are reduced because of political issues. This research clearly explains the cause and effect of waste production in an organisation internally and externally, and how the organisation is controlling it. This research result shows a major environmental change in New Zealand society

    R&D vouchers: Business continuity of IT

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    Wintec introduced a scheme to do a $5,000 project with research, development or knowledge transfer for an organization. The first project, proposed by Employer Partnership Group for IT, was done on Business continuity of IT. Feedback indicates it was successful and we learned about the scheme, engaging community, IT issues for industry and informing teaching

    Case - Collaboration framework for IT problem solving for community organizations

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    This posters shares insights from a funded project do develop long term organized collaboration between School of IT and a Not-For-Profit (NFP) community organization