7 research outputs found

    Endogenous cycles, activity patterns and energy expenditure of an intertidal fish is modified by artificial light pollution at night (ALAN)

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    The increase of global light emissions in recent years has highlighted the need for urgent evaluation of their impacts on the behaviour, ecology and physiology of organisms. Numerous species exhibit daily cycles or strong scototaxic behaviours that could potentially be influenced if natural lighting conditions or cycles are disrupted. Artificial Light Pollution at Night (ALAN) stands for situations where artificial light alters natural light-dark cycles, as well as light intensities and wavelengths. ALAN is increasingly recognized as a potential threat to biodiversity, mainly because a growing number of studies are demonstrating its influence on animal behaviour, migration, reproduction and biological interactions. Most of these studies have focused on terrestrial organisms and ecosystems with studies on the effects of ALAN on marine ecosystems being more occasional. However, with the increasing human use and development of the coastal zone, organisms that inhabit shallow coastal or intertidal systems could be at increasing risk from ALAN. In this study we measured the levels of artificial light intensity in the field and used these levels to conduct experimental trials to determine the impact of ALAN on an intertidal fish. Specifically, we measured ALAN effects on physiological performance (oxygen consumption) and behaviour (activity patterns) of “Baunco” the rockfish Girella laevifrons, one of the most abundant and ecologically important intertidal fish in the Southeastern Pacific littoral. Our results indicated that individuals exposed to ALAN exhibited increased oxygen consumption and activity when compared with control animals. Moreover, those fish exposed to ALAN stopped displaying the natural (circatidal and circadian) activity cycles that were observed in control fish throughout the experiment. These changes in physiological function and behaviour could have serious implications for the long-term sustainability of fish populations and indirect impacts on intertidal communities in areas affected by ALAN

    Effects of temperature, size, and food on the growth of Membranipora membranacea in laboratory and field studies

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    In the rocky subtidal ecosystem of the western North Atlantic outbreaks of the introduced epiphytic bryozoan Membranipora membranacea cause defoliation of kelp beds and facilitate the introduction of other non-native benthic species. We quantified size- and temperature-dependent growth rates of M. membranacea colonies in the field and the laboratory for durations of 8-23 days. Also, we examined the interaction between food abundance and temperature on growth rates of newly settled colonies in the laboratory. Growth rates were positively related to temperature and increased exponentially with size of colonies over the ranges examined (5.7-16.2°C and 0.5-192 mm, respectively), and were significantly higher in the field than in the laboratory. There was an interactive effect between food and temperature on the size and growth rates of colonies, with the most pronounced effects of food limitation on colonies grown at the warmest temperatures, and no effect of food on colonies grown at the coldest temperatures. Quantifying the growth rates of introduced species is essential to understanding their population dynamics, particularly when outbreaks can have severe impacts on the native community

    Fertilization Is Not a New Beginning: The Relationship between Sperm Longevity and Offspring Performance

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    Sperm are the most diverse cell type known: varying not only among- and within-species, but also among- and within-ejaculates of a single male. Recently, the causes and consequences of variability in sperm phenotypes have received much attention, but the importance of within-ejaculate variability remains largely unknown. Correlative evidence suggests that reduced within-ejaculate variation in sperm phenotype increases a male's fertilization success in competitive conditions; but the transgenerational consequences of within-ejaculate variation in sperm phenotype remain relatively unexplored. Here we examine the relationship between sperm longevity and offspring performance in a marine invertebrate with external fertilization, Styela plicata. Offspring sired by longer-lived sperm had higher performance compared to offspring sired by freshly-extracted sperm of the same ejaculate, both in the laboratory and the field. This indicates that within-ejaculate differences in sperm longevity can influence offspring fitness - a source of variability in offspring phenotypes that has not previously been considered. Links between sperm phenotype and offspring performance may constrain responses to selection on either sperm or offspring traits, with broad ecological and evolutionary implications