4,859 research outputs found

    A simplicial gauge theory

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    We provide an action for gauge theories discretized on simplicial meshes, inspired by finite element methods. The action is discretely gauge invariant and we give a proof of consistency. A discrete Noether's theorem that can be applied to our setting, is also proved.Comment: 24 pages. v2: New version includes a longer introduction and a discrete Noether's theorem. v3: Section 4 on Noether's theorem has been expanded with Proposition 8, section 2 has been expanded with a paragraph on standard LGT. v4: Thorough revision with new introduction and more background materia

    Curvature condensation and bifurcation in an elastic shell

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    We study the formation and evolution of localized geometrical defects in an indented cylindrical elastic shell using a combination of experiment and numerical simulation. We find that as a symmetric localized indentation on a semi-cylindrical shell increases, there is a transition from a global mode of deformation to a localized one which leads to the condensation of curvature along a symmetric parabolic crease. This process introduces a soft mode in the system, converting a load-bearing structure into a hinged, kinematic mechanism. Further indentation leads to twinning wherein the parabolic crease bifurcates into two creases that move apart on either side of the line of symmetry. A qualitative theory captures the main features of the phenomena and leads to sharper questions about the nucleation of these defects.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Light-Cone Quantization of the Liouville Model

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    We present the quantization of the Liouville model defined in light-cone coordinates in (1,1) signature space. We take advantage of the representation of the Liouville field by the free field of the Backl\"{u}nd transformation and adapt the approch by Braaten, Curtright and Thorn. Quantum operators of the Liouville field +ϕ\partial_{+}\phi, ϕ\partial_{-}\phi, egϕe^{g\phi}, e2gϕe^{2g\phi} are constructed consistently in terms of the free field. The Liouville model field theory space is found to be restricted to the sector with field momentum P+=PP_{+}=-P_{-}, P+>0P_{+}> 0 , which is a closed subspace for the Liouville theory operator algebra.Comment: 16 p, EFI-92-6

    Symmetry Reduction by Lifting for Maps

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    We study diffeomorphisms that have one-parameter families of continuous symmetries. For general maps, in contrast to the symplectic case, existence of a symmetry no longer implies existence of an invariant. Conversely, a map with an invariant need not have a symmetry. We show that when a symmetry flow has a global Poincar\'{e} section there are coordinates in which the map takes a reduced, skew-product form, and hence allows for reduction of dimensionality. We show that the reduction of a volume-preserving map again is volume preserving. Finally we sharpen the Noether theorem for symplectic maps. A number of illustrative examples are discussed and the method is compared with traditional reduction techniques.Comment: laTeX, 31 pages, 5 figure

    Neutron, electron and X-ray scattering investigation of Cr1-xVx near Quantum Criticality

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    The weakness of electron-electron correlations in the itinerant antiferromagnet Cr doped with V has long been considered the reason that neither new collective electronic states or even non Fermi liquid behaviour are observed when antiferromagnetism in Cr1x_{1-x}Vx_{x} is suppressed to zero temperature. We present the results of neutron and electron diffraction measurements of several lightly doped single crystals of Cr1x_{1-x}Vx_{x} in which the archtypal spin density wave instability is progressively suppressed as the V content increases, freeing the nesting-prone Fermi surface for a new striped charge instability that occurs at xc_{c}=0.037. This novel nesting driven instability relieves the entropy accumulation associated with the suppression of the spin density wave and avoids the formation of a quantum critical point by stabilising a new type of charge order at temperatures in excess of 400 K. Restructuring of the Fermi surface near quantum critical points is a feature found in materials as diverse as heavy fermions, high temperature copper oxide superconductors and now even elemental metals such as Cr.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to Physical Review

    Properties of Ridges in Elastic Membranes

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    When a thin elastic sheet is confined to a region much smaller than its size the morphology of the resulting crumpled membrane is a network of straight ridges or folds that meet at sharp vertices. A virial theorem predicts the ratio of the total bending and stretching energies of a ridge. Small strains and curvatures persist far away from the ridge. We discuss several kinds of perturbations that distinguish a ridge in a crumpled sheet from an isolated ridge studied earlier (A. E. Lobkovsky, Phys. Rev. E. 53 3750 (1996)). Linear response as well as buckling properties are investigated. We find that quite generally, the energy of a ridge can change by no more than a finite fraction before it buckles.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, acknowledgement adde

    Discomfort and agitation in older adults with dementia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A majority of patients with dementia present behavioral and psychological symptoms, such as agitation, which may increase their suffering, be difficult to manage by caregivers, and precipitate institutionalization. Although internal factors, such as discomfort, may be associated with agitation in patients with dementia, little research has examined this question. The goal of this study is to document the relationship between discomfort and agitation (including agitation subtypes) in older adults suffering from dementia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This correlational study used a cross-sectional design. Registered nurses (RNs) provided data on forty-nine residents from three long-term facilities. Discomfort, agitation, level of disability in performing activities of daily living (ADL), and severity of dementia were measured by RNs who were well acquainted with the residents, using the Discomfort Scale for patients with Dementia of the Alzheimer Type, the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory, the ADL subscale of the Functional Autonomy Measurement System, and the Functional Assessment Staging, respectively. RNs were given two weeks to complete and return all scales (i.e., the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory was completed at the end of the two weeks and all other scales were answered during this period). Other descriptive variables were obtained from the residents' medical file or care plan.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hierarchical multiple regression analyses controlling for residents' characteristics (sex, severity of dementia, and disability) show that discomfort explains a significant share of the variance in overall agitation (28%, <it>p </it>< 0.001), non aggressive physical behavior (18%, <it>p </it>< 0.01) and verbally agitated behavior (30%, <it>p </it>< 0.001). No significant relationship is observed between discomfort and aggressive behavior but the power to detect this specific relationship was low.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings provide further evidence of the association between discomfort and agitation in persons with dementia and reveal that this association is particularly strong for verbally agitated behavior and non aggressive physical behavior.</p

    Standing Genetic Variation in Contingency Loci Drives the Rapid Adaptation of Campylobacter jejuni to a Novel Host

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    The genome of the food-borne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni contains multiple highly mutable sites, or contingency loci. It has been suggested that standing variation at these loci is a mechanism for rapid adaptation to a novel environment, but this phenomenon has not been shown experimentally. In previous work we showed that the virulence of C. jejuni NCTC11168 increased after serial passage through a C57BL/6 IL-10-/- mouse model of campylobacteriosis. Here we sought to determine the genetic basis of this adaptation during passage. Re-sequencing of the 1.64Mb genome to 200-500X coverage allowed us to define variation in 23 contingency loci to an unprecedented depth both before and after in vivo adaptation. Mutations in the mouse-adapted C. jejuni were largely restricted to the homopolymeric tracts of thirteen contingency loci. These changes cause significant alterations in open reading frames of genes in surface structure biosynthesis loci and in genes with only putative functions. Several loci with open reading frame changes also had altered transcript abundance. The increase in specific phases of contingency loci during in vivo passage of C. jejuni, coupled with the observed virulence increase and the lack of other types of genetic changes, is the first experimental evidence that these variable regions play a significant role in C. jejuni adaptation and virulence in a novel host

    Isolation of digital dermatitis treponemes from hoof lesions in wild North American elk (Cervus elaphus) in Washington State, USA

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    Since 2008, a large increase in the numbers of cases of lameness have been seen in wild North American elk (Cervus elaphus) from Washington State, USA. The most recent cases manifested as foot lesions similar both clinically and pathologically to those seen in digital dermatitis (DD) in cattle and sheep, a disease with a bacterial etiopathogenesis. To determine whether the same bacteria considered responsible for DD are associated with elk lameness, lesion samples were subjected to bacterial isolation studies and PCR assays for three phylogroups of relevant DD treponemes. The DD treponemes were isolated from lesional tissues but not from control feet or other areas of the diseased foot (including the coronary band or interdigital space), suggesting that the bacteria are strongly associated with DD lesions and may therefore be causal. In addition, PCR analysis revealed that all three unique DD treponeme phylotypes were found in elk hoof disease, and in 23 of samples, all 3 DD-associated treponemes were present in lesions. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene showed that the elk lesion treponemes were phylogenetically almost identical to those isolated from cattle and sheep DD lesions. The isolates were particularly similar to two of the three culturable DD treponeme phylotypes: specifically, the Treponema medium/Treponema vincentii-like and Treponema phagedenis-like DD spirochetes. The third treponeme culturable phylogroup (Treponema pedis), although detected by PCR, was not isolated. This is the first report describing isolation of DD treponemes from a wildlife host, suggesting that the disease may be evolving to include a wider spectrum of cloven-hoofed animals. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved

    Applying psychological type theory to cathedral visitors : a case study of two cathedrals in England and Wales

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    This study employs Jungian psychological type theory to profile visitors to Chester Cathedral in England and St Davids Cathedral in Wales. Psychological type theory offers a fourfold psychographic segmentation of visitors, distinguishing between introversion and extraversion, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, and judging and perceiving. New data provided by 157 visitors to Chester Cathedral (considered alongside previously published data provided by 381 visitors to St Davids Cathedral) demonstrated that these two cathedrals attract more introverts than extraverts, more sensers than intuitives, and more judgers than perceivers, but equal proportions of thinkers and feelers. Comparison with the population norms demonstrated that extraverts and perceivers are significantly under-represented among visitors to these two cathedrals. The implications of these findings are discussed both for maximising the visitor experiences of those already attracted to these cathedrals and for discovering ways of attracting more extraverts and more perceivers to explore these cathedrals