404 research outputs found

    BPS Spectrum, Indices and Wall Crossing in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories

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    BPS states in N=4 supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories in four dimensions can be represented as planar string networks with ends lying on D3-branes. We introduce several protected indices which capture information on the spectrum and various quantum numbers of these states, give their wall crossing formula and describe how using the wall crossing formula we can compute all the indices at all points in the moduli space.Comment: LaTeX file, 33 pages, 15 figure

    Evidence for Duality of Conifold from Fundamental String

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    We study the spectrum of BPS D5-D3-F1 states in type IIB theory, which are proposed to be dual to D4-D2-D0 states on the resolved conifold in type IIA theory. We evaluate the BPS partition functions for all values of the moduli parameter in the type IIB side, and find them completely agree with the results in the type IIA side which was obtained by using Kontsevich-Soibelman's wall-crossing formula. Our result is a quite strong evidence for string dualities on the conifold.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, v2: typos corrected, v3: explanations about wall-crossing improved and figures adde

    Wall-Crossing from Boltzmann Black Hole Halos

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    A key question in the study of N=2 supersymmetric string or field theories is to understand the decay of BPS bound states across walls of marginal stability in the space of parameters or vacua. By representing the potentially unstable bound states as multi-centered black hole solutions in N=2 supergravity, we provide two fully general and explicit formulae for the change in the (refined) index across the wall. The first, "Higgs branch" formula relies on Reineke's results for invariants of quivers without oriented loops, specialized to the Abelian case. The second, "Coulomb branch" formula results from evaluating the symplectic volume of the classical phase space of multi-centered solutions by localization. We provide extensive evidence that these new formulae agree with each other and with the mathematical results of Kontsevich and Soibelman (KS) and Joyce and Song (JS). The main physical insight behind our results is that the Bose-Fermi statistics of individual black holes participating in the bound state can be traded for Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, provided the (integer) index \Omega(\gamma) of the internal degrees of freedom carried by each black hole is replaced by an effective (rational) index \bar\Omega(\gamma)= \sum_{m|\gamma} \Omega(\gamma/m)/m^2. A similar map also exists for the refined index. This observation provides a physical rationale for the appearance of the rational Donaldson-Thomas invariant \bar\Omega(\gamma) in the works of KS and JS. The simplicity of the wall crossing formula for rational invariants allows us to generalize the "semi-primitive wall-crossing formula" to arbitrary decays of the type \gamma\to M\gamma_1+N\gamma_2 with M=2,3.Comment: 71 pages, 1 figure; v3: changed normalisation of symplectic form 3.22, corrected 3.35, other cosmetic change

    D3-instantons, Mock Theta Series and Twistors

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    The D-instanton corrected hypermultiplet moduli space of type II string theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold is known in the type IIA picture to be determined in terms of the generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants, through a twistorial construction. At the same time, in the mirror type IIB picture, and in the limit where only D3-D1-D(-1)-instanton corrections are retained, it should carry an isometric action of the S-duality group SL(2,Z). We prove that this is the case in the one-instanton approximation, by constructing a holomorphic action of SL(2,Z) on the linearized twistor space. Using the modular invariance of the D4-D2-D0 black hole partition function, we show that the standard Darboux coordinates in twistor space have modular anomalies controlled by period integrals of a Siegel-Narain theta series, which can be canceled by a contact transformation generated by a holomorphic mock theta series.Comment: 42 pages; discussion of isometries is amended; misprints correcte

    Block-Goettsche invariants from wall-crossing

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    We show how some of the refined tropical counts of Block and Goettsche emerge from the wall-crossing formalism. This leads naturally to a definition of a class of putative q-deformed Gromov-Witten invariants. We prove that this coincides with another natural q-deformation, provided by a result of Reineke and Weist in the context of quiver representations, when the latter is well defined

    BPS States, Refined Indices, and Quiver Invariants

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    For D=4 BPS state construction, counting, and wall-crossing thereof, quiver quantum mechanics offers two alternative approaches, the Coulomb phase and the Higgs phase, which sometimes produce inequivalent counting. The authors have proposed, in arXiv:1205.6511, two conjectures on the precise relationship between the two, with some supporting evidences. Higgs phase ground states are naturally divided into the Intrinsic Higgs sector, which is insensitive to wall-crossings and thus an invariant of quiver, plus a pulled-back ambient cohomology, conjectured to be an one-to-one image of Coulomb phase ground states. In this note, we show that these conjectures hold for all cyclic quivers with Abelian nodes, and further explore angular momentum and R-charge content of individual states. Along the way, we clarify how the protected spin character of BPS states should be computed in the Higgs phase, and further determine the entire Hodge structure of the Higgs phase cohomology. This shows that, while the Coulomb phase states are classified by angular momentum, the Intrinsic Higgs states are classified by R-symmetry.Comment: 51 pages, 5 figure

    Constructive Wall-Crossing and Seiberg-Witten

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    We outline a comprehensive and first-principle solution to the wall-crossing problem in D=4 N=2 Seiberg-Witten theories. We start with a brief review of the multi-centered nature of the typical BPS states and recall how the wall-crossing problem thus becomes really a bound state formation/dissociation problem. Low energy dynamics for arbitrary collections of dyons is derived, from Seiberg-Witten theory, with the proximity to the so-called marginal stability wall playing the role of the small expansion parameter. We find that, surprisingly, the R3n\mathbb{R}^{3n} low energy dynamics of n+1 BPS dyons cannot be consistently reduced to the classical moduli space, \CM, yet the index can be phrased in terms of \CM. We also explain how an equivariant version of this index computes the protected spin character of the underlying field theory, where SO(3)_\CJ isometry of \CM turns out to be the diagonal subgroup of SU(2)LSU(2)_L spatial rotation and SU(2)RSU(2)_R R-symmetry. The so-called rational invariants, previously seen in the Kontsevich-Soibelman formalism of wall-crossing, are shown to emerge naturally from the orbifolding projection due to Bose/Fermi statistics.Comment: 25 pages, conference proceeding contribution for "Progress of Quantum Field Theory and String Theory," Osaka, April 201

    The Gravity Dual of the Ising Model

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    We evaluate the partition function of three dimensional theories of gravity in the quantum regime, where the AdS radius is Planck scale and the central charge is of order one. The contribution from the AdS vacuum sector can - with certain assumptions - be computed and equals the vacuum character of a minimal model CFT. The torus partition function is given by a sum over geometries which is finite and computable. For generic values of Newton's constant G and the AdS radius L the result has no Hilbert space interpretation, but in certain cases it agrees with the partition function of a known CFT. For example, the partition function of pure Einstein gravity with G=3L equals that of the Ising model, providing evidence that these theories are dual. We also present somewhat weaker evidence that the 3-state and tricritical Potts models are dual to pure higher spin theories of gravity based on SL(3) and E_6, respectively.Comment: 42 page

    Partition Functions of Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity and the Black Hole Entropy

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    We analyze aspects of the holographic principle relevant to the quantum gravity partition functions in Euclidean sector of AdS3_3. The sum of the known contributions to the partitions functions can be presented exactly, including corrections, in the form where the Patterson-Selberg zeta function involves.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. Some misprints have been corrected, title changed. To appear in the J. Phys. A (2009

    Kan ik mijzelf scheppen? Naar een ethiek van de vrijheid: inzet, ontwikkeling en actualiteit van Michel Foucaults werk. Een nawoord als inleiding

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    Hoe een denker in te leiden die zelf zijn werk als een lange inleiding zag, een voorwerk bij een oeuvre dat altijd nog geschreven moest worden? Men zou kunnen denken dat de vroege dood van Michel Foucault, in 1984, hem verhinderd heeft een oeuvre tot stand te brengen en te voltooien, en een definitief standpunt in te nemen ten aanzien van de filosofische kwesties die hij ter sprake bracht. Maar het is waarschijnlijker dat Foucaults liefde voor het inleidende, voorbereidende spreken nauw verbonden is met zijn opvatting over filosofie. In zijn werk wordt een wig gedreven tussen waarheid en wijsbegeerte. Hij breekt met de zelfopvatting van een lange traditie van westers denken, waarin de filosofie zichzelf beschouwt als hoedster van de waarheid, een waarheid die zij zou moeten verwoorden in een laatste, alomvattend spreken. Veeleer is het de taak van de filosofie te onderzoeken hoe het eigenlijk komt dat de westerse cultuur – en de mens als ‘subject’ dat deze cultuur heeft voortgebracht – het zoeken naar de waarheid zo centraal heeft gesteld in haar praktijken. Niet de waarheid zelf, maar het verlangen naar waarheid moet de filosoof onderzoeken en kritisch ondervragen
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