38 research outputs found

    The expression of an intraspecific aggressive reaction in the face of a stressor agent alters the immune response in rats

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    The repercussion on the immune response of the expression of intraspecific aggressiveness in the face of a stressor agent was investigated in rats. Ninety-day-old animals were divided into three groups: the control group (only immunological measurements were performed), the foot-shock (FS) (animals individually receiving FS), and the intraspecific aggressive response (IAR) group (animals receiving FS and presenting IAR). For immunological measurements, blood samples were collected promptly at 7 and 15 days after FS or IAR. The FS reduced the total leukocyte amount presented. However, aggressiveness triggered not only reduction of the leukocytes, but also lymphocyte decrease and neutrophil increase. Moreover, an elevation in total leukocytes associated with an increase in the humoral immune response was also observed one week after IAR. In this study, the expression of intraspecific aggressiveness in the face of a stressor seemed to activate the immune system and to potentiate the antigen specific humoral response

    Reduction of intraspecific aggression in adult rats by neonatal treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

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    Most studies suggest that serotonin exerts an inhibitory control on the aggression process. According to experimental evidence, this amine also influences growth and development of the nervous tissue including serotoninergic neurons. Thus, the possibility exists that increased serotonin availability in young animals facilitates a long-lasting effect on aggressive responses. The present study aimed to investigate the aggressive behavior of adult rats (90-120 days) treated from the 1st to the 19th postnatal day with citalopram (CIT), a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (20 mg/kg, sc, every 3 days). Aggressive behavior was induced by placing a pair of rats (matched by weight) in a box (20 x 20 x 20 cm), and submitting them to a 20-min session of electric footshocks (five 1.6-mA - 2-s current pulses, separated by a 4-min intershock interval). When compared to the control group (rats treated for the same period with equivalent volumes of saline solution), the CIT group presented a 41.4% reduction in the duration of aggressive response. The results indicate that the repeated administration of CIT early in life reduces the aggressive behavior in adulthood and suggest that the increased brain serotoninergic activity could play a role in this effect