14 research outputs found

    Ectodermal dysplasia

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    Hereditary hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, also called the Christ-Siemens-Touraine Syndrome is characterized by congenital dysplasia of one or more ectodermal structures and is manifested by hypohidrosis, hypotrichosis and hypodontia. It is usually an X-linked recessive mendelian character which is rarely seen in males. It results from abnormal morphogenesis of cutaneous and oral embryonic ectoderm. Patients with this disorder exhibit smooth , thin and dry skin, fine and blond scanty hair. Intra-orally anodontia or hypodontia, with impaired development of alveolar process is seen. A case report of a rare case of this disorder in a female patient aged 18 years is hereby presented

    Comparative Evaluation of Radiographic Techniques for the Localization of Impacted Maxillary Canine

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    The maxillary canine being the last anterior tooth to erupt in the oral cavity, is commonly impacted and the reasons for which are multifocal. It is necessary to locate the position of the impacted tooth in order to carry out a proper treatment plan. Various clinical and radiologic methods have been carried out to localize the position of the impacted tooth. The most commonly used methods include the parallax / tube shift, right angle technique, occlusal and the panoramic radiographs. This article reviews the various radiographic techniques and summarizes the current literature about the localization of impacted maxillary canine. This study confirms that the single panoramic radiograph is adequate to localize the position of the impacted maxillary canine, provided that both the magnification index and the vertical restriction criteria are used

    Bilateral Odontogenic Keratocyst - A Case Report

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    The odontogenic keratocyst is a cyst of odontogenic origin that exhibits a keratinised epithelial lining. Odontogenic keratocyst has been the topic of numerous investigators and is known for its potentially aggressive behavior and significant rate of recurrence. This cyst often occurs as a solitary lesion in the angle of the mandible, however in some, multiple such cysts may occur in association with a syndrome called "Nevoid basal cell syndrome". Here we report a case of a bilateral odontogenic keratocyst in a 60 yr old male patient, wherein multiple cysts were present but, without any other associated manifestations

    Giant basal cell adenoma of the parotid gland eroding the ramus of mandible: An unusual presentation

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    Basal cell adenoma (BCA) is an uncommon benign salivary gland epithelial tumor. BCA accounts for 1-2% of all salivary gland epithelial tumors and more than 80% of BCA′s arise in the major salivary glands, mostly the parotid. It is usually firm in consistency, mobile, slow growing mass, and tends to be multiple. Due to the prognostic implications, differential diagnosis with basal cell adenocarcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and basaloid squamous cell carcinoma is essential. We present a giant BCA of the left parotid gland eroding the ramus of mandible in an elderly female and discuss its diagnostic work-up and surgical management

    Correlation of ultrasonographic measurements, histopathological grading, and clinical staging in oral submucous fibrosis

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    Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the presence and thickness of submucosal fibrosis in oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) patients ultrasonographically and to correlate these findings with the clinical stage and histological grade of OSMF. Materials and Methods: Forty participants (twenty cases and twenty controls) were included in the study. The patients diagnosed clinically as having OSMF and consented for biopsy were included in the cases, and completely healthy individuals with no habit history or oral lesions were included in the control group after matching the body mass index. After clinically staging, the patients' transcutaneous ultrasonography (USG) was performed and after that punch biopsy was taken and the specimen was graded histopathologically. Results: The data were statistically analyzed using Mann–Whitney test and Spearman's rank correlation. The cases showed increased submucosal thickness as compared to the controls. The USG measurements statistically correlated with the clinical stage and histopathological grade of OSMF. Conclusion: USG proves to be a valuable adjunctive modality in diagnosing, staging and also evaluating the prognosis of OSMF

    Multiple Impacted Permanent and Supernumerary Teeth in the Anterior Mandible of Nonsyndromic Case: A Systematic Review and Multidisciplinary Approach to Management

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    Multiple impacted permanent and supernumerary teeth have been associated with the syndromes and metabolic disorders. Approximately, 75% of all the supernumerary teeth are impacted and are asymptomatic. Consequently, most such teeth constitute casual findings in the context of routine X-ray studies. Lack of eruptive force and rotation of tooth buds may cause multiple impactions, and additional examinations may be necessary to exclude systemic and metabolic conditions. We present a rare nonsyndromic case with 11 multiple impacted teeth in the anterior mandible, with systematic literature review and multidisciplinary management

    ”VELscope as an adjuvant chairside diagnostic tool” – A clinical case series

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of visually-enhanced lesion scope (VELscope) as an adjuvant diagnostic tool along with clinical examination. VELscope device which works on the principle of tissue fluorescence and helps in diagnosis or identification of suspected dysplastic lesions. The use of VELscope in dentistry is contributory as it aids in the detection of dysplastic changes in oral potentially malignant disorders and appropriate surgical margins for resection, VELscope-guided biopsy procedures, indicative of bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, and also inflammatory lesions. The cases discussed in the report are clinical cases where VELscope has been used as an accessory tool to enhance the clinical efficacy of diagnosis. There are different domains of cases where the use of VELscope has been assessed, also cases where VELscope can be beneficial to identify most preferred site of biopsy, aiding in the identification of fungal, bacterial presence, and evaluation of premalignant lesions and different oral carcinomas. Both the advantages, limitations, and significance of the device in each clinical condition have been discussed. VELscope is a handheld, noninvasive adjuvant device which can be used along with conventional clinical conditions for enhanced diagnostic accuracy. It can also be used as a screening tool for the early detection of oral carcinoma and dysplastic lesions in mass screening and tertiary centers. Further studies are required to establish the efficacy of VELscope in the clinical practice of oral medicine and radiology. Increasing incidence of oral carcinoma is a worrying scenario. Early detection of these conditions can be assessed by various diagnostic methods which broadly includes conventional staining dyes such as Lugol's iodine, methylene blue, toluidine blue, or light-based detection such as chemiluminescence, VELscope, Vizilite, or optical-based system such as colposcopy and optical coherence tomography. VELscope can be one of the tool for assessing dysplastic lesions at an early stage. Due to its portability, cost-effectiveness, and noninvasive advantages, it can be a promising tool for screening mass population for oral carcinomas

    Evaluation of mirror image biopsy for incidence of multiple premalignant and malignant lesions in oral cancer: A clinical study

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    Introduction: To histologically evaluate the mirror image biopsy obtained from the apparently normal looking mucosa at corresponding contralateral anatomical sites to determine the incidence of multiple premalignant and malignant lesions in oral cancer. Materials and methods: Fifty patients with unilateral, single, untreated, histologically confirmed oral squamous cell carcinoma underwent mirror image biopsy from apparently normal looking mucosa at corresponding contralateral anatomical site. The mirror image biopsy specimens were subjected to histopathological examination Results: The age group of the patients ranged from 42 to 70 years with male to female ratio of 12:1. Of 50 patients, 38 (76%) revealed abnormal epithelial changes ranging in the degree from hyperkeratosis (12%), dysplasia (48%) and premalignant changes like leukoplakia, erythroplakia, submucous fibrosis, etc. (16%) in the mirror image sites. The incidence was high in males, with increasing age of the patient and duration of exposure to habits. Conclusion: Mirror image biopsies should be considered as useful diagnostic tool for early detection of premalignant changes so as to prevent further progression of these changes to oral cancer

    Efficacy of aloe vera and triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% in recurrent aphthous stomatitis: A preliminary comparative study

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    Introduction: Aloe vera has various pharmacological actions due to which it has been selected as an alternative treatment modality in treating various oral diseases. It has antibacterial, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, and immune boosting. It has been used for the management of oral lesions such as oral lichen planus, oral submucous fibrosis, radiation-induced mucositis, burning mouth syndrome, xerostomia, recurrent aphthous ulcers. Aim: The aim of this study is to the compare the effects of the topical aloe vera gel and triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% in patients with minor ulcers of aphthous stomatitis. Materials and Methods: Thirty-four patients presenting with clinical signs and symptoms of aphthous stomatitis were included for the randomized single blinded study after informed consent. Group A patients received topical aloe vera gel (Forever Bright Aloe vera Gel), and Group B patients received topical triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% (kenacort oral paste) three times a day for 7 days or till the ulcer heals completely. The parameters such as the size of the ulcer, burning sensation, and pain were recorded at each visit. Results: In this study, kenacort oral paste was found to be effective than aloe vera in wound healing (measured by the diameter of ulcer). In contrast, aloe vera gel had a better response in terms of pain and burning sensation. Conclusion: Aloe vera has a wide spectrum of unique properties and uses. It is a promising agent in treating oral lesion in the field of oral medicine. It can be used as an alternative medicine and in patients who are allergic to steroid medication