4,548 research outputs found

    The Autumn Love of a Nonagenarian Seducer. From the Symptoms of the Old Age to the signa amoris in Memoria de mis putas tristes by García Márquez

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    inspirada inicialmente en La casa de las bellas durmientes (1961) del escritor japonés y premio Nobel Yasunari Kawabata, Memoria de mis putas tristes (2004) registra una historia de amor apasionado, protagonizada por un anciano nonagenario y una niña virgen, conocida en la obra como Delgadina, en alusión al personaje homónimo del romancero español sobre el que se cierne la amenaza del incesto. Una historia de amor loco, como querían los surrealistas, enmarcada en un particular prostíbulo caribe, en donde se van a confundir los signa amoris con los síntomas de la vejez, gracias a los recursos oníricos del realismo mágico.initially inspired on The House of the Sleeping Beauties (1961) by the Japanese writer and Nobel Prize Yasunari Kawabata, Memoria de mis putas tristes (2004) depicts a passionate love story between a man in his nineties and a virginal girl, whose name in the novel is Delgadina, a clear allusion to the character of the same name from medieval Spanish romances who is subject to the threat of incest. It is a story of crazy love in manner of the Surrealistic vein, set in a peculiar brothel in the Caribbean where the signs of love mix with those of elder age due to the dreamlike resources of magic realism

    Aislamiento y caracterización de un bacteriófago específico para aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, agente etiológico de la periodontitis agresiva.

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    Tesis (Químico Farmacéutico)El término enfermedad periodontal se refiere a un conjunto de enfermedades inflamatorias que afectan los tejidos de soporte del diente, esta patología resulta de un desequilibrio entre la interacción inmunológica del hospedero y la flora de la placa dental. Las manifestaciones clínicas de esta enfermedad se agrupan bajo el nombre de gingivitis y periodontitis. Entre las bacterias relacionadas con la instauración de esta patología, la espeCIe Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans se ha asociado especialmente con el desarrollo de la periodontitis agresiva, forma de infección que se presenta con una frecuencia considerable en individuos jóvenes. La aparición cada vez más frecuente de bacterias resistentes al tratamiento con antibióticos ha hecho que, se piense de nuevo en los bacteriófagos como una alternativa terapéutica al empleo de los antimicrobianos actuales. Los fagos corresponden a pequeñas partículas virales capaces de destruir específicamente bacterias. Existen numerosos estudios que apoyan la eficacia de esta terapia y por ende sugieren que la fagoterapia es una alternativa a considerar. Además, por muchos años, los bacteriófagos han servido como poderosas herramientas genéticas para el estudio de mecanismos de patogenicidad bacteriana. En el presente proyecto se aislaron, a partir de pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad periodontal y personas sanas, siete cepas de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitas las que fueron utilizadas para la búsqueda y aislamiento del nuevo bacteriófago Aabü l. El análisis de las curvas de crecimiento en medios suplementados sugiere que los viriones aislados son capaces de infectar las cepas susceptibles prescindiendo de la presencia de calcio y magnesio en el medio. Las características de la curva de infección y las placas de lisis indican que se trata de un fago lisogénico. Se logró la extracción del material genético viral y su digestión con enzimas de restricción 10 que demostró que se trata de DNA cuyo tamaño molecular aproximado es de 24,3 Kpb. Este parámetro fue estimado por comparación de las migraciones e1ectroforéticas de la digestión con la endonucleasa Bgl TI y el estándar de peso molecular de 1 Kb

    La ficción como coartada del apátrida: un milagro informal de Fernando Iwasaki

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    The article analyzes the book of short stories entitled “Un milagro informal” (2003) (An Informal Miracle), written by the Hispano-Peruvian author Fernando Iwasaki, in the context of the new trends in Peruvian narrative literature. In a sense, the book’s table of contents allows us to realize that Iwasaki has selected the most representative tales from his genre of short-story telling. Besides, he has anthologized himself and has introduced new tales that provide evidence of a clear evolution in his literary work. Thus, he eliminates any kind of boundaries, not only in those aspects involving subject matters and styles, but also in the different genres. This evolution is clearly represented in the author's forms, the stylistic, even linguistic distance that are present in the tales written in Seville in recent years, when compared with those written in Lima during the eighties. Nonetheless, despite the numerous metamorphoses that Iwasaski’s writings present, there are four main subjects that cover transversally all his short-story telling output, namely, 1) the imaginary element, that bursts abruptly into the world of realism, 2) the eroticism, trimmed with jocular and ludic elements, 3) the parody, presented mainly in the detective genre and 4) the intertextual puns. These four elements are perfectly connected and invite most of the time the use of a sort caustic and corrosivehumour

    How molybdenum species cleave the phosphoester bond.

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    217 p.Metal species have a great impact on the biochemistry of living systems. It has been reported that polyoxomolybdates exhibit anti-tumor activity similar to that of commercial drugs. However, the mechanism by which these species are effective against cancer has been an elusive topic. It is believed that their activity is related to their interaction with phosphoester' containing biomolecules.Experimental studies have demonstrated that molybdenum species can cause cleavage in different model phosphoester molecules.However, the complex chemistry of molybdates has made these experimental studies difficult to interpret. We used computational methodologies to shed light on the phosphoesterase activity of molybdenum species in different reaction models. The study employed density functional theory to explore the mechanistic details of hydrolysis reactions of phosphate monoesters and diestersin the presence of different molybdenum species.The study results on the speciation of MoO2Cl2(DMF)2 supported the experimental findings that reported DMF release and Mo¿Clbond breakage. Two different NPP hydrolysis pathways were proposed depending on the complex concentration. Lower concentrations disfavoured the formation of polynuclear species, and the hydrolysis proceeded through less favourable mononuclear intermediates. With enough complex concentration, a nucleation process was favoured over the phosphate interaction. After theformation of dinuclear species, the incorporation of NPP and its consequent hydrolysis showed lower energetic barriers than theuncatalysed reaction. We also examined heptamolybdate as it was reported to hydrolyse NPP while its nuclearity decreased.Pentanuclear active species proposed by experimentals showed a higher activation barrier for its hydrolysis and cannot beconsidered as a catalyst. The study proposed a dinuclear compound resulting from heptamolybdate fragmentation as the catalytic species, which decreased the energetic barrier compared to the non¿catalysed reaction. With DNA and RNA models BNPP andHPNP, the calculations supported the experimental findings that heptamolybdate can hydrolyse phosphodiester molecules without fragmentation. With phosphate diesters, the hydrolysis proceeded through more compact mechanisms than with phosphatemonoesters, in which phosphorane structures are formed.The study revealed that the dinuclear species and the heptamolybdate cluster provide a structural motif that catalyses the hydrolysisof these phosphates. The molybdate structure generally augments the electrophilia of the phosphorous atom and can deprotonateand activate the nucleophile, favouring associative mechanisms. This information can aid in designing effective and non¿toxicphosphoesterases.DIP