287 research outputs found

    A novel small stable RNA, 6Sa RNA, from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC6301

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    AbstractWe isolated a novel RNA species from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC6301 and determined its gene sequence. This novel RNA was termed 6Sa RNA from its length (185 nt). Cross-hybridization of 6Sa RNA to other related microorganisms suggests that its existence is restricted to the Synechococcus genus or related organisms. A high level of accumulation of this RNA was observed by Northern analysis, indicating that 6Sa RNA is stable in cells. Computer-aided prediction of the 6Sa RNA secondary structure also supports its stability

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    Aspergillus melleusの産生するプロティナーゼの部分精製をエタノール分画法によって検討した.その結果, エタノール分画の最適条件はプロティナーゼ活性, 色素量, 280/260mμ吸光比, 分画操作における困難性等より推察し, pH8,エタノール濃度50-70%であった.Partial purification of the proteinase from Aspergillus melleus was investigated by ethanol fractionation method. From the data obtained in the proteinase activity amount of the pigment, absorption ratio at 280 mμ to 260 mμ, difficulty of the fractionated operation etc., it was suggested that the best condition of ethanol fractionation was ethanol concentration 50-70%, at pH 8.0