30 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and its threat to refugees in Africa

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    Although it is widely accepted that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has adversely affected the Global South's most vulnerable refugee communities, they have received little attention. There have been gaps in testing, which is fundamental to treat and isolate patients and make data-driven decisions to protect the refugee community. Therefore, it is imperative to holistically implement policies to curtail COVID-19 in refugee camps to ensure that refugees are safe and protected from the pandemic. Processes for timely diagnosis and treatment, quick isolation and contact tracing are essential to keep refugees safe. Furthermore, it is crucial to encourage protective behaviours and raise awareness about hygiene and social prevention to dampen disease transmission. Refugees in the Global South have been disproportionately affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, facing financial hardship and social injustice throughout. Refugees in Africa have also faced threats to their security, being subjected to torture, disappearance, or even killings in their host countries. The pandemic has exposed gender inequalities, with females being the most affected, and health inequities in the refugee community in Africa. There is a need for international organizations like the African Union, United Nations (UN) agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders to take serious action regarding the refugee situation in Africa. Food aid for refugees in Africa should be increased as quickly as possible and refugees' security must be guaranteed. Of equal importance, there must be justice for the death or disappearance of refugees. It is imperative to end discrimination against refugees and support the promotion of gender equity

    Volcanic and limnic eruption: A potential threat to one health

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    Nyiragongo volcanic eruption can cause a limnic eruption, which is a lesser-known disaster. The lava from Nyiragongo volcano can stream into Lake Kivu and boil the water, resulting in a CH4 explosion and CO2 emission into the external environment. This potential turbulence of Lake Kivu might result in multitudinous adverse effects. It would be a tragedy because residents of the lake basin would asphyxiate due to rising CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Therefore, it is critical to inform and educate the population regarding the danger and the appropriate behaviour if the emergency occurs. Implementing mechanisms to extract and reduce CO2 would significantly prevent the catastrophe and sustain the population. There is equally a need to strengthen Lake Kivu protection and monitoring measures and regulate human activities. We advocate for a multifaceted One Health approach to establishing resilient prevention and preparedness mechanisms. This article aims to discuss the possible effects of the Nyiragongo volcanic eruption on Lake Kivu and how they might affect One Health, providing valuable and necessary information for public health practitioners and policymakers to consider

    Monkeypox: Is the world ready for another pandemic?

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    As the world continues to endure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, an outbreak of Monkeypox occurs and continues to spread unabatedly. The double-stranded DNA monkeypox virus is a sylvatic zoonosis, which occasionally infects humans and is a member of the genus Orthopoxviruses. Although scientists believed the virus to have low transmissibility, the speed and degree with which it spreads is alarming and could land one in a hospital or even kill one. Additionally, the fact that unusual transmissions are occurring among people without travel history to endemic regions suggests undetected transmissions, raising concerns about our preparedness for another pandemic. Contrary to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a vaccine that could offer some protection against the monkeypox virus. Therefore, there is a need for coordinated efforts among authorities concerned and community-based organizations to raise awareness of the potential pandemic of monkeypox, activate surveillance systems and laboratory capacity, and heighten contact tracing and vaccination of at-risk individuals to stem the outbreak while there is still the opportunity to prevent it from becoming a pandemic

    Impact of Nyiragongo volcanic eruptions on the resilience to the COVID-19 and Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    For decades, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been vulnerable to disasters. The most dangerous Nyiragongo volcanic eruption posed a threat to the country, particularly the city of Goma. The explosions on 22 May 2021 caused unfathomable damages, with loss of lives, properties, and the destruction of homes, displacing thousands of people, with thousands of children being left vulnerable as a result. Furthermore, it charred health and school infrastructures and decimated crops, an issue in the population where the COVID-19 has exacerbated the existing fragile health system. Importantly, these eruptions posed a challenge when DRC struggled to end COVID-19 and Ebola through surveillance, preventive measures, and vaccination. It is doubtless that priorities of the emergency have interrupted the surveillance system, thus increasing exposure to the COVID-19 and Ebola transmission. It is critical to provide basic needs to victims of the Nyiragongo volcanic eruptions in the aftermath of such a disaster. Local and global humanitarian organizations are needed to assist residents in relocating. Furthermore, appropriate and adjusted mitigation strategies will significantly prevent Ebola, COVID-19, and other infectious diseases. In this paper, we discuss the impacts of the volcanic eruption on population health and Ebola preparedness and response in the context of the global COVID-19 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Assessment of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among people living with HIV/AIDS: a single-centered study

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    Introduction: as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines are distributed and administered globally, hesitancy towards the vaccine hinders the immunisation of a significant number of vulnerable populations, such as people living with HIV/AIDS. Hence, this study aims to assess COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) attending clinical-outpatient follow-up at State Specialist Hospital Maiduguri (SSHM), Borno State, Nigeria. Methods: a hospital-based cross-sectional study design was conducted to assess COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among 344 PLHIV receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the United States President´s Emergency Plan for AIDS (PEPFAR) clinic in SSHM from 4th January to 25th February 2022. Data were collected using a structured and pretested interviewer-administered questionnaire. The results were presented using frequencies and percentages. The factors that are associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy were identified using the Chi-square statistical test. Results: among the 344 respondents of the study, only 88 (26.6%) received the COVID-19 vaccine. Out of the 256 respondents that did not receive the vaccine, only 10.5% (27/256) are willing to be vaccinated, while the majority; 57.8% (148/256) are not willing to be vaccinated and 31.7% (81/256) of the respondents are uncertain, thus resulting in a hesitation rate of 89.45%. There was no statistically significant association between COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and the study´s independent variables; where p-value is greater than 0.05. Conclusion: hesitancy towards COVID-19 vaccine is high among PLHIV and there is no any statistically significant association between COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and the independent variables of the study where p-value is greater than 0.05. Hence, it is necessary to develop targeted strategies to boost vaccine uptake among this vulnerable population

    Burundi’s ‘Worst Enemy’: the Country’s Fight Against COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has proved to be a severe global public health threat, causing high infection rates and mortality worldwide. Burundi was not spared the adverse health outcomes of COVID-19. Although Burundi’s initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic was criticized, hope arose in June 2020 when the new government instituted a plan to slow virus transmission that included public health campaigns, international travel restrictions, and mass testing, all of which proved effective. Burundi has faced many challenges in containing the virus, the first of which was the lack of initial preparedness and appropriate response to COVID-19. This was exacerbated by factors including shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE), limited numbers of life-saving ventilators (around 12 ventilators as of April 2020), and the presence of only one COVID-19 testing center with less than ten technicians in July 2020. Moreover, as Burundi is amongst the poorest countries in the world, some citizens were unable to access necessities such as water and soap, required for compliance with government recommendations regarding hygiene. Interestingly, Burundi did not implement a nationwide lockdown, allowing mass gatherings and public services to continue as usual due to a firm belief in God’s protection. As the daily confirmed cases have tripled since December 2020, Burundi must prepare itself for the threat of a new wave. Establishing precautionary measures to contain the virus and strengthening the health surveillance system in Burundi would significantly positively impact the prevention and management of COVID-19

    Prevalence and pattern of psychoactive substance use among government secondary school students in central Nigeria

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    Introduction: psychoactive substances are chemicals that affect the nervous system and alter the activity in the brain. Such substances include alcohol and other illicit drugs. This research study aimed to determine the prevalence and pattern of psychoactive substance use among students at a government secondary school in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. Methods: this study adopts a cross-sectional descriptive survey design. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 104 students for an invitation to fill a semi-structured questionnaire after consenting to the informed consent. Correlational analyses were performed between social characteristics and the knowledge of the effects and prevalence of substance use. Results: thirty-three point seven percent (33.7) of students reported to use psychoactive substances, with alcohol and tramadol being the most consumed. Those aged 15-19 years were found to have a higher prevalence of substances use than other ages. There was an important knowledge of the social perspective and health effects of using such substances, but they persisted in their consumption. Age and school level were observed to have a statistically significant correlation with the knowledge of the effects of drug use. Conclusion: our study shows that the prevalence and pattern of psychoactive substance use among the students are high considering their level and age. The majority of the students knew about psychoactive substance use and its social and health effects. We, therefore, recommend a multi-stakeholder effort within the community to curtail drug use among young people

    Socio-environmental determinants of parasitic intestinal infections among children: a cross-sectional study in Nigeria

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    Background: Intestinal parasitic infections are a major public health problem among school-aged children, especially those residing in rural areas. These infections predispose the children to several other health problems. This study assesses intestinal parasitic infections among school children in a rural area in Nigeria and their socioenvironmental determinants. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 250 primary school-age children from three randomly selected schools in Elemere, a poor rural area in Kwara State, Nigeria. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to record the socio-demographic data, and stool samples were microscopically examined for intestinal parasites. Results: The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 23.6% (59/250). Of the infected children, the most common parasite was Ascaris lumbricoides 50.8% (30/59), followed by Giardia lamblia 28.8% (17/59), Entamoeba spp.16.9% (10/59) and Dipylidium caninum in 3.4% (2/59). Rural domicile was associated with parasitic infections (P= 0.036) compared to a semi-urban or urban residence. Compared to younger age groups, children in the higher age groups had 64% (95% confidence interval,0.15–0.90;P= 0.03) lesser parasitic infections. Conclusion: Intestinal parasitic infections are common in school children in the studied area, and may be associated with unclean water sources, poor hygiene, and economic conditions. General health education should emphasize cleanliness, personal hygiene and sanitation to prevent and control parasitic intestinal infections among schoolchildren in these communities

    Knowledge of cervical cancer, risk factors, and barriers to screening among reproductive women in Nigeria

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    Background: The leading cause of cancer-related fatalities among women worldwide is cervical cancer. Lack of awareness and availability of screening services in Nigeria contribute to the high incidence and fatality rates of cervical cancer. This study assesses the knowledge of cervical cancer, risk factors, and barriers to screening among reproductive women in Nigeria. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among women of reproductive age in Shao, Moro local government area of Kwara State, Nigeria, to determine their knowledge about cervical cancer, risk factors, and barriers to screening. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Results: A total of 326 women between the ages of 15–50 were included in the study, with the majority being married (56.1%) and having secondary school education (43.6%). Two-hundred seventy-one (83.1%) participants were aware of cervical cancer, but only 39.0% had good knowledge of the disease. Two hundred forty-three (74.5%) women were sexually active and 70% did not use condoms during sexual activity. Only 6.9% of the participants had ever been screened for cervical cancer, with 38.0% being unaware of the screening. The results showed that there was a statistically significant (P<0.001) association between the knowledge of the respondents and selected risk factors for cervical cancer such as sexual activity, previous sexually transmitted infection diagnosis, contraceptive usage, and abnormal bleeding. Conclusion: This study indicates poor knowledge of cervical cancer and that targeted health education campaigns are required to increase awareness and knowledge about cervical cancer among reproductive women in Nigeria. Efforts should also be made to improve access to cervical cancer screening services, especially in rural and underserved area

    The global response: How cities and provinces around the globe tackled Covid-19 outbreaks in 2021

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    Background: Tackling the spread of COVID-19 remains a crucial part of ending the pandemic. Its highly contagious nature and constant evolution coupled with a relative lack of immunity make the virus difficult to control. For this, various strategies have been proposed and adopted including limiting contact, social isolation, vaccination, contact tracing, etc. However, given the heterogeneity in the enforcement of these strategies and constant fluctuations in the strictness levels of these strategies, it becomes challenging to assess the true impact of these strategies in controlling the spread of COVID-19.Methods: In the present study, we evaluated various transmission control measures that were imposed in 10 global urban cities and provinces in 2021 Bangkok, Gauteng, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, London, Manila City, New Delhi, New York City, Singapore, and Tokyo.Findings: Based on our analysis, we herein propose the population-level Swiss cheese model for the failures and pit-falls in various strategies that each of these cities and provinces had. Furthermore, whilst all the evaluated cities and provinces took a different personalized approach to managing the pandemic, what remained common was dynamic enforcement and monitoring of breaches of each barrier of protection. The measures taken to reinforce the barriers were adjusted continuously based on the evolving epidemiological situation.Interpretation: How an individual city or province handled the pandemic profoundly affected and determined how the entire country handled the pandemic since the chain of transmission needs to be broken at the very grassroot level to achieve nationwide control