2 research outputs found

    Boundary-layers for a Neumann problem at higher critical exponents

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    We consider the Neumann problem (P)Δv+v=vq1 in  D, v>0 in  D, νv=0 on D,(P)\qquad - \Delta v + v= v^{q-1} \ \text{in }\ \mathcal{D}, \ v > 0 \ \text{in } \ \mathcal{D},\ \partial_\nu v = 0 \ \text{on } \partial\mathcal{D} , where D\mathcal{D} is an open bounded domain in RN,\mathbb{R}^N, ν\nu is the unit inner normal at the boundary and q>2.q>2. For any integer, 1hN3,1\le h\le N-3, we show that, in some suitable domains D,\mathcal D, problem (P)(P) has a solution which blows-up along a hh-dimensional minimal submanifold of the boundary D\partial\mathcal D as qq approaches from either below or above the higher critical Sobolev exponent 2(Nh)Nh2.{2(N-h)\over N-h-2}.Comment: 13 page

    Hopf reduction and orbit concentrating solutions for a class of superlinear elliptic equations

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    We consider singularly perturbed equations of the form {ε2Δu−u+up=0 in A⊂RN,u>0 in A,u=0 on ∂A, where A is a annulus and p>1. It has been conjectured for a long time that such problems possess solutions having m-dimensional concentration sets for every 0≤m≤N−1. For N=3 solutions with 2-dimensional and 0-dimensional concentration sets are known, while no result was available for 1-dimensional concentration sets. We answer positively this conjecture, proving the existence of solutions which concentrate on circles S1. The proof relies on work by Santra-Wei who proved the existence of solutions concentrating on a Clifford torus S1×S1 for an annulus in R4. We extend this result to equations with weights. Then we use the Hopf fibration to show that these solutions give rise to the S1-concentrating solutions in R3. © 2022 Elsevier Inc