18 research outputs found

    Analisis permintaan daging babi pada usaha rumah makan di Kota Tomohon

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan daging babi pada  rumah makan di Kota Tomohon. Penelitian ini dilaksankan di kota Tomohon pada bulan Juni 2021 sampai dengan bulan Juli 2021. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara pada responden pemilik rumah makan dengan menggunakan kuisioner yang telah disiapkan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Penentuan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa Kota Tomohon merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki usaha rumah makan yang menjual daging babi, jumlah rumah makan yang menjual menu daging babi di Kota Tomohon sebesar 32 unit. Model analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis linier berganda yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jumlah permintaan daging babi. Hasil analisis regresi linier berganda yang berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap permintaan daging babi pada rumah makan yaitu alokasi pengeluaran untuk membeli daging babi dengan koefisien regresi 0,957 dan berpengaruh nyata yaitu jumlah menu daging babi dengan koefisien regresi 0,075, jumlah pelanggan dengan koefisien regresi 0,085 dan dummy menjual sate dan menjual selain sate dengan koefisien regresi 0,035

    Analisis margin of safety usaha ayam petelur di Desa Tetey Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur “UD. Tetey Permai” di Desa Tetey Kecamatan Dimembe Kabupaten Minahasa Utara telah melakukan ekspansi 32.000 ekor pada tahun 2021 dari sebelumnya 10.000 ekor tahun 2019. Agar tidak mengalami kerugian, berapakah jumlah penurunan penjualan telur yang dapat terjadi pada usaha peternakan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis break even point dan margin of safety (MOS) usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur “UD. Tetey Permai” Desa Tetey Kecamatan Dimembe Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Tahun 2019 populasi sebanyak 10.000 ekor dan tahun 2021 melakukan ekspansi dengan jumlah 32.000 ekor. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa titik impas diperoleh nilai sebesar Rp561.049.580, sedangkan titik impas dalam satuan unit jumlah telur diperoleh 3.392.579 butir dengan tingkat keuntungan yang diperoleh sebesar Rp10.493.942.846 per periode produksi. Hasil analisis MOS sebesar 41,57%, artinya penurun jumlah penjualan telur yang dapat ditolerir agar peternak tidak mengalami kerugian yaitu 41,57% dari total penjualan, apabila penurunan terhadap penjualan lebih dari 41,57%, maka perusahaan akan mengalami kerugian

    Analisis pendapatan peternak ayam broiler dengan open house system dan closed house system di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biaya produksi, penerimaan, pendapatan serta Break Event Point (BEP) peternak ayam broiler dengan open house system dan closed house system di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara pada bulan April dan Mei 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey, dan penentuan sampel menggunakan metode Purpossive sampling. Peternakan milik Bapak Ardi Rondonuwu di Desa Talawaan, dipilih dengan pertimbangan merupakan satu-satunya peternak broiler closed house system. Peternakan open house system di Desa Mapanget, milik Ibu Antoneta Pinaria dipilih dengan pertimbangan bahwa responden berpengalaman, usahanya sering dinilai baik oleh perusahaan inti dilihat dari nilai Feed Convertion Rasio dan Indek Peformance. Hasil penelitian diperoleh jumlah biaya produksi per ekor, open house system Rp. 29.559, closed house system Rp. 30.451 dan penerimaan per ekor pada open house system Rp. 32.758, closed house system Rp. 39.273, dengan pendapatan per ekor open house system Rp. 2.770, closed house system Rp. 8.821 serta BEP harga Rp 17.870 pada open house system, Rp 18.332 pada closed house system, BEP unit 11.346 kg pada open house system, 15.888 kg pada closed house system. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa pendapatan usaha peternakan ayam broiler dengan closed house system lebih besar daripada usaha peternakan dengan open house system.Ă‚


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    ANALYSIS OF PIG LIVESTOCK BUSINESS INCOME IN TOMBULU DISTRICT MINAHASA REGENCY. The study was conducted in the Tombulu District of Minahasa Regency for one month from January 2020 to February 2020.The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data. The puposive sampling method was applied to determine the sample location in Tombulu District with the number of breeders in Tombulu District were 30 breeders. Therefore, the determination of the sample applied Total Quota Sampling technique. Pigs livestock business models run by breeders were breeding, fattening, combination, and swine pigs. The result showed models that the dominant pig livestock business in Tombulu District was a combination of breeding and fattening. The income earned from the pig livestock business is Rp.39,207,785 / period or Rp3,920,778 / month. The amount of production, feed costs, and social costs are factors that were very influential on the business income of pig livestock


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    THE PATTERN OF HOUSEHOLD FARMERS CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE OF BENEFICIARIES OF CAPITAL ASSISTANCE FOR CATTLE PRODUCTION IN THE WESTERN TOMPASO DISTRICT OF MINAHASA REGENCY. Household farmers are one of the economic units that have a relationship with production and consumption decisions.  Assistance of livestock production capital obtained by household farmers allocated its use in the context of household consumption to maximize the utility or satisfaction of the household. This research aims to analyze the pattern of consumption expenditure on farmers households as a recipient of production capital assistance for livestock. The study used descriptive and quantitative analysis. The respondent of this research which is household farmer’s as one of the recipients of capital assistance that has been selling cows.  Patern of  household consumption expenditure by farmers as beneficiaries of capital assistance in the district of West Tompaso divided into: Food and Non-food consumption. Expenditure of food consumption differentiated two types which are expenditure of food consumption purchased and not purchased. The results showed that out of all three allocation of consumption expenditure is known that the allocation of food consumption expenditure of household farmers is divided in to the first; the largest purchased for fish production is 28.69 percent, second; the value expenditure of food consumption not purchased in food seasonings (29.94%), and the last one is the allocation of non-food consumption expenditure were on  clothing, footwear, and headgear (27.83%.) Keywords :Expenditure, consumption, household


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    PRODUCTION FUNCTION ANALYSIS OF CATTLE FARMING IN WEST TOMPASO DISTRICT REGENCY OF MINAHASA.Farmers in West Tompaso district  cultivatedBeef cattle traditionally and not as main farming.The government in this case also encourages farmers to increase production. The problem is whether the production factor used affects the production of beef cattle.  The research aims to determine the factors affecting cattle production. The data collected is primary data and secondary data. Sampling uses the Cluster Random Sampling method. The analysis of the data used is multiple regression with econometrics approaches and software using SAS program 9.4. The results showed that the respondents ' lifespan ranged from 30-65 years to categorized productive age. Based on the results of the study can be concluded that together the factors of land production, labor and feed are real effect on the production of beef cattle. Land production and feed factors that have real effect on the production of beef cattle.Keywords: Land, labor, feed, beef cattl


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    ABSTRACTFEED EFFICIENCY AND PROFITABILITY OF PIG FARM AT TARERAN DISTRICT OF SOUTH MINAHASA REGENCY. Tareran district is located in the South Minahasa regency consisted of 12 (twelve) villages and has the area of 7602.45 hectares or 76024.5 Km2. Generally, Tareran community work as farmers. The most pig populations at Tareran district were found at the three villages including villages of Lansot, Rumoong Atas, and Rumoong Atas Dua. The problems of this study are that; first, is the use of production cost in the pig business at the Tareran district efficient? Second, does the production cost provide benefits? Research objectives are to evaluate the type and total cost of production in the pig business at the Tareran district, to analyze the efficiency of input usedin pig farming, and to determine the optimum use of inputs in achieving the business benefits pigs. The research was conducted in the Tareran district of South Minahasa Regency involving the number of 30 breeders as respondents. Data collections were conducted in the period time of 2 months. The data in this study were obtained from two sources of primary and secondary data. Samples were taken using purposive sampling method. The use of this technique was always based on certain characteristics obtained through the population. The results of these studies showed the production cost of pig farm was Rp18.557.038 per period per year with a gain of about Rp 13.611.309 per period per year. Inefficient use of food inputs indicating to the farmers need to reduce feeding cost because it caused cost redundancy. It was known that animal body weight achieved was different for each type of pig. In addition, the use of ration inputs to achieve maximum body weight was also different for each animal.Keywords: Efficiency, Ration Input, Profit, Pig Farm, Tareran District


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    ABSTRACT RENTABILITY ANALYSIS OF LAYING DUCK FARM AT   THE WOLAANG VILLAGE LANGOWAN TIMUR DISTRICT OF MINAHASA REGENCY. Study was conducted at Wolaang village, East Lagowan district of Minahasa regency on August 8 to September 5, 2015. The objective of this study was to evaluate the rentability laying duck farm  at the Wolaang village. Survey method was applied in this study. Wolaang village was defined as study location and chosen the purposive sampling based on consideration of the highest duck population (5924 heads), widest wet rise areas of 161.35 ha, and more than 20 animal farmers. Data of primary and secondary bases were used in this study. Rentability  analysis model was applied using formula, R= L/M x 100%. Results showed that animal farmer education was 60 percents passed the elementary school, 25 percents passed junior high school and 15 percents passed senior high school. The period of raising animals of the 1- to 10-year experience was 25 percents, the period of the 11- to 20 year experience was 20 percents, that of the 21- to 30 year experience was 25 percents, that of the 31- to 40-year experience was 15 percents, that of the 41- to 50-year experience was 10 percents, and that of more than 50-year experience was 5 percents. The rentability analysis found the value of 69 percents indicating that the use of infestation financial capital of IDR 100,000.- was able to gain the benefit of the IDR 60,000.-. The reach of the values of R was more than the deposit rent of the BRI bank of 6.5 percents. Therefore, it can be concluded that farm rentability of laying duck was more than the BRI bank deposit rent.   Key word: Laying duck, rentability


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    ABSTRAKKecamatan Kalawat merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Minahasa Utara dengan luas wilayah sebesar 4.714 ha. Umumnya masyarakat Kecamatan Kalawat berprofesi sebagai petani. Populasi ternak sapi di Kecamatan Kalawat adalah sebesar 489 ekor yang tersebar di 12 desa. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah berapa besar usaha ternak sapi dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap pendapatan petani peternak di Kecamatan Kalawat Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk megetahui berapa besar kontribusi usaha ternak sapi terhadap pendapatan petani di Kecamatan Kalawat Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Kalawat Kabupaten Minahasa Utara dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 30 orang. Waktu penelitian dan pengumpulan data selama 2 bulan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari 2 sumber yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Metode penentuan sampel dilakukan secara Purposive Sampling dengan penentuan responden dilakukan secara Random Sampling. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa ternak sapi memberikan keuntungan terhadap pendapatan petani sebesar Rp.181.078.967. Adapun total pendapatan usaha tani maupun diluar usaha tani adalah sebesar Rp. Berdasarkan fakta ini maka kontribusi usaha ternak sapi terhadap pendapatan petani adalah sebesar 17,78%.  Kata Kunci: Kontibusi, Ternak Sapi,  Pendapatan Petani ABSTRACTCONTRIBUTION OF BEEF CATTLE BUSSINES TO FARMERS INCOME IN KALAWAT ON NORTH MINAHASA. Kalawat is one of the districts are located in North Minahasa with a total area of ​​4,714 ha. Kalawat’s people living  as farmers.  Population of Beef cattle in the kalawat amounted to 489 cattle spread across 12 villages. The problem in this study is how much beef cattle business can contribute to farmers income in Kalawat, North Minahasa. The purpose of this research is to determine how much the beef cattle business give a contribution to the income of farmers in the Kalawat, North Minahasa. The research was conducted in the Kalawat of North Minahasa with many respondents as many as 30 people. Duration of the research and data collection is for 2 months. The data in this study were obtained from two sources, primary data and secondary data. Sampling method of purposive sampling is done by determining the respondents were Random Sampling. The results in this study indicate that cattle provide benefits to farmers  income by Rp.181.078.967. Total  income of farm and out of farm amounted Rp. Based on this fact, contribution from cattle bussines to farmers income amounted 17,78 %.Keywords: Contribution of cattle bussines, farmers incom


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    ANALYSIS BREAK EVEN POINT  OF LAYING CHICKEN LIVESTOCK BUSSINESS "UD TETEY PERMAI" IN KECAMATAN DIMEMBE. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Break even point of laying chicken breeding business "UD Tetey Permai." This research was conducted at the laying chicken breeding business "UD. Tetey Permai" in Dimembe District in July 2018 to August 2018. The data taken are primary data and secondary data. Primer data was obtained directly from company owners, company managers, cage workers and feed warehouse workers. Secondary data was  obtained through government agencies related to research.  The results showed that the laying chicken breeding business "UD. Tetey Permai" in one production period had a profit of  Rp3.117.715.583 and had operated above  Break Even Point on 1.129.389 eggs sales or on sales of Rp1.694.083.907.