26 research outputs found

    Flavour symmetry breaking and meson masses

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    The axial-vector Ward-Takahashi identity is used to derive mass formulae for neutral pseudoscalar mesons. Flavour symmetry breaking entails non-ideal flavour content for these states. Adding that the \eta^\prime is not a Goldstone mode, exact chiral-limit relations are developed from the identity. They connect the dressed-quark propagator to the topological susceptibility. It is confirmed that in the chiral limit the \eta^\prime mass is proportional to the matrix element which connects this state to the vacuum via the topological susceptibility. The implications of the mass formulae are illustrated using an elementary dynamical model, which includes an Ansatz for that part of the Bethe-Salpeter kernel related to the non-Abelian anomaly. In addition to the current-quark masses, the model involves two parameters, one of which is a mass-scale. It is employed in an analysis of pseudoscalar- and vector-meson bound-states. While the effects of SU(N_f=2) and SU(N_f=3) flavour symmetry breaking are emphasised, the five-flavour spectra are described. Despite its simplicity, the model is elucidative and phenomenologically efficacious; e.g., it predicts \eta-\eta^\prime mixing angles of ~ (-15 degrees) and \pi^0-\eta angles of ~ 1 degree.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and a critical mass

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    On a bounded, measurable domain of non-negative current-quark mass, realistic models of QCD's gap equation can simultaneously admit two inequivalent dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) solutions and a solution that is unambiguously connected with the realisation of chiral symmetry in the Wigner mode. The Wigner solution and one of the DCSB solutions are destabilised by a current-quark mass and both disappear when that mass exceeds a critical value. This critical value also bounds the domain on which the surviving DCSB solution possesses a chiral expansion. This value can therefore be viewed as an upper bound on the domain within which a perturbative expansion in the current-quark mass around the chiral limit is uniformly valid for physical quantities. For a pseudoscalar meson constituted of equal mass current-quarks, it corresponds to a mass m_{0^-}~0.45GeV. In our discussion we employ properties of the two DCSB solutions of the gap equation that enable a valid definition of in the presence of a nonzero current-mass. The behaviour of this condensate indicates that the essentially dynamical component of chiral symmetry breaking decreases with increasing current-quark mass.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Minor wording change

    Radiation Therapy for Esophageal Cancer

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    Esophageal cancer develops in the mucosa of the esophagus and spreads toward the muscle layer. The nonsurgical treatment for localized, deeply invasive esophageal cancer has been external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and concurrent chemotherapy. Recently, intraluminal brachytherapy showed a strong potential for the improvement of the therapeutic ratio. It was found that the fractionated high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy offered beneficial palliation for a longer period of time with more durable symptom control. A similar was concluded for advanced unresectable esophageal cancer in previously irradiated patients. HDR brachytherapy may be a useful salvage treatment option for inoperable patients diagnosed with local esophageal cancer. Although better local control can be achieved with higher brachytherapy dose, this increases the risk of acute morbidity and late morbidity, especially in the setting of recurrence cancer. It was found that the moderate dose of EBRT and HDR brachytherapy could give a better local response than EBRT alone

    Aspects of Non-Perturbative QCD for Hadron Physics

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