202 research outputs found

    Even singular integral operators that are well behaved on a purely unrectifiable set

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    We prove the existence of a (d−2)(d-2)-dimensional purely unrectifiable set upon which a family of \emph{even} singular integral operators is bounded


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    Objective: To standardise the protocol for rapid callogenesis in Mussaenda frondosa L. using leaf explants. Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis of leaf, stem and callus cultures.Methods: The leaf explants were inoculated onto MS medium supplemented with varying concentrations of growth regulators such as 2, 4 - D, NAA, BAP, Kn for the induction of callus. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of total phenol, flavonoids and alkaloids contents of leaf, stem and callus were tested by standard methods.  The antioxidant activities were investigated using DPPH radical scavenging method and reducing power assay. The anti - inflammatory activity was evaluated by membrane stabilizing activity.Results: Pale green, healthy, friable and fast growing callus was obtained on the medium enriched with NAA (2mg/l) + Kn (4mg/l). Quantitative determination showed the highest concentration of total phenolics in the methanolic extract of in vitro grown callus (10 ± 1.1 mg of GA/g of extract), flavonoids in methanolic stem extract (137±1.6 mg of Quercitin/g of extract) and alkaloids in methanolic extract of leaf (118.3±1.5 mg/10g of extract). The methanolic leaf extract exhibited highest free radical scavenging activity with IC50 value of 40.6±10.06 μg/ml. The highest membrane stabilizing activity was shown by chloroform extract of the leaf (66.02%).Conclusion: The present preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological analysis may form the basis for drug development in future using callus cultures of M. frondosa.  Â

    Black Hole Attack detection in Zone based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) became an emerging promising technology deployed in an area for specific purpose and in the wide range of application area such as military application, control and tracking application, habitat monitoring, industry, medicine, health care, agriculture etc. Wireless sensor networks are prone to various attacks. One such type of attack is a black hole attack. A black hole attack is a type of denial of service attack where the node drops the packets fully or selectively, routed through this node which discards the sensitive data packets. This paper deals with the detection of black hole attack inzone basedwireless sensor network using the mobile agents

    An Enhanced Table Driven Source Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    Analysis of MANETs led to the research on network layer. Different routing protocols were designed for numerous objectives and purposes. The way data packets are handled with in a multi-hop wireless network refers to Opportunistic data forwarding. During present research, we propose enhanced table-driven source routing protocol. This protocol maintains additional topology information which is different from Distance Vector (DV) routing protocol. The proposed approach will reduce overhead compared to the ancient Distance Vector based protocols. Base on the test results performed using Computer Simulator (Network Simulator 2) observed that the overhead in the proposed solution is just a fraction of the overhead of the standard proactive protocols. Performance of the current solution is better for transportation of higher information compared to existing proactive routing protocols

    Incidence and pattern of infections in pregnant women with bad obstetric history

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    Background: Adverse outcomes have been seen in pregnant women who had prior bad obstetric history along with infection with TORCH [toxoplasma, other infections (syphilis, varicella zoster, hepatitis B), rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex]complex and bacterial vaginosis. These infections are known to affect the health of the fetus. Objective was to study incidence and pattern of infections in pregnant women with bad obstetric history.Methods: A total of 190 patients with bad obstetric history fulfilling the methodology criteria were evaluated. Serological and molecular evaluations were carried out for TORCH complex and bacterial vaginosis was detected by both gram stain and gold standard clinical Amsel criteria and outcomes were followed.Results: Out of 190 pregnant women with bad obstetric history, a total of 36 (18.8%) were detected to have infections causing bad obstetric history. Toxoplasma was positive in 7 (20%) of the cases, 3 (51.92%) of them had abortions. Rubella in 12 (32%) of the cases, 7 (60%) cases had sensorineural deafness. Cytomegalovirus in 1 (2%) of the cases, 1 (100%) of the case had microcephaly. Herpes in 8 (22%) cases, 6 (71.1%) cases had abortions. Bacterial vaginosis in 8 (22%) of the cases, 4 (48.6%) cases had preterm delivery. The presence of infections with TORCH complex and bacterial vaginosis was related to adverse pregnancy outcomes.Conclusions: Women with bad obstetric history are prone to infections during pregnancy and have been found out to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Hence pregnant women should be screened so that early diagnosis and treatment of infections can be done to have better pregnancy outcomes
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