465 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of EuPtSi3_3 single crystals

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    Single crystals of EuPtSi3_3, which crystallize in the BaNiSn3_3-type crystal structure, have been grown by high temperature solution growth method using molten Sn as the solvent. EuPtSi3_3 which lacks the inversion symmetry and has only one Eu site in the unit cell is found to be an antiferromagnet with two successive magnetic transitions at TN1T_{\rm N1} = 17 K and TN2T_{\rm N2} = 16 K, as inferred from magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity and 151^{151}Eu M\"ossbauer measurements. The isothermal magnetization data for HH \parallel [001] reveal a metamagnetic transition at a critical field HcH_{\rm c} = 1 T. The magnetization saturates to a moment value of 6.43 μB\mu_{\rm B}/Eu above 5.9 T (9.2 T) for HH \parallel [001] ([100]), indicating that these fields are spin-flip fields for the divalent Eu moments along the two axes. The origin of this anisotropic behaviour is discussed. A magnetic (H, T) phase diagram has been constructed from the temperature dependence of isothermal magnetization data. The reduced jump in the heat capacity at TN1T_{\rm N1} indicates a transition to an incommensurate, amplitude modulated antiferromagnetic structure. The shape of the hyperfine field split M\"ossbauer spectrum at TN1T_{\rm N1} provides additional support for the proposed nature of this magnetic transition.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Microwave Harmonic Emission in MgB2 Superconductor: Comparison with YBaCuO

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    We report results of microwave second-harmonic generation in ceramic samples of MgB2, prepared by different methods. The SH signal has been investigated as a function of the temperature and the static magnetic field. The results are discussed in the framework of models reported in the literature. We show that the peculiarities of the SH signal are related to the specific properties of the sample. A comparison with the results obtained in ceramic and crystalline YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7) shows that the second-harmonic emission in MgB2 is weaker than that observed in ceramic YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7).Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; Proceedings of Third Workshop on Metamaterials and Special Materials for Electromagnetic Applications and TLC (Rome, 30-31 March, 2006

    Experimental confirmation of the low B isotope coefficient in MgB2

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    Recent investigations have shown that the first proposed explanations of the disagreement between experimental and theoretical value of isotope coefficient in MgB2 need to be reconsidered. Considering that in samples with residual resistivity of few mu-Ohm cm critical temperature variations produced by disorder effects can be comparable with variations due to the isotopic effect, we adopt a procedure in evaluating the B isotope coefficient which take account of these effects, obtaining a value which is in agreement with previous results and then confirming that there is something still unclear in the physics of MgB2.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures Title has been changed A statement has been added in page 7 of the pdf file "Finally we would..." Reference 21 has been added Figure 1 anf Figure 2 have been change

    Angular dependence of magnetoresistivity in c-oriented MgB2 thin film

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    The anisotropy of MgB2 is still under debate: its value, strongly dependent on the sample and on the measuring method, ranges between 1.2 and 13. In this work we present our results on a MgB2 c-oriented superconducting thin film. To evaluate the anisotropy, we followed two different approaches. Firstly, magnetoresistivity was measured as a function of temperature at selected magnetic fields applied both parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis; secondly, we measured magnetoresistivity at selected temperatures and magnetic fields, varying the angle q between the magnetic field and the c-axis. The anisotropy estimated from the ratio between the upper critical fields parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis and the one obtained in the framework of the scaling approach within the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau theory are different but show a similar trend in the temperature dependence. The obtained results are compared and discussed in the light of the two-band nature of MgB2. A comparison between critical fields in thin films and single crystal is also performed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, European Physical Journal B in pres

    Significant enhancement of irreversibility field in clean-limit bulk MgB2

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    Low resistivity ("clean") MgB2 bulk samples annealed in Mg vapor show an increase in upper critical field Hc2(T) and irreversibility field Hirr(T) by a factor of 2 in both transport and magnetic measurements. The best sample displayed Hirr above 14 T at 4.2 K and 6 T at 20 K. These changes were accompanied by an increase of the 40 K resistivity from 1.0 to 18 microohm-cm and a lowering of the resistivity ratio from 15 to 3, while the critical temperature Tc decreased by only 1-2 K. These results point the way to make prepare MgB2 attractive for magnet applications.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Critical Field of MGB2 : Crossover from Clean to Dirty Regimes

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    We have studied the upper critical field, Bc2, in poly-crystalline MgB2 samples in which disorder was varied in a controlled way to carry selectively p and s bands from clean to dirty limit. We have found that the clean regime survives when p bands are dirty and s bands are midway between clean and dirty. In this framework we can explain the anomalous behaviour of Al doped samples, in which Bc2 decreases as doping increases.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Observation of pseudogap in MgB2

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    Pseudogap phase in superconductors continues to be an outstanding puzzle that differentiates unconventional superconductors from the conventional ones (BCS-superconductors). Employing high resolution photoemission spectroscopy on a highly dense conventional superconductor, MgB2, we discover an interesting scenario. While the spectral evolution close to the Fermi energy is commensurate to BCS descriptions as expected, the spectra in the wider energy range reveal emergence of a pseudogap much above the superconducting transition temperature indicating apparent departure from the BCS scenario. The energy scale of the pseudogap is comparable to the energy of E2g phonon mode responsible for superconductivity in MgB2 and the pseudogap can be attributed to the effect of electron-phonon coupling on the electronic structure. These results reveal a scenario of the emergence of the superconducting gap within an electron-phonon coupling induced pseudogap.Comment: 4 figure

    Magnetic Anisotropy in Single Crystalline CeAu2_{2}In4_{4}

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    We have grown the single crystals of LaAu2_{2}In4_{4} and CeAu2_{2}In4_{4} by high temperature solution method and report on the anisotropic magnetic behavior of CeAu2_{2}In4_{4} . The compounds crystallize in an orthorhombic structure with space group \textit {Pnma}. LaAu2_{2}In4_{4} shows a Pauli-paramagnetic behavior. CeAu2_{2}In4_{4} do not order down to 1.8 K. The easy axis of magnetization for CeAu2_{2}In4_{4} is along [010] direction. The magnetization data is analyzed on the basis of crystalline electric field (CEF) model.Comment: 7 figures 4 page

    Thermal properties of MgB2: the effect of disorder on gap amplitudes and relaxation times of p and s bands

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    We present thermal conductivity and specific heat measurements on MgB2 and Mg-AlB2 samples. Thermal properties have been analysed by using a two-gap model in order to estimate the gap amplitudes, D(0)p and D(0)s and the intra-band scattering rates, Gss and Gpp. As a function of Al doping and disorder D(0)s rapidly decreases, while D(0)p is rather constant. Gss and Gpp are increased by the disorder, being Gpp more affected than Gss.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, presented to the conference M2S-HTSC, 25-30 May 2003, Rio de Janeir