2,411 research outputs found

    Hemoglobin Subunit-Subunit Affinity-Determinant of Hemoglobin Formation

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    Hemoglobin A₂ is often elevated in β-thalassemia and decreased in α-thalassemia. This might be due to hemoglobin subunit-subunit affinity variation. It has been inferred from the study of abnormal hemoglobins that the a subunits have higher affinity for β subunits than for δ subunits. However, only in one study has the affinity of α, β, and δ subunits for each other been measured. In this work we have attempted to measure the hemoglobin subunit-subunit affinity with somewhat different approach, i.e., hybridization of hemoglobin A and A₂. It is shown that hybridization and recombination of equal amounts of hemoglobins A and A₂ lead always to the formation of more hemoglobin A than A₂. Incubation of pure α, β, and δ subunits forms more hemoglobin A than A₂ as the availability of a subunits declines. It is concluded that hemoglobin a subunits have approximately four-fold higher affinity for β subunits than for the δ subunits under these experimental conditions. This subunit-subunit affinity difference, which has been attributed to the variation in molecular electrostatic charges, explains the variation of hemoglobin A₂ levels in thalassemia syndromes

    Holographic Thermodynamic on the Brane in Topological Reissner-Nordstr\"om de Sitter Space

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    We consider the brane universe in the bulk background of the topological Reissner-Nordstr\"om de Sitter black holes. We show that the thermodynamic quantities (including entropy) of the dual CFT take usual special forms expressed in terms of Hubble parameter and its time derivative at the moment, when the brane crosses the black hole horizon or the cosmological horizon. We obtain the generalized Cardy-Verlinde formula for the CFT with an charge and cosmological constant, for any values of the curvature parameter kk in the Friedmann equations.Comment: 8 page

    OPTIS - a satellite-based test of Special and General Relativity

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    A new satellite based test of Special and General Relativity is proposed. For the Michelson-Morley experiment we expect an improvement of at least three orders of magnitude, and for the Kennedy-Thorndike experiment an improvement of more than one order of magnitude. Furthermore, an improvement by two orders of the test of the universality of the gravitational red shift by comparison of an atomic clock with an optical clock is projected. The tests are based on ultrastable optical cavities, an atomic clock and a comb generator.Comment: To appear in Class. Quantum Gra
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