95 research outputs found

    Photon Induced Non-local Effects of General Anaesthetics on the Brain

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    Photons are intrinsically quantum objects and natural long-distance carriers of information in both classical and quantum communications1. Since brain functions involve information and many experiments have shown that quantum entanglement is physically real, we have contemplated from the perspective of our recent hypothesis2 on the possibility of entangling the quantum entities inside the brain with those in an external anaesthetic sample and carried out experiments toward that end. Here we report that applying magnetic pulses to the brain when a general anaesthetic sample was placed in between caused the brain to feel the effect of said anaesthetic for several hours after the treatment as if the test subject had actually inhaled the same. The said effect is consistently reproducible on all four subjects tested. We further found that drinking water exposed to magnetic pulses, laser light, microwave or even flashlight when an anaesthetic sample was placed in between also causes consistently reproducible brain effects in various degrees. We have in addition tested several medications including morphine and obtained consistently reproducible results. Further, through additional experiments we have verified that the said brain effect is the consequence of quantum entanglement between quantum entities inside the brain and those of the chemical substance under study induced by the photons of the magnetic pulses or applied lights. We suggest that the said quantum entities inside the brain are nuclear and/or electron spins and discuss the profound implications of these results

    Spin-Mediated Consciousness Theory: An Approach Based On Pan-Protopsychism

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    As an alternative to our original dualistic approach, we present here our spin-mediated consciousness theory based on pan-protopsychism. We postulate that consciousness is intrinsically connected to quantum mechanical spin since said spin is embedded in the microscopic structure of spacetime and may be more fundamental than spacetime itself. Thus, we theorize that consciousness emerges quantum mechanically from the collective dynamics of "protopsychic" spins under the influence of spacetime dynamics. That is, spin is the "pixel" of mind. The unity of mind is achieved by quantum entanglement of the mind-pixels. Applying these ideas to the particular structures and dynamics of the brain, we postulate that the human mind works as follows: The nuclear spin ensembles ("NSE") in both neural membranes and proteins quantum mechanically process consciousness-related information such that conscious experience emerges from the collapses of entangled quantum states of NSE under the influence of the underlying spacetime dynamics. Said information is communicated to NSE through strong spin-spin couplings by biologically available unpaired electronic spins such as those carried by rapidly diffusing oxygen molecules and neural transmitter nitric oxides that extract information from their diffusing pathways in the brain. In turn, the dynamics of NSE has effects through spin chemistry on the classical neural activities such as action potentials and receptor functions thus influencing the classical neural networks of said brain. We also present supporting evidence and make important predictions. We stress that our theory is experimentally verifiable with present technologies

    Thinking Outside the Box: The Essence and Implications of Quantum Entanglement

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    Many experiments have shown that quantum entanglement is physically real. In this paper, we will discuss its ontological origin, implications and applications by thinking outside the standard interpretations of quantum mechanics. We argue that quantum entanglement originates from the primordial spin processes in non-spatial and non-temporal pre-spacetime, implies genuine interconnectedness and inseparableness of once interacting quantum entities, plays vital roles in biology and consciousness and, once better understood and harnessed, has far-reaching consequences and applications in many fields such as medicine and neuroscience. We further argue that quantum computation power also originates from the primordial spin processes in pre-spacetime. Finally, we discuss the roles of quantum entanglement in spin-mediated consciousness theory

    Concerning Spin as Mind-pixel: How Mind Interacts with the Brain through Electric Spin Effects

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    Electric spin effects are effects of electric fields on the dynamics/motions of nuclear/electron spins and related phenomena. Since classical brain activities are largely electric, we explore here a model of mind-brain interaction within the framework of spin-mediated consciousness theory in which these effects in the varying high-voltage electric fields inside neural membranes and proteins mediate mind-brain input and output processes. In particulars, we suggest that the input processes in said electric fields are possibly mediated by spin transverse forces and/or Dirac-Hestenes electric dipoles both of which are associated with the nuclear/electronic spin processes. We then suggest that the output processes (proactive spin processes) in said electric fields possibly involve Dirac negative energy extraction processes, shown by Solomon, and also Dirac-Hestenes electric dipole interactions of nuclei/electrons besides non-local processes driven by quantum information. We propose that these output processes modulate the action potentials, thus influencing the brain, by affecting the cross-membrane electric voltages and currents directly and/or indirectly through changing the capacitance, conductance and/or battery in the Hudgkin-Huxley model. These propositions are based on our own experimental findings, further theoretical considerations, and studies reported by others in the fields of spintronics, high-energy physics and alternative energy research

    Possible Roles of Neural Electron Spin Networks in Memory and Consciousness

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    Spin is the origin of quantum effects in both Bohm and Hestenes quantum formulism and a fundamental quantum process associated with the structure of space-time. Thus, we have recently theorized that spin is the mind-pixel and developed a qualitative model of consciousness based on nuclear spins inside neural membranes and proteins. In this paper, we explore the possibility of unpaired electron spins being the mind-pixels. Besides free O2 and NO, the main sources of unpaired electron spins in neural membranes and proteins are transition metal ions and O2 and NO bound/absorbed to large molecules, free radicals produced through biochemical reactions and excited molecular triplet states induced by fluctuating internal magnetic fields. We show that unpaired electron spin networks inside neural membranes and proteins are modulated by action potentials through exchange and dipolar coupling tensors and spin-orbital coupling and g-factor tensors and perturbed by microscopically strong and fluctuating internal magnetic fields produced largely by diffusing O2. We argue that these spin networks could be involved in brain functions since said modulation inputs information carried by the neural spike trains into them, said perturbation activates various dynamics within them and the combination of the two likely produce stochastic resonance thus synchronizing said dynamics to the neural firings. Although quantum coherence is desirable, it is not required for these spin networks to serve as the microscopic components for the classical neural networks. On the quantum aspect, we speculate that human brain works as follows with unpaired electron spins being the mind-pixels: Through action potential modulated electron spin interactions and fluctuating internal magnetic field driven activations, the neural electron spin networks inside neural membranes and proteins form various entangled quantum states some of which survive decoherence through quantum Zeno effects or in decoherence-free subspaces and then collapse contextually via irreversible and non-computable means producing consciousness and, in turn, the collective spin dynamics associated with said collapses have effects through spin chemistry on classical neural activities thus influencing the neural networks of the brain. Thus, according to this alternative model, the unpaired electron spin networks are the “mind-screen,” the neural membranes and proteins are the mind-screen and memory matrices, and diffusing O2 and NO are pixel-activating agents. Together, they form the neural substrates of consciousness

    Spin-Mediated Consciousness: Theory, Experimental Studies, Further Development & Related Topics

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    We postulate that consciousness is intrinsically connected to quantum spin since the latter is the origin of quantum effects in both Bohm and Hestenes quantum formulisms and a fundamental quantum process associated with the structure of space-time. Applying these ideas to the particular structures and dynamics of the brain, we have developed a detailed model of quantum consciousness. We have also carried out experiments from the perspective of our theory to test the possibility of quantum-entangling the quantum entities inside the brain with those of an external chemical substance. We found that applying magnetic pulses to the brain when an anaesthetic was placed in between caused the brain to feel the effect of said anaesthetic as if the test subject had actually inhaled the same. We further found that drinking water exposed to magnetic pulses, laser light or microwave when an anaesthetic was placed in between also causes brain effects in various degrees. Additional experiments indicate that the said brain effect is indeed the consequence of quantum entanglement. Recently we have studied non-local effects in simple physics systems. We have found that the pH value, temperature and gravity of a liquid in the detecting reservoirs can be non-locally affected through manipulating another liquid in a remote reservoir quantum-entangled with the former. In particular, the pH value changes in the same direction as that being manipulated; the temperature can change against that of local environment; and the gravity can change against local gravity. We suggest that they are mediated by quantum entanglement between nuclear and/or electron spins in treated liquid and discuss the profound implications of these results. This paper now also includes materials on further development of the theory and related topics.Comment: 92 pages; expanded content; minor corrections; for additional information, please visit http://quantumbrain.or

    Evidence of Non-local Chemical, Thermal and Gravitational Effects

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    Quantum entanglement is ubiquitous in the microscopic world and manifests itself macroscopically under some circumstances. But common belief is that it alone cannot be used to transmit information nor could it be used to produce macroscopic non-local effects. Yet we have recently found evidence of non-local effects of chemical substances on the brain produced through it. While our reported results are under independent verifications by other groups, we report here our experimental findings of non-local chemical, thermal and gravitational effects in simple physical systems such as reservoirs of water quantum-entangled4 with water being manipulated in a remote reservoir. With the aids of high-precision instruments, we have found that the pH value, temperature and gravity of water in the detecting reservoirs can be non-locally affected through manipulating water in the remote reservoir. In particular, the pH value changes in the same direction as that being manipulated; the temperature can change against that of local environment; and the gravity can change against local gravity. These non-local effects are all reproducible and can be used for non-local signalling and many other purposes. We suggest that they are mediated by quantum entanglement between nuclear and/or electron spins in treated water and discuss the profound implications of these results

    Spin as Primordial Self-Referential Process Driving Quantum Mechanics, Spacetime Dynamics and Consciousness

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    We have recently theorized that consciousness is intrinsically connected to quantum mechanical spin since said spin is embedded in the microscopic structure of spacetime and is more fundamental than spacetime itself, that is, spin is the “mind-pixel.” Applying these ideas to the particular structures and dynamics of the brain, we have developed a qualitative model of quantum consciousness. In this paper, we express our fundamental view that spin is a primordial self-referential process driving quantum mechanics, spacetime dynamics and consciousness. To justify such a view, we will draw support from existing literatures, discuss from a reductionist perspective the essential properties said spin should possess as mind-pixel and explore further the nature of spin to see whether said properties are present. Our conclusion is that these properties are indeed endowed to spin by Nature. One of the implications from our fundamental view is that the probabilistic structure of quantum mechanics is due to the self-referential collapse of spin state that is contextual, non-local, non-computable and irreversible. Therefore, a complete theory of the self-referential spin process is necessarily semantic, that is, it should be based on internally meaningful information

    Thinking Outside the Box II: The Origin, Implications and Applications of Gravity and Its Role in Consciousness

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    Although theories and speculations abound, there is no consensus on the origin or cause of gravity. Presumably, this status of affair is due to the lack of any experimental guidance. In this paper, we will discuss its ontological origin, implications and potential applications by thinking outside the mainstream notions of general relativity and quantum gravity. We argue that gravity originates from the primordial spin processes in non-spatial and non-temporal pre-spacetime, is the manifestation of quantum entanglement, and implies genuine instantaneous interconnectedness of all matters in the universe. That is, we advocate the principle of non-local action. To certain degree, our view is a reductionist expression of Newton’s instantaneous universal gravity and Mach’s Principle with important consequences. We also discuss the role of gravity in consciousness from this new perspective. Indeed, if spin is the primordial self-referential cause of everything, it should also be the cause of gravity
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