2 research outputs found

    Insights into biofilm dispersal regulation from the crystal structure of the PAS-GGDEF-EAL region of RbdA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    © 2018 American Society for Microbiology. RbdA is a positive regulator of biofilm dispersal of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Its cytoplasmic region (cRbdA) comprises an N-terminal Per-ARNT-Sim (PAS) domain followed by a diguanylate cyclase (GGDEF) domain and an EAL domain, whose phosphodiesterase activity is allosterically stimulated by GTP binding to the GGDEF domain. We report crystal structures of cRbdA and of two binary complexes: one with GTP/Mg 2+ bound to the GGDEF active site and one with the EAL domain bound to the c-di-GMP substrate. These structures unveil a 2-fold symmetric dimer stabilized by a closely packed N-terminal PAS domain and a noncanonical EAL dimer. The autoinhibitory switch is formed by an α-helix (S-helix) immediately N-terminal to the GGDEF domain that interacts with the EAL dimerization helix (α6-E) of the other EAL monomer and maintains the protein in a locked conformation. We propose that local conformational changes in cRbdA upon GTP binding lead to a structure with the PAS domain and S-helix shifted away from the GGDEF-EAL domains, as suggested by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments. Domain reorientation should be facilitated by the presence of an α-helical lever (H-helix) that tethers the GGDEF and EAL regions, allowing the EAL domain to rearrange into an active dimeric conformation

    The effect of NBD-Cl in nucleotide-binding of the major subunit alpha and B of the motor proteins F1FO ATP synthase and A(1)A(O) ATP synthase.

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    Subunit alpha of the Escherichia coli F(1)F(O) ATP synthase has been produced, and its low-resolution structure has been determined. The monodispersity of alpha allowed the studies of nucleotide-binding and inhibitory effect of 4-Chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-Cl) to ATP/ADP-binding. Binding constants (K ( d )) of 1.6 microM of bound MgATP-ATTO-647N and 2.9 microM of MgADP-ATTO-647N have been determined from fluorescence correlation spectroscopy data. A concentration of 51 microM and 55 microM of NBD-Cl dropped the MgATP-ATTO-647N and MgADP-ATTO-647N binding capacity to 50% (IC(50)), respectively. In contrast, no effect was observed in the presence of N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. As subunit alpha is the homologue of subunit B of the A(1)A(O) ATP synthase, the interaction of NBD-Cl with B of the A-ATP synthase from Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 has also been shown. The data reveal a reduction of nucleotide-binding of B due to NBD-Cl, resulting in IC(50) values of 41 microM and 42 microM for MgATP-ATTO-647N and MgADP-ATTO-647N, respectively