26 research outputs found

    Mercato elettorale e competizione tra i partiti

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    The italian “electoral market” before the general elections of 1992 is analysed in the article. Electors with only one party choice in mind are distinguished from those who take in consideration a larger number of parties in casting their vote. The latter ones appear to be younger, more educated and particularly concentrated in the northern regions of Italy. A distinction is then made among “ sure ” voting options (coming from those who have only one party choice in mind) and “possible” voting options (coming from those electors who choose from a number of parties). Some parties (Pds, Dc, Lega Lombarda) appear to have a larger munber of “sure” choices. Which leads them to a better result in elections

    Mercato elettorale e competizione tra i partiti (1992)

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    1. Elettori «monopartitici» ed elettori «pluripartitici» Gli ultimi anni hanno visto un notevole incremento degli studi sul comportamento elettorale in Italia. Anche a causa delle maggiori – rispetto alle esperienze dei decenni passati – differenze nei risultati da un’elezione all’altra, si è verificato un vero e proprio fiorire di ricerche, analisi, dibattiti. Ma gli studi di questi ultimi due decenni presentano caratteristiche in larga misura diversa da quelli condotti nei periodi precedent..

    Mercato elettorale e competizione tra i partiti

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    The italian “electoral market” before the general elections of 1992 is analysed in the article. Electors with only one party choice in mind are distinguished from those who take in consideration a larger number of parties in casting their vote. The latter ones appear to be younger, more educated and particularly concentrated in the northern regions of Italy. A distinction is then made among “ sure ” voting options (coming from those who have only one party choice in mind) and “possible” voting options (coming from those electors who choose from a number of parties). Some parties (Pds, Dc, Lega Lombarda) appear to have a larger munber of “sure” choices. Which leads them to a better result in elections

    Cosa rileva il sondaggio su temi politici?

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    Sull’affidabilità dei dati

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    Un faux «tremblement de terre». Les élections politiques des 27 et 28 mars 1994

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    A False «Earthquake». Political Elections of 27 and 28 March 1994 In Italy. Ilvo Diamanti and Renato Mannheimer [113-126]. The legislative elections of March 1994 have marked the end of Italy's «first Republic» and the break down of traditional parties, replaced in government by new formations such as Lega or Forza Italia. Some have seen a political «earthquake», the expression of an unprecedented reversal of voters' opinion. This interpretation is not acceptable. More than the transformation of the «demand», this is the changing political «supply» that make possible to understand these electoral results : because of «historical» parties' crisis, the Italian electoral market has become competitive, centered on candidates' personalities instead of political platforms, allowing «entrepreneurs» that have succeeded in identifying to the new situation to attract a more mobile electorate, more independent from the parties, and therefore, more ready for a diversified political supply.Un faux «tremblement de terre». Les élections politiques des 27 et 28 mars 1994 en Italie. Ilvo Diamanti et Renato Mannheimer [113-126]. Les élections législatives de mars 1994 ont marqué la fin de la «première République» italienne et consacré l'écroulement des partis traditionnels, remplacées au gouvernement par des formations nouvelles comme la Lega ou Forza Italia. Certains y ont vu un «tremblement de terre» politique, la manifestation d'un retournement sans précédent des opinions des électeurs. Cette interprétation n'est pas tenable. Plus que les transformations de la «demande», ce sont les modifications de l'«offre» politique qui permettent d'interpréter les résultats de ces élections : du fait de la crise des partis «historiques», le marché électoral italien est devenu concurrentiel, centré sur les personnalités des candidats plutôt que sur les programmes politiques, permettant aux «entrepreneurs» qui ont réussi à s'identifier à la «nouveauté» de capter un électorat plus mobile, plus indépendant des partis et, par là, plus disponible pour une offre politique diversifiée.Diamanti Ilvo, Mannheimer Renato. Un faux «tremblement de terre». Les élections politiques des 27 et 28 mars 1994. In: Politix, vol. 8, n°30, Deuxième trimestre 1995. Incertitudes italiennes, sous la direction de Jean-Louis Briquet , Christophe Bouillaud, Jean-Yves Dormagen et Isabelle Sommier. pp. 113-126

    Introduzione. Chiarezza senza semplificazione, rigore senza intellettualismo: Giacomo Sani e gli studi sull'opinione di massa e i comportamenti elettorali

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    L'articolo inquadra il pluriennale contributo di Giacomo Sani allo studio del comportamento elettorale in America e Europa. In particolare, vengono evidenziati i principali snodi teorici e risultati empirici in tema di comportamento elettorale, cultura civica e comunicazione politica