2 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of eliminating vertical transmission of HIV in a health center in Mozambique

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    Introduction: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a serious health problem, especially for developing countries. Objective:聽 to verify if the strategy of elimination of the vertical transmission聽 diminished the risk of vertical transmission of AIDS according to the goals of the World Health Organization. Method: a retrospective longitudinal study was performed at a health center in the city of Tete, Mozambique. Two groups were compared, women who followed and those who did not follow elimination of the vertical transmission. For the categorized variables, the X2 test and odds ratio were used. Results: the mean age of pregnant women was 25.2 years. Pregnancy was more frequent in women with a general secondary education level. Of the total of pregnant women only 37.4% accepted and completely followed the elimination of the vertical transmission . With it, only 7.6% of newborns were VIH +. Conclusions: the effectiveness of elimination of the vertical transmission 聽was evidenced even though its results are far from achieving the goals proposed by the World Health Organization

    Efectividad de la eliminaci贸n de transmisi贸n vertical de VIH en un centro de salud en Mozambique

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    Introduction: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a serious health problem, especially for developing countries.Objective:聽 to verify if the strategy of elimination of the vertical transmission聽 diminished the risk of vertical transmission of AIDS according to the goals of the World Health Organization.Method: a retrospective longitudinal study was performed at a health center in the city of Tete, Mozambique. Two groups were compared, women who followed and those who did not follow elimination of the vertical transmission. For the categorized variables, the X2 test and odds ratio were used.Results: the mean age of pregnant women was 25.2 years. Pregnancy was more frequent in women with a general secondary education level. Of the total of pregnant women only 37.4% accepted and completely followed the elimination of the vertical transmission . With it, only 7.6% of newborns were VIH +.Conclusions: the effectiveness of elimination of the vertical transmission 聽was evidenced even though its results are far from achieving the goals proposed by the World Health Organization.Introducci贸n: el s铆ndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida constituye un grave problema de salud, sobre todo, para los pa铆ses en v铆as de desarrollo.Objetivo: constatar si la estrategia de eliminaci贸n de la transmisi贸n vertical聽 disminuy贸 el riesgo de transmisi贸n vertical del SIDA de acuerdo a las metas de la OMS.M茅todo: se realiz贸 un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo en un centro de salud de la ciudad de Tete, Mozambique. Fueron comparados dos grupos, las mujeres que siguieron y las que no siguieron la eliminaci贸n de la transmisi贸n vertical. Para las varibles categorizadas se utiliz贸 el test de X2 y Odds ratio.Resultados: la media de edad de las gestantes fue de 25,2 a帽os. La gravidez fue m谩s frecuente en mujeres con nivel de escolaridad de ense帽anza secundaria general. Del total de gr谩vidas solo el 37,4 % acept贸 y sigui贸 completamente la eliminaci贸n de la transmisi贸n vertical. Con 茅sta, solo el 7,6 % de los reci茅n nacidos result贸 VIH+.Conclusiones:聽 se evidenci贸 la efectividad de la eliminaci贸n de la transmisi贸n vertical, aunque sus resultados est谩n lejos de alcanzar los objetivos propuestos por la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud