157 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the electronic structures of the In and Sn/In2O3 (111) interfaces

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    The electronic structure of the transparent semiconductor In2O3 has been studied by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy upon deposition of metallic indium and also tin on the surface of the semiconductor. By deposition of metallic indium on In2O3 (111) single crystals, we detected the formation of a free-electron like band of effective mass (0.38+-0.05) m0. At low coverages, metallic In shifts the Fermi level of In2O3 to higher energies and a new electronic state forms at the metal/semiconductor interface. This state of two-dimensional character (2D-electron gas) is completely responsible for the electrical conduction in In2O3 (111) at the surface region and has a band dispersion, which does not correspond to the previously found surface accumulation layers in this material. Despite the similarity of the electronic properties of In and Sn, a larger downward banding was observed by Sn coverage, which was not accompanied by the appearance of the surface state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Fiscal sustainability and policy implications for the euro area.

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    In this paper we examine the sustainability of euro area public finances against the backdrop of population ageing. We critically assess the widely used projections of the Working Group on Ageing Populations (AWG) of the EU's Economic Policy Committee and argue that ageing costs may be higher than projected in the AWG reference scenario. Taking into account adjusted headline estimates for ageing costs, largely based upon the sensitivity analysis carried out by the AWG, we consider alternative indicators to quantify sustainability gaps for euro area countries. With respect to the policy implications, we assess the appropriateness of different budgetary strategies to restore fiscal sustainability taking into account intergenerational equity. Our stylised analysis based upon the lifetime contribution to the government's primary balance of different generations suggests that an important degree of pre-funding of the ageing costs is necessary to avoid shifting the burden of adjustment in a disproportionate way to future generations. For many euro area countries this implies that the medium-term targets defined in the context of the revised stability and growth pact would ideally need to be revised upwards to significant surpluses.Population Ageing ; Fiscal Sustainability ; Generational Accounting ; Medium-term Objectives for Fiscal Policy

    Rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte alimentados com dietas peletizadas contendo glicerina bruta.

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    maior parte das dietas para frangos de corte são peletizadas e a glicerina bruta além de ser um alimento energético é um melhorador de peletes, contudo não há informações sobre a interação entre a peletização e o uso de glicerina bruta em características de carcaça de frangos de corte. Assim objetivou-se avaliar o rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte alimentados com rações fareladas ou peletizadas com a inclusão de níveis crescentes de glicerina bruta. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos (peso) casualizados com 8 tratamentos e 8 repetições de 25 aves por unidade experimental, de acordo com um arranjo fatorial 2x4 (2 processamentos X 4 níveis de glicerina bruta: 0, 4, 8 e 12%). Aos 43 dias de idade 3 aves de cada box foram abatidas para avaliação de rendimento de carcaça e de cortes. O processamento influenciou o peso de carcaça e de cortes, contudo não houve o mesmo efeito para o rendimento, exceto para asas. Quanto ao uso de glicerina bruta, os pesos das carcaças e dos cortes apresentaram comportamento quadrático enquanto a gordura mostrou comportamento linear decrescente. Entretanto, para rendimento só houve efeito quadrático para carcaça, com ponto de máxima em 3,79%, aumento linear para asa e redução linear para gordura. O processamento de ração não afeta as características de carcaça avaliadas. A glicerina bruta melhora o rendimento de carcaça e reduz a deposição de gordura. Most diets for broilers are pelleted and crude glycerin is a pellet enhancer, in addition to be an energy source. However, there is no information about the interaction between pelleting and the use of crude glycerin on carcass characteristics of broilers. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate carcass yield of broilers fed with meal or pelleted diets with increasing levels of crude glycerin. The experimental design was in randomized complete blocks (weight) with 8 treatments and 8 replicates of 25 birds each, according to a 2x4 factorial arrangement (2 physical forms X 4 levels of crude glycerin: 0, 4, 8 and 12%). Three birds from each pen were slaughtered at 43 days of age to evaluate carcass yield and cuts. Physical form of diet influenced the weight of carcass and cuts, but there was not any effect on yield, except for wings. Regarding the use of crude glycerin, carcass and cuts weights showed quadratic behavior while fat showed a decreasing linear effect. Yield showed quadratic effect only for carcass, with a maximum point at 3.79%, linear increase in wing and linear reduction for fat. Feed processing does not affect carcass yield while crude glycerin improves carcass yield and reduces fat deposition

    Anarquismo epistemológico y la individualidad en la apropiación del conocimiento

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    En el presente artículo abordamos la problemática del uso de materiales alternativos como apoyo en el proceso de la enseñanza/aprendizaje, en función de la visión feyerabendiana. El propio profesor actúa aparentemente en forma individualista cuando opta por un determinado libro didáctico, en desmedro de material producido a partir de su vivencia y experiencia en el aula, por lo cual estará atendiendo a dos situaciones implícitas en su acto. Primero, a un currículo oculto que lo obliga a mantener un proceso hegemónico según las normas en la escuela y, segundo, la presión directa o indirecta de las escuelas, editoriales y de la familia del alumno para el uso del libro texto como único recurso didáctico. Nuestro objetivo es fundamentar el necesario apoyo al profesor en la producción de su propio material didáctico, manifestándose libre e individualmente en la producción del conocimiento generado en su clase

    Peletização de farelo de soja com adição de glicerina bruta.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a peletização de farelo de soja com a inclusão de níveis crescentes de glicerina bruta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com seis tratamentos (0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 e 5,0% de inclusão de glicerina ao farelo de soja) e cinco repetições (batidas) de 250 kg para cada tratamento. O farelo foi misturado com a glicerina em um misturador vertical para depois ser peletizado, com vapor, e os blocos foram constituídos pela passagem de uma repetição de cada tratamento pela peletizadora. Entre as peletizações das batidas, foi passada na peletizadora uma quantidade de 50 kg de farelo de trigo moído para a limpeza da mesma. A glicerina bruta testada melhorou a qualidade dos peletes de farelo de soja. O consumo de energia elétrica reduziu com a inclusão de níveis crescentes de glicerina bruta, contudo a produtividade, em tonelada/hora, reduziu linearmente e foi comprometida com níveis acima de 2% de inclusão. A glicerina bruta é um umectante eficiente que pode ser usado para melhorar a qualidade dos peletes e reduzir o consumo de energia elétrica pelas fabricas de rações. The study was carried out to evaluate the pelleting response of soybean meal with increasing levels of crude glycerin. It was used a randomized block design with six treatments (0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0 and 5.0 % inclusion of glycerol in the soybean meal) and five replicates (batchs) of 250 kg for each treatment. Soybean meal was mixed with glycerin in a vertical mixer and then steam pelletized. Blocks were formed by five batches, each one representing one treatment passing by the pelletizer. Fifty kg of ground wheat bran were passed by the pelletizer between batches, for cleaning purposes. The crude glycerin tested improved the quality of soybean meal pellets. The electricity consumption decreased with increasing levels of crude glycerin. However, pellet productivity (tons/hour) was linearly reduced with crude glycerin inclusion levels above 2%. The crude glycerin is an effective pelleting moisturizer that can be used to improve the quality of pellets and reduce electricity consumption by feed mills