8 research outputs found

    Etude et cartographie des milieux biophysiques du terroir de Kissane (région de Thiès Sénégal)

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    En vue de l'aménagement de terroirs villageois, les nouvelles méthodes d'analyse des milieux tropicaux ont été appliquées dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, pour l'étude du terroir de Kissane, situé au sud du plateau de Thiès au Sénégal. Ce travail a consisté à faire un levé topographique et un inventaire détaillé des composantes de ce milieu physique afin de dresser une typologie des différents milieux du terroi

    La surface du sol de la moyenne vallée du fleuve Sénégal : contribution à l'étude de la dynamique actuelle des milieux naturels : du terrain à la télédétection satellitaire

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    Dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal, le secteur étudié se localise entre 16°30' et 16°40' de latitude nord et 14°15' et 15°05' de longitude ouest : il est représentatif des problèmes posés par l'aménagement hydro-agricole d'une région riche de potentialités naturelles. Les résultats de la recherche portent essentiellement sur trois points : identification des principaux processus de transformation de la surface du sol, interrelations de ces transformations avec le substrat géo-pédologique, modélisation et suivi de ces transformations par télédétection satellitaire. Trois grandes dynamiques superficielles de fixation, de déstructuration et d'accumulation sont mises en évidence. L'analyse de l'organisation et de la dynamique spatiale de la surface du sol permet d'aborder de nombreuses questions portant sur l'intégration de plusieurs techniques et échelles de caractérisation du milieu : passage de la description détaillée de la surface du sol à un diagnostic en termes de dynamiques, mise en relation de ces dynamiques avec les propriétés internes des sols, mesures radiométriques de terrain et passage d'une observation ponctuelle à une généralisation à l'échelle du paysage grâce à l'imagerie Spot... L'intérêt principal de ce travail est de donner des bases méthodologiques et pratiques pour le diagnostic et le suivi régulier de l'environnement biophysique d'une région sahélienne en mutation rapide. (Résumé d'auteur

    LILIEMA : Language-independent literacies for inclusive education in multilingual areas

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    This chapter introduces the innovative educational programme LILIEMA, a repertoire-based and language-independent method for achieving and nurturing culturally anchored literacy in multilingual contexts. Unique in kind, LILIEMA is the first programme that introduces literacy not based on a particular language but by drawing on the entire repertoire of learners present in the classroom. The flexible and adaptive design principle underpinning the method is inspired by multilingual oral and written communicative practices that are widespread throughout West Africa. LILIEMA has been jointly created, piloted and further developed by us – a team of teachers, trainers, researchers and community members from the Global South and the Global North. We introduce the motivations for developing LILIEMA, present the syllabus and teaching materials of the method and describe its implementation in the Casamance region in southern Senegal, drawing on examples from LILIEMA classrooms. We end the chapter by making a case for its potential to contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals in the domain of education in multilingual settings characterised by mobility and migration.Non peer reviewe

    Salt distribution in the Senegal middle valley. Analysis of a saline structure on the future irrigation schemes from N'Galenka creek.

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    International audienceIn the middle Senegal valley, the saline soil distribution is not related to the present faint topography. This lack of logic is one of the major constraints for establishment of new irrigated schemes. The salt distribution is here studied to better understand its variability, and to describe its structure and spatial arrangement. Saline areas are delineated by measuring the electromagnetic soil conductivity (ECm), a rapid technique with a portable instrument (EM38). The results indicate that the saline soils are distributed as stripes. A detailed examination revealed that this major stripe is actually composed of two parallel minor stripes, and the comparison with the aerial photograph shows that one lies in a former creek bed, and the other is fringing it on the southern bank. The stripe is intersected by an actual creek bed, indicating that the salt distribution is ancient, related to the former geomorphology, and does not result from a recent remobilisation of the marine salt deposits incorporated in the soil. The identification of this relationship between the present saline soil distribution and the former geomorphology allows us to survey the whole N'Galenka region (about 6000 ha) using the ECm measurements on selected transects

    Historical Changes and Future Trajectories of Deforestation in the Ituri-Epulu-Aru Landscape (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

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    International audienceThe Ituri-Epulu-Aru landscape (IEAL) is experiencing deforestation and forest degradation. This deforestation is at the root of many environmental disturbances in a region characterized by endemism in biodiversity. The importance of this article is to provide useful information for those who wish to discuss a model that can be replicated for other territories affected by deforestation and changes in natural and anthropogenic forest structure. This article focuses on the triangulation of spatialized prospective scenarios in order to identify future trajectories based on the knowledge of historical dynamics through the diachronic analysis of three satellite images (2003–2010–2014–2016). The scenarios were designed in a supervised model implemented in the DINAMICA EGO platform. The three scenarios: business as-usual (BAU), rapid economic growth (REG) and sustainable management of the environment (SME), extrapolating current trends, show that by 2061 this landscape will always be dominated forests (+84%). Old-growth forests occupy 74.2% of the landscape area in the BAU scenario, 81.4% in the SEM scenario and 61.2% in the REG scenario. The SEM scenario gives hope that restoration and preservation of biodiversity priority habitats is still possible if policy makers become aware of it