3 research outputs found

    Investigation of the effects of different theanine forms on sleep, relaxation and gabaergic/serotonergic receptors in mice

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    Uyku, hafızanın konsolidasyonu ve hatırlamada beyin fonksiyonlarının uygun şekilde çalışmasına yardımcı olmaktadır ve uyku bozuklukları günlük hayatı önemli ölçüde etkilemektedir. Uykunun önemi halk arasında çok iyi bilinmesine rağmen uyku rahatsızlıkları yaşayan birçok insan hipnotik ilaçları kullanmaktan kaçınmaktadır. Son yıllarda, işlenmemiş bitki içerikli doğal ilaçlar farmakolojiklere nispeten yan etkilerindeki hafiflik sebebi ile kabul gören yeni bir yaklaşımdır. Farmakolojik olarak bir amino asit çeşidi olan L-teaninin; sakinlik hissini arttırma, uyanıklığı azaltma ve stres önleyici olma gibi etkilere sahiptir. Ayrıca uyku süresini arttırmak için merkezi GABAerjik nörotransmisyonu düzenlediği belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, uykusuzluk tedavisi için düşünülen L-teanin ve farklı formlarının etkisini beyin elektriksel dalgaları ve inhibitör nörotransmitterleri üzerinden gözlemlemek için kafeinle uyarılmış Balb/c fare modeli oluşturuldu. L-teanin ve farklı formlarının farelere intraperitonel olarak 0,78mg/kg'dan daha yüksek bir dozda verildiğinde kafeinin uyarıcı etkisini inhibe ettiği 120 dakika elektroensefalografi (EEG) kaydı ile gözlemlendi. Çalışmada EEG başlatıldıktan sonraki 15. dakikada kafein 30. dakikada teanin ve farklı formları verilerek kontrol grubu ile kıyaslama yapıldı. Moleküler mekanizmalardaki etkilerini araştırmak için GABAA -R2, GABAB -R1, GABAB -R2, 5-HT1A protein düzeylerine; hormonal mekanizmasındaki etkileri için ise dokulardaki seratonin, dopamin ve melatonin seviyeleri ölçüldü. Sonuç olarak, teanin formlarının kafeinin uyarıcı etkisini tersine çevirdiği frekans değerlerinde artışa ve genlik değerlerinde ise düşüşe neden olduğu EEG kaydı ile tespit edildi. İlgili protein seviyelerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir artış görüldü. Hormonal düzeyde ise kontrol grubu ile kıyaslandığında azalma belirlendi. Uygulanan teanin formlarının GABAerjik nörotransmisyonuna etki ederek kafeine özel bir inhibe edici etkisi olduğu ve genel alınımının rahatlama hissine ve beyin elektriksel aktivitesinde rahatlamaya neden olduğu düşünülmektedir.Sleeping assists the brain to function properly regarding to the consolidation of memory and remembrance, and sleep disorders necessarily affect the daily life. Although the importance of the sleep is well-known colloquially, people who have sleep disorder do avoid consuming hypnotic medicines. Nowadays, natural medicines containing virgin herb in comparison to pharmaceuticals is new approach that is more accepted due to lightness in their side effects. Pharmacologically, L-theanine, a type of amino acid is known to have potential effects for increasing the calmness, decreasing wakefulness and preventing stress. Besides, it is identified to regulate the central GABAergic neurotransmission in order to increase sleep duration. In this study, caffeine-stimulated Balb/c mouse model is used to observe the possible effect of L-theanine and its other forms on the treatment of insomnia through the brain electric waves and inhibitor neurotransmissions. It is observed with 120 minutes recording of electroencephalography (EEG) that when L-theanine and its other forms are given to mice intraperitoneally in a higher dosage than 0.78mg/kg, it inhibits the stimulation effect of caffeine. In this study, the comparison is carried out with the control group by giving the caffeine the fifteenth minute and theanine and its other forms the thirtieth minute. In order to study the influence on the molecular mechanisms, GABAA-R2, GABAB-R1, GABAB-R2, 5-HT1A protein levels and for the effects on hormonal mechanisms, serotonin, dopamine and melatonin levels of tissues are measured. As a result, the forms of theanine are determined by EEG record to cause reversing the stimulation effect of caffeine, increase in frequency values and decrease in amplitude values. Statistically significant increase observed in protein levels. However, a decrease is determined in hormonal level compared to control groups. It is thought that the applied theanine forms have inhibitive effect on specially to caffeine by affecting GABAergic neurotransmission and its normal uptake causes to the relaxation feeling and relief in the brain electric activity

    The effect of a novel theanine complex (JDS-MT-003) on sleep in a caffeine-induced insomnia mouse model

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    ...American Association of Clinical Anatomists; American Physiological Society; American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; American Society for Investigative Pathology; American Society for Nutrition; American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics; JDS Therapeutics LL

    A novel theanine complex, Mg-L-Theanine improves sleep quality via regulating brain electrochemical activity

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    L-Theanine is commonly used to improve sleep quality through inhibitory neurotransmitters. On the other hand, Mg2+, a natural NMDA antagonist and GABA agonist, has a critical role in sleep regulation. Using the caffeine-induced brain electrical activity model, here we investigated the potency of L-theanine and two novel Mg-L-theanine compounds with different magnesium concentrations on electrocorticography (ECoG) patterns, GABAergic and serotonergic receptor expressions, dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin levels. Furthermore, we evaluated the sleep latency and duration in the pentobarbital induced sleep model. We herein showed that L-theanine, particularly its various complexes with magnesium increases the expression of GABAergic, serotonergic, and glutamatergic receptors, which were associated with decreased ECoG frequency, increased amplitude, and enhanced delta wave powers. Besides increased dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin; decreased MDA and increased antioxidant enzyme levels were also observed particularly with Mg-complexes. Protein expression analyses also showed that Mg-L-theanine complexes decrease inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) levels significantly. In accordance with these results, Mg complexes improved the sleep latency and duration even after caffeine administration. As a result, our data indicate that Mg-L-theanine compounds potentiate the effect of L-theanine on sleep by boosting slow-brain waves, regulating brain electrical activity, and increasing neurotransmitter and GABA receptor levels