134 research outputs found


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    Introduction: The modern lifestyle and the dynamic environment are progressively inducing stress among a wide range of individuals like students, healthcare professionals, bankers, engineers, businessmen, administrators and teachers. This vitriolic human psychiatric disorder has put the academic fraternity in a shabby state. Methods: The methodology adopted in this article is comprised of three phases such as review planning, review conducting, and review reporting. Results: The main emphasis of this extensive study is to highlight the major stressors and consequences of stress among the academic fraternity. Firstly, different categories of stress and their repercussions on the human body have been outlined. Additionally, the comprehensive publishing trend of the related manuscripts pertinent to stress among the academic fraternity has also been reported. The research implications and future directions have been also outlined. Conclusion: Finally, some major research breaches are analyzed and it is witnessed that there is prospective scope in the diagnosis of stress among students and teachers using emerging soft computing and deep learning techniques


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    Introduction: Anxiety and depression are two leading human psychological disorders. In this work, several swarm intelligence- based metaheuristic techniques have been employed to find an optimal feature set for the diagnosis of these two human psychological disorders. Subjects and Methods: To diagnose depression and anxiety among people, a random dataset comprising 1128 instances and 46 attributes has been considered and examined. The dataset was collected and compiled manually by visiting the number of clinics situated in different cities of Haryana (one of the states of India). Afterwards, nine emerging meta-heuristic techniques (Genetic algorithm, binary Grey Wolf Optimizer, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony, Firefly Algorithm, Dragonfly Algorithm, Bat Algorithm and Whale Optimization Algorithm) have been employed to find the optimal feature set used to diagnose depression and anxiety among humans. To avoid local optima and to maintain the balance between exploration and exploitation, a new hybrid feature selection technique called Restricted Crossover Mutation based Whale Optimization Algorithm (RCM-WOA) has been designed. Results: The swarm intelligence-based meta-heuristic algorithms have been applied to the datasets. The performance of these algorithms has been evaluated using different performance metrics such as accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, recall, f-measure, error rate, execution time and convergence curve. The rate of accuracy reached utilizing the proposed method RCM-WOA is 91.4%. Conclusion: Depression and Anxiety are two critical psychological disorders that may lead to other chronic and life-threatening human disorders. The proposed algorithm (RCM-WOA) was found to be more suitable compared to the other state of art methods

    Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Micro Controller Atmega 32A and MQ135 Gas Sensor at Chandragiri Municipality of Kathmandu City

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    Air is one of the essential elements of human’s surroundings. The earth’s atmosphere is full of air which contains gases such as Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide and traces of some rare elements. But quality of the air has been degrading for some decades due to various activities conducted by the human beings that directly or indirectly affect the atmosphere leading to the air pollution. There are different techniques to measure air quality.However, with the evolution of time the expensive and less efficient analog devices have been replaced by more efficient and less expensive electronics device. In this research, MQ135 sensor is used to measure air quality of a particular location. I2C display is used to monitor the data. Indeed, with the increasing in number of vehicles, unplanned urbanization and rapid population growth, air pollution has considerably increased in the last decades in various areas of Kathmandu. Thus, this project ‘Air Pollution Monitoring System’ was focused on collection of the data specific location of Chandragiri municipality of Kathmandu city. In conclusion,analysis of the data is done with the help of origin software which shows that the Arduino device in this device works perfectly for measuring the air pollution. Air quality of the selected area is found to be less than 500 PPM which concludes that the air quality of this area is normal

    Visualisation and bibliometric analysis of worldwide research trend of stress among seafarer: an extensive publication analysis

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    Stress is the most predominant and worldwide psychological human condition that undoubtedly impedes the state of mind of the individuals. During the last few years, a tremendous change and growth in the global publishing trend for human stress have been observed. Like other professionals (doctors, bankers, teachers, and businessmen), the mariners or seafarers are also being the most common victims of this human psychological disorder (stress) these days. The keywords “seafarer” and “stress” have been exposed to mine the research trend of the articles exploring the stress among the seafarers. From 2001 to 2020, more than six thousand (6211) human stress-based articles have been reported in Scopus indexing database. However, the number of articles related to the stress among seafarer is 136 only i.e. 2.18% of the human-stress based articles. The research related to the psychological disorder (stress) among seafarer has been increased during the last two decades. Germany, United Kingdom and Italy found to be the topmost countries for exploring the stress among the seafarer. The study concluded that the human psychological conditions like bulimia, anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, generalised anxiety disorder, cyclothymia, mood, conduct, and personality disorders along with stress still need to be extensively mined to diagnose the state of mind of seafarers