584 research outputs found

    Analysing MTL Properties using NuSMV model checker

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    Reliability and safety property of any hardware is an important parameter. To achieve this and to improve the performance bounds of the designed system it is important to enhance the efficiency by proper verification techniques. To overcome the problems arising due to the software crisis, formal methods are used. The use of formal methods in aerospace domain is the latest research that is being carried out. Formal verification, a part of formal methods is a mathematical modelling technique used to verify the hardware systems. Technique such as model checking is used to efficiently bridge the gap between design and developed stage of the system with less errors and more efficiency. In this paper, we propose to use NuSMV for verifying the vertical mode functionality of the Mode Transition Logic (MTL). MTL is a very critical functionality in aircraft. It assists the control of trajectories, weather and systems. The NuSMV model checker is used to analyse the functional behaviour of the model. The model is initially designed and developed using Mat-lab/Simulink tool suite. The semantic translation of the MTL model to NuSMV is done by means of specification languages such as CTL and LTL. Test cases generated at the Simulink model level are used as a reference to test the linear and non-linear properties of the MTL vertical model in NuSMV. These test cases are compared with the results obtained using NuSMV analysis. The efficiency is defined by earlier fault detection and improving the software development life cycle of the system


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    Objective: The present study aims at the development and evaluation of controlled release dental films containing metronidazole in a carrier which consists of a common non-biodegradable polymer and various co-polymers in different concentrations for targeted delivery of drug and thus prolonging the action.Methods: Solvent casting method is adopted. Nine formulations were prepared with ethyl cellulose as the main polymer and co-polymers like PVPK30, HPMC K4M, Eudragit RS 100 in 3 concentrations (10, 20, 30%w/w of ethyl cellulose). Ethyl cellulose and co-polymers were dissolved in the solvent system, containing ethanol, chloroform and dichloromethane. Drug was dissolved in this mixture and mixed homogeneously and films were casted. These films were evaluated for thickness & content uniformity, swelling index, percentage moisture loss, in vitro drug release studies.Results: The best film was selected as the one which is prepared with ethyl cellulose and eudragitRS100 (20%w/w of ethyl cellulose) ie F8 since it can release the drug above MIC in each day of treatment and having sufficient drug content and other required characteristics. This formulation undergoes zero order release kinetics and non-Fickian diffusion mechanism.Conclusion: Ethyl cellulose - eudragit RS100 (20%w/w of EC) combination is the best carrier among the others for the preparation of metronidazole dental film for prolonging the drug action up to 10 days. Â

    Maternal outcome in thyroid dysfunction

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    Background: Thyroid hormone status in pregnancy is an important predictor of pregnancy outcome regarding both the mother and fetus. Objective was study the maternal outcome in antenatal women presenting with thyroid dysfunction.Methods: This descriptive study was done in 449 pregnant ladies who attended Obstetrics and Gynecology      Department Government TD Medical College, Alappuzha, Kerala, India during the period January 2014 to June 2015. Aim was studying the maternal outcome in those diagnosed to have thyroid dysfunction evidenced by abnormal thyroid function tests (TFT) done in each trimester.Results: Majority had subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH). Common complications were preeclampsia spontaneous abortion, anemia and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility, post-partum hemorrhage and abruption were significantly high in overt hypothyroidism. Anemia was significantly high in subclinical hypothyroidism.Conclusions: It is important to screen all pregnant women for thyroid dysfunction during first antenatal visit itself to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment and also can counsel regarding the adverse pregnancy outcome

    Crystallite shape, dielectric constant and functional data analysis of various cotton fibres using WAXS data

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    Four different varieties of cotton fibres have been used for X-ray diffraction study using in-house programs. X-ray datahave been corrected for instrumental broadening and Lorentz polarization factors before using them for further analysis.Using Peakfit® program, 13-15 Bragg reflections are identified and cell parameters are determined by CHECKCELL®. Fullwidth at half maxima (FWHM) of these reflections are used to estimate the crystallite size and strain along [hkl] directions.Using these results and employing a novel method, a 3-dimensional image of the crystallite shapes in these cotton fibres arecomputed. Employing Lorenz-Mie theory of scattering of electromagnetic radiation by molecules embedded in dielectricspheres, the dielectric constant of cellulose along amorphous region has been computed. This technique can be extended toany material of interest. Correlation among varieties of fibres and each physical parameter like crystallite size, strain,tenacity and staple length have been investigated using functional analysis, which shows the correlation between physicalparameters with varieties of cotton fibres

    Evaluation of the factors affecting visual prognosis in patients with traumatic cataract

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    Background: Ocular trauma is a major cause of visual impairment throughout the world, although little is known about the factors that affect the visual outcome in traumatic cataract in developing countries. The objective of the study was to find out the associated ocular injuries and the factors affecting final visual outcome of patients with traumatic cataract.Methods: This prospective-hospital based study was conducted on 50 patients of traumatic cataract in the department of ophthalmology government medical college, Ernakulam, from January 2009 to December 2011. Patients were managed with lens extraction and intraocular lens implantation. Regular follow up of patients was done and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and post-operative complications were assessed at the end of six months.Results: Our study showed that majority (64%) of patients were in the age group of 20 years) (p=0.03). There was no significant difference in final visual outcome of traumatic cataracts caused by penetrating or blunt trauma (p=0.73). Corneal tear was most common associated ocular damage followed by uveitis, lens matter in anterior chamber.Conclusions: Age of the patient affects final visual outcome after surgical treatment of traumatic cataract but type of trauma (blunt/penetrating) had no significant effect on final visual outcome. Corneal tear was most common associated ocular damage


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    Green metallic nanoparticles were creating a new era in the field of green nanotechnology and its applications. Methanolic leaf extract of rare, endemic medicinally important herb, Digitaria radicosa used for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (SNPs). UV Visible spectrophotometric analysis confirmed the synthesis of green silver nanoparticles indicated by the peak observed at 442nm due to the excitation of surface plasmon resonance in the silver nanoparticles. FT-IR spectroscopic analysis showed the availability of functional groups which may involve in the silver nanoparticles synthesis. X-Ray Diffraction pattern illustrated the characteristic peaks of (111), (122), (231) facets of the centre crystalline and cubic face centred nature of silver nanoparticles. SEM analysis showed that synthesized green silver nanoparticles were of spherical in shape and size of around 90 nm. The free radical scavenging activity of silver nanoparticles were evaluated in vitro by using DPPH scavenging activity, metal chelating activity, reducing power assay and hydrogen peroxide scavenging assays. The antibacterial activity against food borne pathogens such as S. aureus and E .coli were determined by disc diffusion method. The results confirmed that these synthesized green silver nanoparticles identified to have significant in vitro antioxidant potential and good antibacterial activity.Keywords:Green Silver nanoparticles, SNPs, Digitaria radicosa leaf extract, UV Visible spectrophotometry, XRD, FT IR, SEM, in vitro antioxidant assays, antibacterial activity

    Correlation of wrist circumference with waist circumference and body mass index in adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Recent studies have shown that wrist circumference is correlated with insulin resistance, obesity and new onset diabetes. Being easy to measure, it may be useful in identifying individuals at risk for cardio- metabolic disorders.Methods: 112 consecutive subjects with new onset type 2 diabetes in the age group 18-44 years were included in the study. Socio demographic characteristics, anthropometric and biochemical measurements were carried out using standard techniques. Pearson product movement Correlation Coefficient was used to find out correlation with other measures of obesity and ROC curve to determine its cut off values.Results: Wrist circumference showed moderate positive correlation with BMI (r+0.389) and waist circumference (r+0.443). The cut off value of wrist circumference when compared with BMI in defining obesity was 16.5cm in male and 15.7 cm in female. The cut off value of wrist circumference with waist circumference in male was 16.2cm.Conclusions: Measurement of wrist circumference may supplement in assessing obesity especially when other measures of obesity like BMI or Waist circumference measurements are difficult or not feasible


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    Objective: Indole derivatives were reported to a wide range of biological activities. Thus it was our aim to synthesize a series of 2-(2'/3'/4'/6'-substituted phenyl) -1H-indoles using clayzic catalyst and screen for their in vitro anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.Methods: Various substituted acetophenones were reacted with phenylhydrazine in the presence of modified clayzic catalyst and obtained 2-(2'/3'/4'/6'-substituted phenyl)-1H-indoles in a one pot reaction. The cyclized compounds were characterized by FT-IR, NMR, UV-Vis and mass spectral analyses and screened for anti-inflammatory activity against cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) by measuring cytokine production by performing sandwich ELISA model, antioxidant activity by DPPH assay method and antimicrobial activity by well-diffusion method.Results: An eco-friendly route with better yields for the synthesis of 2-(2'/3'/4'/6'-substituted phenyl)-1H-indoles in the presence of clayzic catalyst was achieved. The biological activity results suggested that compounds (2d, 2e and 2i) have excellent anti-inflammatory activity, compounds (2a-2d and 2j) possessing better antioxidant property and compounds (2b, 2i, 2k and 2m) have promising antibacterial and antifungal activities when compared to the standard drugs.Conclusion: Synthesis of 2-(2'/3'/4'/6'-substituted phenyl)-1H-indoles was successfully achieved in the presence of clayzic catalyst. Compounds bearing amino, methyl, methoxy, hydroxyl and fluoro groups have shown better anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities when compared to the other compounds and 1H-indole.Â