79 research outputs found

    Cognitive Task Analysis

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    Boyle, E., Van Rosmalen, P., & Manea, M. (2013). Cognitive Task Analysis. CHERMUG Deliverable D14.Research methods and statistics are core competences across various disciplines but pose significant challenges for many students. The CHERMUG project aims to develop a digital game to support students in acquiring methodological and statistical expertise. A key issue that has to be addressed in developing a game is to identify the desired learning outcomes for students. This deliverable describes a cognitive task analysis which was carried out to identify the component cognitive skills, knowledge and competences that are required in developing a comprehensive and usable understanding of research methods and statistics.The present work was carried out as part of the CHERMUG project. This project is partially supported by the European Community under the Lifelong Learning Programme project nr. 519023-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-KA3-KA3MP. This document does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of its content

    Microbiota: the missing link in the etiology of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Within its twisted and tight walls, where a hostile and arid environment prevails, the lumen of the digestive tract nests a true microuniverse called the microbiota. The existing relationship between humans and these microorganisms is one in which both benefit, creating a condition called Eubiosis. The dynamic relationship existing between the microbiota and the human body can be affected at various times, leading to an imbalance that may have important implications on health and generating a condition called Disbiosis. Recent studies have highlighted possible links between several diseases with incompletely elucidated etiology and disturbances of the microbiota. In this review we aim to analyze the existing relationship between the imbalances of the gastrointestinal flora and the etiopathogeny inflammatory bowel diseases, a group of diseases whose incidence has increased considerably in recent years

    D22 Analysis of Pilot

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    The evaluation of the CHERMUG games was carried out in 3 phases which contributed in different ways to the game development and evaluation. Different cohorts of staff and students were involved in each phase and a detailed account of the list of pilot institutions is shown in Deliverable 21. Phase 1 was the preliminary testing of the initial game prototype and involved a small number of serious games experts, research methods experts and teacher trainers. Elements of the games were still changeable at this point. Phase 2 was the usability phase and involved nursing and social science staff who teach research methods and students taking research methods modules. Surface elements of the games and game mechanics were still changeable at this point. Phase 3 of the evaluation was a more rigorous evaluation designed to establish whether the use of the CHERMUG games engages students and helps them to learn about research methods and statistics.The present work was carried out as part of the CHERMUG project. This project is partially supported by the European Community under the Lifelong Learning Programme project nr. 519023-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-KA3-KA3MP. This document does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of its conten

    Microbiota: the missing link in the etiology of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Within its twisted and tight walls, where a hostile and arid environment prevails, the lumen of the digestive tract nests a true microuniverse called the microbiota. The existing relationship between humans and these microorganisms is one in which both benefit, creating a condition called Eubiosis. The dynamic relationship existing between the microbiota and the human body can be affected at various times, leading to an imbalance that may have important implications on health and generating a condition called Disbiosis. Recent studies have highlighted possible links between several diseases with incompletely elucidated etiology and disturbances of the microbiota. In this review we aim to analyze the existing relationship between the imbalances of the gastrointestinal flora and the etiopathogeny inflammatory bowel diseases, a group of diseases whose incidence has increased considerably in recent years

    A narrative literature review of games, animations and simulations to teach research methods and statistics

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    Basic competence in research methods and statistics is core for many undergraduates but many students experience difficulties in acquiring knowledge and skills in this area. Interest has recently turned to serious games as providing engaging ways of learning. The CHERMUG project was developed against this background to develop games to support students in learning about research methods and statistics. As a first step in designing the CHERMUG games a narrative literature review was carried out to establish whether similar games, animations and simulations already existed. Search terms used in the literature review included varied terms for digital games, simulations and animations, terms relevant to the twin goals of learning and engagement in games and terms for research methods and statistics. Application of the inclusion criteria led to 26 papers which were considered relevant. Synthesis of the papers suggested that there is reason to be optimistic that a game-based approach might be effective in learning in this area.This research was supported by a grant from the European Community under the Lifelong Learning Programme project nr. 519023-LLP-1- 2011-1-UK-KA3-KA3MP

    Alcoholic liver cirrhosis, more than a simple hepatic disease – A brief review of the risk factors associated with alcohol abuse

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    Liver cirrhosis is a significant public health problem, being an important cause of mortality and morbidity, responsible for approximately 1.8% of the total number of deaths in Europe. Chronic alcohol consumption is the most common cause of liver cirrhosis in developed countries. Europe has the highest level of alcohol consumption among all the global World Health Organisation (WHO) regions. In this paper, we briefly review major factors leading to excessive alcohol consumption in order to draw attention to the fact that alcoholic liver cirrhosis is more than a simple liver disease, and if those risk/causal factors can be prevented, the incidence of this disease could be reduced greatly. Although excessive alcohol consumption is regarded as the cause of alcoholic liver cirrhosis, the etiology is complex, involving multiple factors that act in synchrony, and which, if prevented, could greatly reduce the incidence of this disease. Children of addicts are likely to develop an alcohol-related mental disorder; however, there is no “gene for alcoholism”

    Acquiring 21st Century Skills: gaining insight in the design and applicability of a serious game with 4C-ID

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    Despite the growth of interest in serious games, there is little systematic guidance on how to assure a game fits the instruction required. Game design frameworks are still under development and do not help to articulate the educational merits of a game to a teacher nor fit with their background. In this paper we discuss the results of a GaLA workshop which examined how a widely applied instructional design model, 4C-ID, can ease the uptake of serious games by offering teachers a model fitting their background to assess games on the applicability for their learning contexts. The paper will introduce the 4C-ID model and its use in the CHERMUG project with the design of mini-games for research methods and statistics. Next, we will discuss how workshop participants used the 4C-ID model to evaluate two games on their applicability for a given learning context. The participants indicated that the approach can support teachers in deciding if and how to use a given serious game.The work described in this paper was partially supported by the European Community under the Lifelong Learning Programme project CHERMUG nr. 519023-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-KA3-KA3MP. The paper does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of its content

    Metformin and Its Benefits in Improving Gut Microbiota Disturbances in Diabetes Patients

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    The human gastrointestinal tract presents a vastly population of microorganisms, called the microbiota. The presence of these microorganisms offers many benefits to the host, through a range of physiological functions. However, there is a potential for these mechanisms to be disrupted condition, known as dysbiosis. Recent results are showing important associations between diabetes and the gut microbiota and how the intestinal flora can influence the prognosis of this illness. Microbial intestinal imbalance has been linked to alterations in insulin sensitivity and in glucose metabolism and may play an important role in the development of diabetes. Metformin is one of the most important and widely used first-line medications for the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D). It is a complex drug with multiple sites of action and multiple molecular mechanisms. In recent years, attention has been directed to other modes of action, other than the classic ones, with increasing evidence of a major key role of the intestine. By analysing the effects of metformin on the homeostasis of the microbiota of diabetes patients, our present topic becomes one of the major importance in understanding how metformin therapy can improve gut microbiota dysbiosis and thus provide a better outcome for this illness