1 research outputs found

    A methodology for estimating population for transportation risk analysis

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    In selecting a route for the shipment of hazardous materials, the primary public safety concern is that routing minimizes risk by avoiding populated areas while utilizing the shortest and safest possible routes to reduce time in-state shipments; This research presents a methodology for estimating population index which reflects density ranges for various population groupings. The population index is based on the number of tracts, tract density, and county density. The population index is initially defined for population {dollar}{dollar}8000. in the absence of more data to validate the results in the latter grouping, the index is redefined for population {dollar}\u3c{dollar}2500 and population {dollar}\geq{dollar}2500. The index is used to determine the level of analysis required in evaluating population: county, tract, or block level; Routing analysis based on minimization of risk by minimizing affected population is performed for the state of Nevada. The analysis focuses on two alternative rail routes that are being considered by the Department of Energy (DOE) for the shipment of high level wastes and spent nuclear fuels. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)