297 research outputs found

    Broadly Tunable CW Terahertz Sources Using Intrinsic Josephson Junction Stacks in High‐Temperature Superconductors

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    Electromagnetic waves in the 0.3–3.0 THz frequency range are considered to have great potential in research and industry; thus, compact, solid‐state and continuous‐wave (CW) terahertz sources have been developed throughout the vast field of science and technology. Since the first demonstration of terahertz emission from intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) in the high‐temperature (high‐Tc ) superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ , terahertz generation utilizing stacks of IJJs has become a major topic of research, both experimentally and theoretically. In this chapter, we describe recent progress on the development of high‐Tc superconducting terahertz sources. We demonstrate that these superconducting terahertz sources emit continuous terahertz radiation and generate power in the microwatt range at broadly tunable frequencies in the range of 0.5–2.4 THz. The solid‐state source is extremely small in size and its output power is sufficiently stable during operation. In addition, we also established a transmission imaging system using high‐Tc sources to promote effective use in various applications

    Irradiation Accelerates Plaque Formation and Cellular Senescence in Flow‐Altered Carotid Arteries of Apolipoprotein E Knock‐Out Mice

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    [Background] Chronic inflammation through cellular senescence, known as the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype, is a mechanism of various organ diseases, including atherosclerosis. Particularly, ionizing radiation (IR) contributes to cellular senescence by causing DNA damage. Although previous clinical studies have demonstrated that radiotherapy causes atherosclerosis as a long‐term side effect, the detailed mechanism is unclear. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between radiation‐induced atherosclerosis and senescence‐associated secretory phenotype in murine carotid arteries. [Methods and Results] Partial ligation of the left carotid artery branches in 9‐week‐old male apolipoprotein E‐deficient mice was performed to induce atherosclerosis. The mice received total body irradiation at a dose of 6 Gy using gamma rays at 2 weeks post operation. We compared the samples collected 4 weeks after IR with unirradiated control samples. The IR and control groups presented pathologically progressive lesions in 90.9% and 72.3% of mice, respectively. Plaque volume, macrophage accumulation, and phenotype switching of vascular smooth muscle cells were advanced in the IR group. Irradiated samples showed increased persistent DNA damage response (53BP1 [p53 binding protein 1]), upregulated cyclin‐dependent kinase inhibitors (p16INK4a and p21), and elevated inflammatory chemokines expression (monocyte chemotactic protein‐1, keratinocyte‐derived chemokine, and macrophage inflammatory protein 2). [Conclusions] IR promoted plaque growth in murine carotid arteries. Our findings support the possibility that senescence‐associated secretory phenotype aggravates atherogenesis in irradiated artery. This mice model might contribute to mechanism elucidation of radiation‐induced atherosclerosis

    Evaluation of initiating characteristics of osteoblastic calcium signaling responses to stretch by video rate time-course observation

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    Osteoblasts change their intracellular calcium ion concentration in response to mechanical stimuli. Although it has been reported that osteoblasts sense and respond to stretching of a substrate on which osteoblastic cells have adhered, the details of the dynamic characteristics of their calcium signaling response remain unclear. Motion artifacts such as loss of focus during stretch application make it difficult to conduct precise time-course observations of calcium signaling responses. Therefore, in this study, we observed intracellular calcium signaling responses to stretch in a single osteoblastic cell by video rate temporal resolution. Our originally developed cell-stretching microdevice enables in situ observation of a stretched cell without excessive motion artifacts such as focus drift. Residual minor effects of motion artifacts were corrected by the fluorescence ratiometric method with fluorescent calcium indicator Fluo 8H and fluorescent cytoplasm dye calcein red-orange. We succeeded to detect the intracellular calcium signaling response to stretch by video rate temporal resolution. The results revealed a time lag from stretch application to initiation of the intracellular calcium signaling response. We compared two time lags measured at two different cell areas: central and peripheral regions of the cell. The time lag in the central region of the cell was shorter than that in the peripheral region. This result suggests that the osteoblastic calcium signaling response to stretching stimuli initiates around the central region of the cell