14 research outputs found

    Penerapan Sistem Informasi untuk Media Absensi Menggunakan QR Code

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    Attendance is something that must be done by students. In the attendance process, SMPN 3 Terara still uses the manual method. Therefore, we need a student attendance system that can collect and store the data so that it can be processed quickly, efficiently and accurately. One of the technologies currently developing is QR Code, QR Code is very much needed because of its ability to store larger data so that it can provide fast and accurate services. One of the things that can be done to support the author in designing a QR Code Application for Media Student Attendance services for SMPN 3 Terara is using the Extreme Programming research method. The purpose of this research is to establish an attendance system so that the process will be more efficient and can be monitored easily by the teacher and by the academic department. The results of this study are a student attendance application that uses a QR code as a medium for student attendance input based on a local network which is implemented in order to create an attendance information system that provides convenience for students in the attendance process, reduces acts of cheating committed by students, and facilitates reports when making recaps report

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Keamanan Kandang Sapi Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik Srf-05 Berbasis Arduino

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    The development of science and technology plays a vital role in helping human work. Technology is overgrowing in supporting all aspects of human life. One of them is the technology that is developing in the security sector. Therefore technology is needed that can reduce and prevent crime. This study examines and discusses the security technology developed in the livestock sector. Cattle farming is the object of this study due to the high crime level in cases of livestock theft, so vigilance and guarantees are needed for the safety of livestock in cages. The technology developed to improve the safety of the cowshed is security technology using the ultrasonic sensor srf-05, which will detect people/objects within a predetermined distance. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative methods. Each distance limitation is carried out in several trials so that the correct analysis results can be obtained. From several trials that have been carried out using different distance parameters, namely (30 cm, 60cm, 100cm, 200cm, 300cm), the results showed that the tool worked well using the srf-05 sensor with effective detection at a distance of = 60 cm obtained from the measurement between the height of the cowshed door - the average height of a human


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    Kurangnya keperdulian masyarakat dalam proses pembuangan sampah yang tepat membuat lingkungan sekitar tercemar, sehingga perlunya pembiasaan memilah sampah saat proses pembuangan. Solusi yang dapat dilakukan dari masalah tersebut yaitu dengan merancang sebuah alat pemilah sampah logam, plastik dan organik secara otomatis berbasis Internet of Things (IoT). Alat ini menggunakan sensor Proximity Inductive sebagai pendeteksi jenis sampah logam, sensor proximity Capacitive sebagai pendeteksi jenis sampah plastik dan sensor infrared sebagai pendeteksi jenis sampah organik. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) berfugsi menampilkan jenis sampah yang terdeteksi, motor servo berfungsi menuangkan sampah ke tempat sampah dan sensor ultrasonic berfungsi sebagai pendeteksi penunhya tempat sampah dan pada aplikasi telegram menampilkan notifikasi bahwa tempat sampah sudah penuh

    Sistem Keamanan Server Linux CentOS Dengan Metode Port Knock dan RST Cookies

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    The increase in online-based services makes a security system for server computers increasingly needed. A server computer is a device that must always be available to be accessed anytime and anywhere. Some of the security systems needed for server computers include security for ssh port access for remote server access needs and a security system to protect servers from Denial of Service (DoS) attacks which can make the server down and completely inaccessible. In this study, a security system is proposed for a server computer with the Linux CentOS operating system on a port 22 secure shell(ssh) access system using the port knock method and a security system to prevent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on server computers using the RST Cookies method. The simulation results from the port 22 Secure Shell (SSH) access experiment for the server computer can work well where port 22 Secure Shell(SSH) will remain closed and cannot be accessed carelessly except by accessing several ports first according to predefined port knocking rules. Likewise, the implementation of a security system with the RST Cookies method works very well to prevent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and can still keep the server accessible with a good response time of under 1 m

    Penerapan RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Pada Sistem Presensi Guru dan Karyawan Berbasis Web

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    Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem presensi guru dan karyawan pada SD Negeri 1 KembangSari, Kecamatan Selong dengan menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 sebagai kunci untukmengisi presensi guru dan karyawan melalui sensor RFID dan ID Tag berbasis website. Alat inibekerja dengan konsep Internet Of Things (IoT) yang mana semua perangkat keras yangdigunakan dijadikan satu rangkaian dengan sebuah mikrokontroler NodeMCU. Kemudiandilakukan konfigurasi alat dan web sistem menggunakan software Arduino IDE danpengkodingan web sistem menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Perangkat IoT yangdigunakan dalam sistem adalah sensor RFID RC-522 dan NodeMCU. Sensor RFID RC-522akan membaca tag ID yang dimiliki oleh guru atau karyawan yang membaca sebuah kode dalamID tersebut untuk diproses lebih lanjut. Semua kode ID tag dari masing-masing guru dankaryawan akan disimpan pada server database untuk digunakan lebih lanjut. Perangkat lunakdigunakan oleh operator dan operator harus mendaftarkan kode ID tag guru terlebih dahulu.Lalu akan memasukkan data sesuai dengan tanggal dan jam masuk pada saat melakukanpresensi. Semua guru dan karyawan akan melakukan presensi secara manual dengan caramenempelkan ID tag ke sensor RF reader yang sudah didaftarkan sebelumnya. Presensi akandilakukan sebanyak 2 kali, presensi pertama akan dilakukan saat guru dan karyawan masukkantor, dan prsensi kedua dilakukan saat guru dan karyawan pulang dari kantor. Dari hasilpengujian, alat ini sudah berfungsi dengan baik karena mampu melakukan presensi masuk danpresensi pulang secara real-time, kemudian menyimpan data tersebut ke dalam database dandapat diunduh sewaktu diperlukan

    Sistem Monitoring Pengering Sepatu Otomatis Berbasis IoT

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    Perkembangan teknologi berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Tetapi, sampai saat ini pengeringan sepatu masih banyak yang menggunakan cara konvensional yang masih bergantung pada panas matahari. Pengeringan sepatu menggunakan panas matahari sering menemui kendala. Selain kendala cuaca yang tidak menentu, kita tidak mungkin selalu mengawasi pengeringan hingga sepatu benar-benar kering. Selain itu jika menggunakan panas matahari warna sepatu cepat memudar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat alat sistem monitoring pengering sepatu otomatis berbasis IoT dengan memanfaatkan NodeMCU ESP8266 sebagai sistem kontrol yang dapat terhubung dengan jaringan wifi sehingga proses monitoring sepatu dapat dipantau dari jarak jauh secara real-time melalui website. Alat ini menggunakan sensor ultrasonik sebagai pendeteksi adanya sepatu dalam box, sensor DHT22 sebagai pembaca nilai suhu dan kelembaban, relay sebagai penghubung dan pemutus arus listrik ke alat, heater kaca dan bohlam sebagai sumber panas, dan kipas untuk menyebarluaskan panas di dalam ruang. Suhu ruang alat pengering sepatu diatur pada suhu jika kurang atau sama dengan 47.40°C maka relay akan off. Hasil uji alat yang di dapatkan dengan waktu pengeringan untuk jenis sepatu sneakers 60 menit dengan suhu 47.10°C, sepatu pantofel 70 menit dengan suhu 47.20°C dan sepatu kets 120 menit dengan suhu yang sudah ditargetkan yaitu kurang dari atau sama dengan 47.40°C

    Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Untuk Pemetaan Geografis Lahan Pertanian (Studi Kasus : Desa Darmasari Kecamatan Sikur Lombok Timur)

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    The potential of agricultural land in Indonesia is still extensive, so the agricultural sector is still one of the incomes for most Indonesians. The agricultural land sector is widespread in various regions in Indonesia, one of which is in Darmasari Village, Sikur District. As an agricultural area, most of the population in Darmasari Village chooses livelihood as farmers. However, the distribution of agricultural land has not been mapped, which can provide information about the location of agricultural land, especially those in Darmasari Village. In this study, a web-based Agricultural Land Geographic Information System was constructed in Darmasari village. The geographic information system that is built can display information in the form of spatial and non-spatial data that describes an object based on the state of the earth. The method used in creating this system is to use the object-oriented method. With the construction of this Geographic Information System, it is hoped that it will be able to provide information for the community about the distribution of the location and area of agricultural land, especially in the Darmasari Village are

    Analisa Performa Klastering Data Besar pada Hadoop

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    Big Data is a collection of data with a large and complex size, consisting of various data types and obtained from various sources, overgrowing quickly. Some of the problems that will arise when processing big data, among others, are related to the storage and access of big data, which consists of various types of data with high complexity that are not able to be handled by the relational model. One technology that can solve the problem of storing and accessing big data is Hadoop. Hadoop is a technology that can store and process big data by distributing big data into several data partitions (data blocks). Problems arise when an analysis process requires all data spread out into one data entity, for example, in the data clustering process. One alternative solution is to do a parallel and scattered analysis, then perform a centralized analysis of the results of the scattered analysis. This study examines and analyzes two methods, namely K-Medoids Mapreduce and K-Modes without Mapreduce. The dataset used is a dataset about cars consisting of 3.5 million rows of data with 400MB distributed in a Hadoop Cluster (consisting of more than one engine). Hadoop has a MapReduce feature, consisting of 2 functions, namely map and reduce. The map function performs a selection to retrieve a key, value pairs, and returns a value in the form of a collection of key value pairs, and then the reduce function combines all key value pairs from several map functions. The results of the cluster quality evaluation are tested using the Silhouette Coefficient testing metric. The K-Medoids MapReduce algorithm for the car dataset gives a silhouette value of 0.99 with a total of 2 clusters

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Sebaran Data Covid-19 Pada Puskesmas Kerongkong Kabupaten Lombok Timur Berbasis Web

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    An information system is a collection of data or facts that are processed and processed in such a way as to produce something that can be understood and can be useful for the recipient. Among the general public, the need for accurate and fast information is urgently needed at this time, especially information regarding the spread of the Covid-19 disease that is hitting the world today. Covid-19 (Coronavirus) is a virus that can attack the respiratory tract and can be transmitted to anyone through droplets of phlegm. However, in conveying information by the Kerongkong Health Center officers regarding the Covid-19 distribution area in the Suralaga sub-district, they still use the socialization method. This method is considered right on target, but it is considered less effective for villages that have a fairly high distribution rate in the Suralaga sub-district. Therefore, an information system for Mapping the Covid-19 Spread Area is needed that is fast and accurate in conveying information to the public, the goal is to make it easier for the puskesmas to take preventive actions against areas that have a fairly high spread rate by looking at the location of the distribution area in the sub-district. suralaga. WebGIS is a web-based geographic information system consisting of several components, namely mapping graphic design, digital maps with geographic analysis, computer programs, and a database that are interconnected into one part. In the preparation of the stages of this research carried out by means of data collection, system design, system creation stage, testing and evaluation. The existence of WebGIS mapping the patient's location can help the throat health center in collecting data on Covid-19 patients and can quickly provide information to the public

    Penerapan Metode Weighted Product Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Calon Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi

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    Decision Support System is a computer system that processes data into information to make decisions regarding specific semi-structured problems. It is specially developed to support solutions for unstructured management issues to enhance the quality of decision-making. The selection of potential thesis advisors at Hamzanwadi University's Informatics Engineering program is currently done by directly choosing an advisor while considering individual criteria or by seeking advice from peers. However, this direct selection method sometimes overlooks crucial aspects that should be prioritized. This research aims to construct a web-based Decision Support System (DSS) to assist final-semester students in the Faculty of Engineering at Hamzanwadi University in selecting their thesis advisors. The methodology employed in this Decision Support System is the Weighted Product method, which enables the calculation and comparison of multiple factors during the decision-making process. Factors analyzed in this study encompass the instructors' competency areas and the number of students they supervise. The utilization of this Decision Support System is expected to aid students in choosing an appropriate and fitting thesis advisor according to their needs. Moreover, the Decision Support System is anticipated to aid the faculty in providing information about potential thesis advisors before students finalize their choices. This research is expected to contribute to and benefit the development of information technology in the education secto